Mark's Corner

History I

This message is a response to questions posed by you, the readers of this site, plus a few of my own. As I have said before, these messages build on each other, for their full impact, read them in sequence beginning with September 2008. This is my 24th posting to Mark’s Corner for 2009.

I welcome back Bren-Ton of the Star System Andromeda who will begin a new series of messages with a picture of Earth as his and our distant ancestors experienced it.


One million years ago Earth was a pristine paradise. Her waters were clear and pure, as was her atmosphere. Her land was vibrant and lush with grasslands and forests covering all. She supported a wide variety of plants and animals. All mammals, fish, birds, and insects comingled in harmony; all were vegetarian. There were no adverse bacteria, and no viruses or funguses. There were no seasons as the tilt of the planet was vertical. There was no moon.

Earth volunteered to host an experiment in human evolution. Four races, numbering about ten thousand in total, were brought from nearby star systems: black, yellow, white, and red. The idea behind this experiment was to blend these four races, meld them into a unique race combining the best aspects of each, a race like no other in the universe. My ancestors contributed the red race. The humans from Sirius brought the black race. The white race from the Pleiadians volunteered to come. The yellow people from Aries agreed to be part of the experiment. All knew of the experiment and all four willingly accepted the challenge of completing the goal of integration.

The colonists who came to this planet from the four star systems were all volunteers. They came from planets in those star systems that were about as technologically advanced, as was your civilization two hundred years ago. They did not possess nor understand complex mechanisms. The sources of power they were familiar with were animals and wind. It was not unlike the time of your great age of exploration in the Fourteenth Century. So, these were not a primitive people. They had been transported by starcraft from their home planets; they knew of the larger picture, knew of greater technologies.

Those who oversaw this population and its evolution did not, by joint agreement, contribute any advanced technology. The primary purpose of this experiment was to get the four races to interact. After several hundred thousand years of evolution, the settlers developed only rudimentary forms of mechanization. Keep in mind they were not driven to develop faster, because Earth was such a paradise, everything was here for them.

The settlers understood the basics of sanitation and agriculture, and taught their children about the larger picture. They were a very spiritual people, and knew about God and celestials. There was no religion. All were very beautiful people, filled with love. There was little fear or anger, and minimal conflicts between individuals. They were in complete harmony with Earth. They enjoyed long lives; there was no disease, and few hardships. There were no ferocious animals, and no adverse climate.

It probably appears to you that these ancestors of yours were not motivated, but they were living in a paradise where everything was provided. Their primary focus was to interact with each other and to live peaceful lives. Due to the moderate climate, they built only basic structures. Their lifestyle required only the basic tools they brought with them. It did not take long for them to domesticate the animals they found on their new planet. Their population eventually grew to about 500,000 people.

Their impact upon Earth was minimal as they ate off the land. The climate was moderate; housing was required only to shelter them from the rains that kept the land green and lush. All members of the original races were happy to be part of the experiment. For those on the planet’s surface, time passed with the daily rotation of the planet and the changing configurations of the stars.

The land of Earth resembled the current continents. The colonies were established on different parts of Asia, Africa, and Europe, with the idea that they were close enough that the people could interact, while retaining their individuality. Earth was happy with this situation, she saw herself as nurturing the experiment.

Those of us who had contributed our races watched over the experiment and were pleased. After the initial colonization, we did not physically interact with the residents of the planet, preferring to allow the situation to develop in its own way. We did observe that all was in peaceful coexistence. In retrospect, the only mistake we made was to place the races so far apart; this minimized their interaction. They tended to intermarry between their own, rather than reaching out to those of other races.


Thank you Bren-Ton. As usual, you have given me much to think about, this is particularly true in the case of innovation with which I was involved for so many years.

YOU MAY COPY THIS MESSAGE, AS WELL AS OTHER POSTINGS TO MARK’S CORNER, AND DISTRIBUTE THEM. Please do so in total, preserving all notations and attributions. We are in a time when this information is valuable as a source of truth amidst confusion.

Those who are communicating with me have said that they will entertain more questions as long as they are not specific to your particular circumstances. Please send your queries to me at

Once again, I thank you who made a financial contribution. It has made a difference in my ability to continue with this work, my gratitude to each of you.

