
I have not posted anything at this site since September because I have been busy assembling the posts from the last two years into a book that will be organized by topics. I anticipate that it will be available by year-end. As I have done the editing required for the book, I am once again struck by the incredible beauty of the words and the messages — far beyond my writing style. I have also been given addition communications that will be included the book.

I will give you my observations of this interim time as follows: 1) Energies of light continue to bombard our planet, from the galaxy, from the sun, and from the starships of the armada. 2) Based on conversations with many people, they are impacting everything and everyone. The bodies of those of you who are sensitive will probably be reacting with headaches, disorientation, sleepiness, and various aches and pains. 3) There are many conflicting forces at work. The cracks in the institutions of mankind are becoming more apparent daily.  On the one side are those in positions of power and wealth who wish to return our civilization to its former status. On the other side are those who see a higher way of living and are actively working to change things large and small. 4) I see all these energies and forces escalating in the coming weeks and months.

During this time, I am focused on taking care of myself, as should you. This is our primary obligation in this lifetime, for we will be able to assist others to the extent we are healthy, centered, and of the light ourselves. To this end, I encourage you to find ways to raise your individual frequency and maintain it at a high level. This means adopting a love-based way of seeing all beyond your personal space as theater — what you focus on becomes your experience.

I will return with more messages from Adrial, Bren-Ton, Justine and Moraine in the near future.

YOU MAY COPY AND DISTRIBUTE THIS MESSAGE, AS WELL AS OTHER POSTINGS TO MARK’S CORNER. Please do so in total, preserving all notations, attributions, and announcements.

In Truth, Love and Joy,

Mark Kimmel



  • In light of the many changes people are experiencing at this time, I am continuing my phone consultations for those interested in exploring the specifics of their personal transformation — versus issues of general interest as presented in these messages:
  • Interpreting the world around me in light of Earth’s transition.
  • Preparing myself and my family
  • Physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual aspects of transforming myself.
  • The bigger picture and where I fit into it.
  • Personal problems relating to the changes we are all experiencing, and how to overcome the stresses thereof.
  • What is my purpose in this life?
  • My family does not relate to who I now am…

You may contact me at mta@zqyx.org to arrange for a telephone appointment. Please place “consult” in the subject line.

My heartfelt thanks to those who have made generous financial contributions to my efforts. As I have explained, for the last 14 years I have labored to bring forth the truth about the situation of mankind on this planet and the enlightened prospects for our future, AN ACTIVITY I PLAN TO CONTINUE. It has been a labor of love to which I have devoted both my full time and resources. I am now reaching the limits of my ability to continue funding this activity. Therefore I am appealing to those of you who benefit from these communications to support this work by making a financial contribution. You may do this by mailing a check to 135 Country Center Dr. #F-264, Pagosa Springs, CO 81147. Since YOUR DONATIONS ARE NOW TAX-DEDUCTIBLE be sure to make your check payable to “Institute of Light.” If you wish to make a contribution by credit card or PayPal, use the “Donate” link on the left of this page. THANK YOU FOR YOUR SUPPORT.

  • To purchase “Trillion,” “Decimal,” or “One. Toward a Civilization of Light,” as personally autographed books, go to http://www.cosmicparadigm.com/About_One.html You may also order from Amazon.com or from your favorite book seller.
  • The Cosmic Paradigm Network is connecting people around the world who wish to assist the transformation of our civilization. To join, go to the index page of this site, and scroll to the bottom.
  • Audio recordings of this posting will not be available at YouTube. The most wonderful woman who has prepared them for me is currently unavailable. We wish her well on her  journey.


There are now 141 messages on this site; they build on each other. For their full impact, read them in sequence beginning with September 2008 (archived below). They detail the transformation of this planet, our place in the universe, and a positive outlook for our future – if we are willing to act. I hope, by presenting them to you, that they spark your curiosity, and a decision to join with others to create a new civilization on Earth. As always I encourage you to seek your own unique truth, and live it.

The following are my personal observations. They are not based on specific communications from others.

I have spoken with many people who are experiencing relationship problems, abnormal headaches, sleepiness, and disorientation. Some of the more sensitive among us are experiencing physical problems requiring hospitalization. We have been told repeatedly that this planet and those of us residing on it are being subjected to several types of unusual energies. It is these energies of transformation that are changing all about us, as well as our own physical and psychological makeup. In addition, time is collapsing. We are unable to achieve as much in a day as heretofore; days and weeks roll by. If you are experiencing these things, you are not alone; everyone, whether they choose to recognize them or not, is experiencing these on-going changes.

Have you noticed the blue skies and white clouds? The blue is most welcome; the puffy white clouds are glorious. I have not seen a chemtrail for the last few months, nor have others with whom I have checked. Many thanks to those who have restored our skies to their historical ways, for me this is a definitive sign that things are changing.

As previously disclosed in these messages, a dark energy enslaved Earth and mankind thousands of years ago. It has now withdrawn from this sun system in the face of the overwhelming light energies supplied by our sisters and brothers from other star systems. While its influence is steadily disappearing, the wealthy and powerful who control people in each country are still in place. The structures and beliefs they use for control purposes are still in place. However all of their beliefs and structures are a house of cards, ready to collapse.

I look at our government and I see dysfunction. No leader has appeared to save us from the problems we have allowed to develop. I believe the current administration is purposely demonstrating that our system of government is fatally flawed. I look at our financial system and see it serving the desires of the wealthy. Again, nothing has emerged to set things right, to save us. I see our health care system, our religions, our schools, our major corporations, our legal system, and our dependence on oil as the creations of those at the top who are benefitting the most. These manmade structures will dissolve to allow us to create a new civilization.

Our brothers and sisters from other star systems have repeatedly said that they will not come here to save us. They will come to mentor us, to teach, and to supply certain technologies for our benefit, but they will not come to save us. We must take charge of our lives, and do so as all that is familiar is disintegrating about us. They have not appeared to date because it is not safe for us, the ground crew.

The energies of change are increasing. We are in a period of change. It is going to become more intense until more people start to act, until more people consciously choose a better future. We are being asked to demonstrate our choices by action. This action can be as outward as I am doing with my posting at “Mark’s Corner,” or as private as a daily meditation to discover who you really are, and then setting an example by walking your talk.

You have many ways to retreat from the on-going battle for the souls of the humans of this planet. You can choose to dismiss the information that Adrial and others have presented at “Mark’s Corner” as too fantastic. You can choose fear as a reaction to the changes. You can hide in religion or spiritual practices. Or you can look in the mirror and decide to do something to demonstrate that you know who you are, and that you wish to be a participant in Earth’s new civilization.

The transformation process will continue, at an accelerated pace, for the next few years. There will be no moment of instantaneous transformation to the new civilization, no easy path to the higher dimensions; rather current structures and beliefs will collapse. In time they will be replaced by new structures benefitting all, and by the larger truth. Earth will be healed from the devastation of mankind, but only after the devastation is stopped.

Find that quiet place within yourself. Find your connection to God. Decide if you will journey along with Earth, or choose to reincarnate at another time and place. The 140 communications previously presented at “Mark’s Corner” are still valid, and well worth reviewing. Discover other sources pointing the way, because no one has the whole picture.

I look forward to working with you to create a new civilization for the new Earth.

In Truth, Love and Joy,

Rev. Mark Kimmel

YOU MAY COPY AND DISTRIBUTE THIS MESSAGE, AS WELL AS OTHER POSTINGS TO MARK’S CORNER. Please do so in total, preserving all notations, attributions, and announcements.


• If you have sent me an email over the past few months and I have not replied to you, please send it again. I have been experiencing email problems.

• I am continuing my phone consultations for those interested in exploring the specifics of their personal transformation versus issues of general interest as presented in these messages:
o Interpreting the world around me in light of Earth’s transition.
o Preparing myself and my family
o Physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual aspects of transforming myself.
o The bigger picture and where I fit into it.
o Personal problems relating to the changes we are all experiencing, and how to overcome the stresses thereof.
o What is my purpose in this life?
o My family does not relate to who I now am…
You may contact me at mta@zqyx.org to arrange for a telephone appointment. Please place “consult” in the subject line.

• My work with this site is supported by your donations. DONATIONS ARE NOW TAX-DEDUCTIBLE. If you wish to make one by credit card or PayPal, use the “Donate” link on the right of this page. You may also send a check to 135 Country Center Dr. #F-264, Pagosa Springs, CO 81147 Be sure to make your check payable to “Institute of Light.” THANK YOU FOR YOUR SUPPORT.

• To purchase “One. Toward a Civilization of Light,” or other personally autographed books by Mark Kimmel, go to http://www.cosmicparadigm.com/About_One.html or order them from your favorite book seller.

• The Cosmic Paradigm Network is connecting people around the world who wish to assist the transformation of our civilization. To join, go to the index page of this site, and scroll to the bottom.

• Audio recordings of my postings to this site are now available at YouTube. Enter YouTube and search for “Athabantian.” A most wonderful woman has prepared these for me; I am most grateful.

Transformation Part 5: Beyond

The messages at this site are the result of communications between Mark Kimmel and beings who are not the current indigenous humans of this planet. The communications have been verified as coming only from those who are of the highest Christ Consciousness. There are now 138 messages on this site; they build on each other. For their full impact, read them in sequence beginning with September 2008 (archived below). They detail the transformation of this planet, our place in the universe, and a positive outlook for our future – if we are willing to act. I hope, by presenting them to you, that they spark your curiosity, and a decision to join with others to create a new civilization on Earth. As always I encourage you to seek your own unique truth, and live it.