In Truth, Love and Joy,


P.S. I will be involved with “Gatherings” (workshops) beginning March 13th. I anticipate that I will post few messages after that date for the remainder of March.


In light of pending changes and the likely unavailability of the Internet, I recommend that you save each of these postings to your computer. I have compiled an 80-page book containing all 2008 postings. Send a check or money order for $15.00 to Paradigm Books, PO Box 270156, Fort Collins, CO 80527. A CD containing the 2008 messages is $6.00. These prices include postage within the U.S. For delivery outside the U.S. add $5.00 for shipping. I will make the 2009 messages available in this same way.


• To purchase “One. Toward a Civilization of Light,” or other books by Mark Kimmel, go to or order it from your favorite book seller.

• To become part of the Cosmic Paradigm Network, go to the index page of this site, scroll to the bottom, and join.

More Responses

This message is a response to questions posed by you, the readers of this site, plus a few of my own. As I have said before, the messages posted here build on each other; for their full impact, read them in sequence beginning with September 2008. This is my 23rd posting to Mark’s Corner for 2009.

I welcome back Bren-Ton of the Star System Andromeda, along with Justine and Moraine from the planet Supsten of the Star System Altair.


Bren-Ton: You have asked for more details about the transition from your current state of existence in 3rd dimension to a lighter density. To do that, we will have to examine the subject of energy and put things into that context. As I told you, I am a being without a physical body, as you would recognize it. However I am not a celestial, in that my race of beings from Andromeda has evolved from the 3rd dimension; we were once physical beings such as you. This has taken us some one million years.

Everything is energy. Your body is a very slow form of energy. The bodies of Justine and Moraine of the Star System Altair are now of a slightly lighter energy than yours, having recently transitioned from a density not unlike your own.

Since all is energy, everything can be manipulated by beings of a higher energy. When the time comes for the humans of Earth to make their transition, each will choose to partake of a specific energy level. Some will wish to remain in 3rd density because they are comfortable there. Others will choose to ascend to a lighter density, in order to accompany Earth. It will be a process not unlike erasing a chalkboard. In the blink of an eye all will be transformed to accommodate the new stage upon which the play will continue. Everyone who has chosen to be of a lighter density will find themselves in that situation, knowing that they have transitioned, and remembering from whence they came. Those who choose to be stay in Earth’s current density will find themselves in another 3rd density situation. They will have no memory of anything other than their current situation.

I can see your mind beginning to grasp just how fluid the situation really is. What you perceive as solid is not; it is an illusion, the stage for your 3rd density play. Oversouls manipulate energies to construct reality. What density do you choose to for the next act of your play? Mark, you have indicated that you wish to go to a higher density. So be it. Your wish will be fulfilled. It could happen at this moment, but it will not. All about you could collapse in a whirlwind of change, but not quite yet, not until this act of the current play is finished.

This will take place quite soon as the structures, of which I spoke in earlier messages, are collapsing as we communicate. The elites, under the domination of the agents of the dark energy, are fighting a rear guard action. They know that it is futile, but they are determined to resist change. They have made choices to remain in the 3rd density, are refusing to come to the light. Some of them wish to destroy all in this their last struggle. This will not happen. There will be no nuclear war. There will be no mass extinction, no planetary upheaval. No, the agents of the dark energy, and their followers, will see the results of their efforts crumble before them. This is necessary for their learning, for they will be given other opportunities to come to the light.

So the play will continue a bit longer. Those of you who are ready for Earth to ascend will experience this as she warms and become temperate. You will experience the beauty of her full recovery. Look around it is happening in small ways already. These will accelerate in the coming months. Time is speeding up so all will be accomplished more quickly. The end of this act will be upon you before you know it. Be aware, embrace all with love. Assist others along the way. Keep the concept that we are all one foremost in your heart. Nurture those who do not fully comprehend. Allow all to choose their path.

You have asked how we will accomplish the transition, particularly the separation of those who choose to move forward with Earth and those who choose to cling to the 3rd density. The mechanism we will utilize is time. Those of us who are not captive to it can manage linear time. At the instant of decision, all will be immobilized, and in that moment all will be sorted according to their choice.

After that moment, time will be accelerated for all, both those remaining and those departing. Many will die, as the aging process takes its toll. The acceleration of time will account for the decomposition of bodies left behind by those who have died. During this acceleration of time, the planet will be cleansed of that which has afflicted it: pollution and intrusions into and on its surface. In an earlier communication this was described, so I will not go into it again.