This is my 18th posting to Mark’s Corner for 2010 that involves communications from off-planet beings and other non-humans. It is with great pleasure that I again welcome Adrial, a celestial of this universe. This communication is the fifth in a series of messages from her that deal with the transformation of Earth’s civilization.

Greeting: Picture a place that is somewhat familiar, somewhat not, a place that is different in some respects, but not in others. You are now on the new Earth after her transformation. The transformation has been completed during several of Earth’s orbits about the sun star. Time is not measured in months or seasons as the moon is no longer in orbit about the Earth, and Earth is no longer tilted on her axis. Each day follows the prior in a tranquil procession of day and night.

Much seems the same in terms of what you call nature; some is much changed. Mountains and oceans are still present. The oceans define unfamiliar islands and continents. Some of the land has arisen; some has dropped. In a few places there are beaches, in most places beaches are in the making as the water laps against newly exposed cliffs and shoreline.

On the land streams and rivers carry water to lakes and the oceans. The air is clear, the skies blue with patchy clouds. Everywhere there is rich vegetation. There are no more deserts for all the land has been repaired to become once again productive. Rain falls as needed to produce trees, bushes, and grass. Flowers are sprinkled about the landscape.

In the particular place where you are standing, you see that there are trees bearing fruit and nuts. You see bushes with berries and all manner of vegetables. Most of the vegetables and fruits are familiar. Most of the trees are in rows, stretching as far as you can see. The smaller plants are scattered throughout the rich natural vegetation of the orchard. In the distance you can see a tall mountain. You watch as rabbits and deer graze on the grass, ignoring the planted varieties. Overheard the skies are filled with many types of birds. A wolf appears, but it chases neither rabbit nor deer.

It dawns on you that you are in a veritable paradise. You are alone, and quite comfortable being so. You wish for an apple, and turn to see an apple tree a few steps away. Your first bite of the fruit is wonderful, just the right mixture of crispness and flavor. You next think raspberries and turn to find a raspberry bush not far away. Like the apple, the berries taste is just as you remember them. You have stepped into a place on the new Earth to which you can relate.

You hear voices and walk past a small wooden sign, “Appleton.” A short distance away is a playground filled with laughing children. Adults sit in the shade observing the children at play. There are familiar toys such as a slide and swing set. The children are dressed in brightly colored clothes of a typical western style. You are visiting a place familiar to your specific background. If you were to visit a place on the new Earth similar to a different background it might be quite different.

You approach one of the adults. Recognizing you as a fellow human of the new Earth, she stands to receive your hug. After receiving directions, you wander off toward a nearby village. You pass houses with an open friendly style that speaks of the gentle nature of the climate. You feel neither hot nor cold. The sun is shining brightly, but its warmth seems gentler that you had remembered. The first house you pass has a wide porch. The two people on it are engaged in a conversation; they pause to wave as you pass.

A shadow causes you to glance upward; a sleek vehicle passes overhead. It makes little sound. You can see windows with people glancing out.

Walking further into the town on a grassy road, you come to the village square with a bakery, vegetable stands, laundry, and a clothing and general merchandise store. Each shop is brightly lighted within. You notice the absence of a bank, service station, church, or government office. People pass on bicycles and there are small vehicles for individuals that resemble golf carts; they glide along quietly, above the surface of the ground.

You approach a group of people, men and women, seated around a table under a large tree. They invite you to join them. You take the only empty seat. It is as though they were waiting for you.

Let your imagination soar as to the rest of this picture unfolds. Perhaps you will discuss the larger picture with the others, or you will talk about local happenings. I hope with this message that I have conveyed the sense of tranquility that pervades this snapshot of the new Earth. You are now in a lighter density.

Thank you Adrial. I feel warmth as I picture myself in your description, and am lifted into that lighter density of which you speak.

For more details on the new Earth go to Moraine’s Postings in January of 2009. There are also other postings at Mark’s Corner. If you really want to know what it is like on the other side of the transformation, do your homework by reviewing prior posting and other sources – I am not the only one who is posting information.

In Truth, Love and Joy,

Rev. Mark Kimmel


P.S. If you are interested in exploring the specifics of your personal transformation like the following (versus issues of general interest as presented in the messages at this site), contact me:

  • Interpreting the world around me in light of Earth’s transition.
  • Preparing myself and my family
  • Physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual aspects of transforming myself.
  • The bigger picture and where I fit into it.
  • Personal problems relating to the changes we are all experiencing, and how to overcome the stresses thereof.
  • What is my purpose in this life?
  • My family does not relate to who I now am…

You may email me at mta@zqyx.org to arrange for an  appointment. Please place “consult” in the subject line. A small donation is requested for my time on the telephone with you.