Justine: Those of you who remain with Earth will not experience this accelerated time, but will see only the results of all that has taken place. You will be presented with the planet in a pristine state, as it was before the dark energy descended upon it. Rivers, lakes, and oceans will be clean and pure, without adverse organisms or foreign matter. The air will be clean, without pollution or the remnants of aerial spraying. And the land will be returned to its pristine condition with forests and grass covering what is now desert. This is the new Earth that you who accompany her will find at your awakening.

Moraine: We will be here to coach you about building a new civilization, as I described in my earlier communications. I personally am looking forward to sharing all that we learned on Supsten after our transition.

Bren-Ton: You asked why we have the authority to make these changes of your planet. First we are your brothers and sisters. Second Earth called out for our help and we responded. Third, many on this planet have asked for assistance, not knowing where it would come from. Finally, Creator has decreed that Earth would no longer be controlled by the dark energy. We are stepping in to fill the vacuum left by its withdrawal and the demise of its agents.

As to when this will happen, my response is quite soon. Conditions in your society are deteriorating rapidly despite efforts to thwart the collapse of your economies and governments. This structural collapse is worldwide, not just in the US. While there will be no nuclear war, there is the possibility of a spreading conflict in the Middle East. One aspect of some actions being taken is to draw out the remaining agents of the dark energy so that people can recognize them for what they are, and to give the humans involved with them a final chance to come to the light. Everyone would be well advised to take precautions as we have previously described. All would be advised to draw their like-minded friends and family close. We do not see the opportunity to complete another growing season in the Northern Hemisphere before major changes occur.


Thank you Bren-Ton, Justine, and Moraine. You have given me much to think about; I am sure this is true for our readers also. I look forward to further insights from you about our quickly changing lives here on Earth.

ANYONE SHOULD FEEL FREE TO COPY THIS MESSAGE, AS WELL AS OTHER POSTINGS TO MARK’S CORNER, AND DISTRIBUTE THEM. We are in a time when this information is most valuable as a source of truth amidst confusion.

Those who are communicating with me have said that they will entertain more questions as long as they are not specific to your particular circumstances. Please send your queries to me at

I want to take this opportunity to thank each of you who made a financial contribution. It has made a difference in my ability to continue with this work, my gratitude to all.

In Truth, Love and Joy,


In light of pending changes and the likely unavailability of the Internet, I recommend that you save each of these postings to your computer. I have compiled an 80-page book containing all 2008 postings. Send a check or money order for $15.00 to Paradigm Books, PO Box 270156, Fort Collins, CO 80527. A CD containing the 2008 messages is $6.00. These prices include postage within the U.S. For delivery outside the U.S. add $5.00 for shipping. I will make the 2009 messages available in this same way.


• To purchase “One. Toward a Civilization of Light,” or other books by Mark Kimmel, go to or order it from your favorite book seller.

• To become part of the Cosmic Paradigm Network, go to the index page of this site, scroll to the bottom, and join.

• You may comment on these postings at Please be patient; I receive large numbers of emails.

These messages may be copied and retransmitted. Please preserve all notations and attributions when doing so.


The messages today are responses to questions posed by you, the readers of this site. As I have said before, the messages posted here build on each other; for their full impact read them in sequence beginning with September 2008. This is my 22nd posting to Mark’s Corner for 2009.


You will simply “know” when you are communicating with a being who is not a human of Earth. It will happen in a quiet moment when your conscious mind is still. You who receive messages from those who are not humans of this planet must be weary that the messages are benevolent and in the best interests of all. One way to do this is set an intent that the messages you are receiving are from those who are operating from the highest Christ consciousness. Those who are communicating the messages posted here are coming from the best of intentions for all Earth humans, and all other beings in My universe. I am who AM. I am one with you.


Please understand that scientific knowledge as promulgated on this planet is not immune from the influence of the dark energy and its agents. Earth science is no different than any other belief system or structure. Your science is limited by the beliefs of those who postulate theories and then go about proving them correct. It is in their best interests of your scientists to have their theories approved by their peers, who have similarly based their finding on structures intended to control, and on beliefs promulgated as control mechanisms.

The comparison between what we have told you about the age of the moon, and that it is an artificial satellite, versus conventional scientific theory demonstrates what I have just said about structures and beliefs. The moon is an artificial satellite. It was placed here by the dark energy 555,000 years ago. That this conflicts with current scientific theory is a problem for your scientific theory, not for what is true in the larger picture. I am Bren-Ton of Andromeda.


From our observations of your current economic and government situation we see that there is much of which you are not being informed. Those who have amassed wealth and power are intent on holding onto their positions of privilege. The common people have been left out of the largess of the past. We anticipate that your economic system will collapse. We anticipate that governments that have supported capitalism will likewise collapse. This is now happening much faster than reported in your media.

We will be making our appearance to all on this planet quite soon now. Your economy and governments are degrading to a point where historical remedies no longer function. When you reach a point of chaos, which will be quite soon, we will show ourselves in 3rd dimension form. So that all may know that your beliefs are just that, beliefs, and that the truth lies elsewhere. This will momentarily increase the chaos, until people wake up to the reality before them. Then they will choose whether to grasp the new, or cling to the old. Turning their backs on the old, and grasping the new will increase their energy signature such that they will accompany Earth to her higher level of functioning.

Many people await our physical manifestation, the coming of our ships. It is much more important to see the truth of the larger picture, particularly from an energetic point of view, and to comprehend that we are all one. When these concepts are ingrained, then the appearance of our great starcraft and other ships will not induce fear. We will be welcomed as your brothers and sisters.

Those who choose to cling to their beliefs and structures will not accompany Earth. They will die or they will be transported to another 3rd dimensional realm. But they will no longer be present on this planet.

Yes, these will be difficult times. As we have told you, prepare yourselves. Many tough decisions will be required. The only true path is a path of love for one another. Yes, you may choose those whom you wish to assist, for, just as today, you will not be able to assist everyone. You each will decide in the moment how to conduct yourself. Share what you have, but do not do it from a place of fear. Preserve what you have, but do it from a place of love. We of Altair experienced much of what you will be faced with in the near future. That is why we are here at this moment to give advice and comfort. We are Justine and Moraine, along with Bren-Ton from Andromeda.


Each of you who are reading these messages is seeking understanding. “What can I do?” is often expressed. By grounding these messages in the reality of the Earth dimension, you are providing a wonderful service to your brothers and sisters here on Earth, whether they know you personally or not. All is energy; take these messages into your consciousness. Replace fears that you hold with the messages from those of us who are here to uplift Earth and her people.

So what you can do is rather simple. Hold in your heart the promise of a paradise on Earth. For that paradise will manifest itself in the coming months. Be with that vision, knowing that we are all one. Allow your individual energy to be like a beneficial organism that multiplies itself within its host. You, along with other beautiful people who are manifesting this benevolent energy, have the power to change the humans of Earth. I am Bren-Ton of Andromeda. I convey our blessings to all who are interacting with us through these messages.


ANYONE SHOULD FEEL FREE TO COPY THIS MESSAGE, AS WELL AS OTHER POSTINGS TO MARK’S CORNER, AND DISTRIBUTE THEM. We are approaching a time when this information will be most valuable as a source of truth amidst confusion.

Those who are communicating with me have said that they will entertain more questions as long as they are not specific to your particular circumstances. Please send your queries to me at

In Truth, Love and Joy,


In light of pending changes and the likely unavailability of the Internet, I recommend that you save each of these postings to your computer. I have compiled an 80-page book containing all 2008 postings. Send a check or money order for $15.00 to Paradigm Books, PO Box 270156, Fort Collins, CO 80527. A CD containing the 2008 messages is $6.00. These prices include postage within the U.S. For delivery outside the U.S. add $5.00 for shipping. I will make the 2009 messages available in this same way.


• To purchase “One. Toward a Civilization of Light,” or other books by Mark Kimmel, go to or order it from your favorite book seller.

• To become part of the Cosmic Paradigm Network, go to the index page of this site, scroll to the bottom, and join.

• You may comment on these postings at Please be patient; I receive large numbers of emails.

• These messages may be copied and retransmitted. Please preserve all notations and attributions when doing so.


I did not receive this message. It was forwarded to me by a friend. It was so beautiful that I wanted to share it with you.


There is a tree in the meadow and under that tree sit a little boy and a little girl. No one knew they were there and no one cared, for no one knew that they even existed. They were visitors from another world, another planet. They had come to earth to visit and see how things were done here and to learn from what they saw.

As these two star visitors relaxed and planned their approach to the people of the world, they heard a low whirring sound. They looked about and in the whirring they detected a language. This language seemed to be speaking to them directly, for they found it to be addressing their presence in a way that they could read.

They tuned in while at the same time communicating that they would like the source of the sound to make itself known. In that moment a small creature with tiny gossamer wings appeared before them and looked through the bulging eyes straight at them. As the creature hung in the air in front of them it spoke with an air of authority. This is what it said:

I AM a representative of life here on earth that has little significance in the overall workings of the people’s societal trappings. I am here to present a moment of fancy to the people and to then dart away so as to protect myself from the possible harm they may inflict upon me.

You see they do not understand that I AM as much a creature of God as they are, and in this lack of knowledge they are asleep in many ways. Some of the people here when they see me pause in their day and admire the beauty I present to them, a silent moment of God that gives them a smile and new lightness to their step. These are the people who are awakening at a great rate of speed to the wonders beyond what they have been asleep to in their earlier days of this life.

The two children sitting beneath the tree looked at the creature hovering above them. They saw the colors that seemed to flow into each other in the flurry of their wings. They felt a great sadness emit from the creature while at the same time a great joy. The children realized that this creature was representative of the duality on this planet all within itself.

The creature heard the acknowledged understanding of the purpose of its presence on earth. It liked these ones and it recognized its ability to communicate. I am known here as a butterfly, it said in loving introduction. I bring a simple beauty to this planet and my being here is one of the integral parts of this environment. There are others like me and unlike me that provide an equally valid part of the picture, and we all know why we are here and what we do to express All that is … except many of the people…. they have forgotten that they came here to provide a shadow against who they are and to take the journey back to God and their own brilliance. Some of them are waking up to that fact, and those are the ones who truly appreciate me and others like me.

The children rose and kept their eyes on this butterfly and they told them of their reason for coming. We are here to meet beings like you and to then go out into the rest of the world and see what a society such as this on earth does as it lives its life asleep and in varying stages of remembrance. We are here to make a study and then return to our home planet with the results of that study. We have taken on the resemblance of earth children in order to walk among them in innocence and to be trusted by all who come into our presence. We know that children are much revered here on earth and we feel that is the most beneficial place from which to study these earthlings.

The butterfly alighted upon the nearest branch of the tree and allowed the visitors to inspect him closely. Careful that you do not touch my wings for the dust on them keeps them strong and protected from the elements. As you gaze and admire my colors I will emit to you my deepest admiration and then you can tell me what you experienced from that exchange.

This tender moment brought a gasp of surprise from the visitors, for in that moment they understood all that was in existence, even what would come to be after they returned to their planet with the information they gather here. They understood that in this moment all was about to change. They knew that with this coming to earth they would not only gain knowledge, so too would those whom they walked among.

They knew that God spoke to them in that moment and gave them his blessing for what was about to take place. They knew that with this moment all of earth stood still and upon the next moment the earth was brand new and the societal issues transformed into light issues that gave a new glow to the universe.

When this happened there was a great opening up of the elements of surprise and into the mix tumbled all of life’s treasures. Upon the heels of the last moment there came a brilliance so complete so pure that there was nothing that could put it down. This brilliance came to all of life on earth and rendered it awake and shining with the deepest understanding and knowing that could ever be.

How did this miracle come about? It was through the recognition of the simplest idea in the universe, the idea that even the lowly creature with wings who could stand on the tips of a human finger was as huge as God and knew all that there was to know. The butterfly could emit a glow that talked to all who listened and could tell them anything they wanted to hear about life in this brilliance of God, The Creator.

The two visitors from the other planet took care to adore this butterfly without touching it. They sent their adoring love to it and bathed it in their finest expression of gratitude and love. The butterfly received this beauty with all of his being and in doing so he expanded to reach clear out into the solar system and to encompass all of humanity and life on this planet and all the rest that were making their journey in their own unique way.

Not only did the butterfly expand to include all of the solar system, but so too did the visitors. They were included in the expansion and as surely as the butterfly they were a part of all that is. They knew that they would no longer consider themselves to be separate from the people here on earth or from anything else, including this beautiful teacher with gossamer wings.

A great sigh went out from the heavens and with the sigh came a song floating in on the breeze of life that was as the breath of God. With this breath came the sound of trumpets and on the wings of the trumpet there came a harp, so pure, so sweet as to envelop all in a vibration of love that heals all and brings it all into oneness.

This was the reason for this journey from the stars. This was the purpose that the butterfly held in promise for eternity. The simple act of trust and love through sharing and honor brought a beauty so profound to the universe that all was found to be in perfection, and Grace was in the air.

You see my dear ones, this planet that the two visitors came to was the earth of yesterday. The visitors were the new children of the new earth and with their coming they were picking up the remnants of the old energy and assisting to the transition in this final play of those who chose to stay behind.

All is coming to oneness and in this story you have been shown the promise that awaits the seeing and the living for all of God’s creatures. In the innocence and the beauty of those left behind is the key to the throne of God and this is the very way that it has already happened. It is a fine representation of the fairy tale of yesteryear and it now is the historical accounting of that which to you in this moment is a look into the future of Man.

As I sit here in my storytelling garb and I watch as the children leave the lap
of dreams I marvel at the telling of the tales of truth and the wonders of love. I Am Sananda, and in this story I speak of you and I speak of all of life on planet earth and in the heavens for it is all One.

One Lesson VII

This is the seventh message in this series with God. These messages build upon each other; for their full impact read them in sequence. This is my 21st posting to Mark’s Corner for 2009.


Let us begin now with the final lesson of this series. As I experience you, Mark, and other humans of Earth, I see you trapped by various beliefs. Most of your beliefs are based on misinformation, much of it deliberately manufactured to control you.

You have beliefs about who you are, about your family, about your city, and your country. Most of these are not true. You are a soul having a physical lifetime, not a body with a soul. Your family comes from a mixture of races more complex than anyone might imagine, you are not of a defined linage. Your city was founded on the back of a military installation, an outpost against vicious American Indians. The Indians were not vicious; they only wanted to live in peace. Your forebearers did not need to conquer the wilderness, only learn to live in harmony with it. Your country did not need to become the mightiest military presence on the planet, to fight a war on terror. These are constructs that designed to keep you subservient to the desires of a few.

Many people believe the current economic structure is designed to benefit the majority of people. In reality it was designed to benefit the few who own and control major corporations and financial institutions. You believe your government operates in the best interests of the people, that it is a democracy. It operates for the benefit of the elected few, and the bureaucrats who administer it.

Your various religions teach you that a priest, rabbi, minister, Bible, or Quran is needed to interpret who I am. As I have shown you, I am as close to you as a flick of the switch. You need only drop into a slightly different consciousness and you may speak with me at any moment of the day. You do not need organized religion with its leaders and wise men to find truth. I am truth. Ask me, I will tell you.

So I leave you with these final words: I am you, you are Me. Discover truth, cling not to beliefs. Wake up, for the time is near when all will be called to accompany the new Earth, or chose to remain behind. All will be called, all will choose. And, most important, remember that we are all one.


ANYONE SHOULD FEEL FREE TO COPY THIS MESSAGE, AS WELL AS OTHER MESSAGES AT MARK’S CORNER, AND DISTRIBUTE THEM. We are approaching a time when this information will be valuable as a source of truth amidst confusion.

Those who are communicating with me have said that they will entertain your questions as long as they are not specific to your circumstances alone. Please send your queries to me at I will begin to ask your questions as soon as we complete this series of messages with God.

In Truth, Love and Joy,


In light of pending changes and the likely unavailability of the Internet, I recommend that you save each of these postings to your computer. I have compiled an 80-page book containing all 2008 postings. Send a check or money order for $15.00 to Paradigm Books, PO Box 270156, Fort Collins, CO 80527. A CD containing the 2008 messages is $6.00. These prices include postage within the U.S. For delivery outside the U.S. add $5.00 for shipping.


• To purchase “One. Toward a Civilization of Light,” or other books by Mark Kimmel, go to or order it from your favorite book seller.

• To become part of the Cosmic Paradigm Network, go to the index page of this site, scroll to the bottom, and join.

• You may comment on these postings at Please be patient; I am receiving large numbers of emails.

• These messages may be copied and retransmitted. Please preserve all notations and attributions when doing so.