YOU MAY COPY AND DISTRIBUTE THIS MESSAGE, AS WELL AS OTHER POSTINGS TO MARK’S CORNER. Please do so in total, preserving all notations, attributions, and announcements.


  • My work with this site is supported by your donations. YOUR DONATIONS ARE NOW TAX-DEDUCTABLE. If you wish to make one by credit card or PayPal, use the “Donate” link on the right of this page. You may also send a check to 135 Country Center Dr. #F-264, Pagosa Springs, CO 81147 Be sure to make your check payable to “Institute of Light.” THANK YOU FOR YOUR SUPPORT.
  • There are 2 books that are MUST READING: “Beyond the Veil,” by Celestial Blue Star and David of Arcturus. By the same authors, along with Suzy Ward is, “And then God Said… Then I said… Then He said…” You may order either at Amazon.com or at the authors’ websites.
  • The Cosmic Paradigm Network is connecting people around the world who wish to assist the transformation of our civilization. To join, go to the index page of this site, and scroll to the bottom.
  • Audio recordings of my postings to this site are now available at YouTube. Enter YouTube and search for “Athabantian.” A most wonderful woman has prepared these for me; I am most grateful.

My View

For several years I have been speaking out about the impending transformation of Earth and her human population. Judging by the increased number of communications I have been receiving from our sisters and brothers from other star systems, and my most recent posting to this site, things are coming to a head. Both Bren-Ton and Moraine speak as if the transition is underway, and they are coaching us through it. My observations of this day are as follows.

The material I have previously posted on this site contains almost all that we need to know about Earth’s transition. I suggest you go to the archives and review those communications.

Almost everyone I talk with has a sense that time is speeding up. “I’m not able to accomplish as much during the day, where has the time gone?” Equally prevalent is the sense that things are changing, that things will not return to “the good old days.” People are experiencing unusual headaches, sleepiness, loss of memory – short term and long term – and a general disorientation. In addition you may want to look at the following:

1. The so-called, “oil spill,” in the Gulf of Mexico. Even if a relief well is successful, which is by no means a sure thing, the damage to the ecology of the Gulf is extreme, and has been covered-up by those involved, the government of the U.S., and the media. We know the amount of spilled oil and gas far exceeds what is being officially admitted, plus the underlying geological structures in the area of the BP well may have been damaged by the drilling and the subsequent explosion. The extent of damage to sea life in the Gulf has only begun to be estimated. This is much more than oil washing up on beaches. There remains the potential for far reaching consequences of this already disastrous event. (http://tomkenyon.com/increasing-intensity-of-the-chaotic-nodethe-gulf-of-mexico)

2. For some months, Native Americans and other indigenous peoples, have begun speaking out about pending change. Heretofore much of their knowledge had been kept within the tribes. Now they are saying that the knowledge they have of pending events is to be shared with all, and now is the time of change as has been foretold. (http://www.newagefraud.org/smf/index.php?topic=2752.0) This coincides with predictions based on the Mayan calendar.

3. The Grand Cross, a rare alignment of the planets of our solar system, on June 25th and the T Cross on August 5th have historically caused turmoil in financial systems; Jim Self expects nothing less this time around. (http://www.masteringalchemy.com/teleclasses.html) He also sees both planetary and personal changes due to the massive influx of radiation from the sun and galaxy. It is this radiation that is changing us and warming Earth from within – as shown by the melting of glaciers from below. (Written in 2002, the second book of the Paradigm Trilogy, “Decimal,” predicted the movement of Earth’s tectonic plates as a result of this melting and the disastrous effects thereof for humans.)

4. When I saw the pictures of the surface of the moon, as presented in “Moon Rising,” I understood the depth and breadth of the lies that had been constructed to enslave us. Go to YouTube and look up the video – be sure to stay with it until the very end.

5. I have found “Messages from Matthew” to be a consistently reliable source of information about the larger picture and our place in the universe (http://www.matthewbooks.com/mattsmessage.htm). In addition I suggest you read the four Matthew books by Suzie Ward (http://www.matthewbooks.com/)

6. I have said that the book with the long title, “And Then God Said… Then I Said… Then He Said,” was the best book I had ever read. Now there is a new book from Celest and David, “BEYOND THE VEIL EPIPHANIES FROM GOD.” I recommend you obtain both books and read them. You may obtain them at Amazon.com.

In summary my message for you this day is that things are changing. No longer is it a case of looking into the future to predict when events will happen; they are happening as we observe (lovingly, I trust). The next weeks will see some remarkable changes. I can only trust that you have prepared yourself for this moment physically, emotionally, mentally, and spiritually (as suggested in my most recent posting at Mark’s Corner).

The most important thing to remember is that you signed up to be here at this moment. Whatever the transition brings it will present marvelous growth opportunities for your soul. Sit back, don’t go to fear, and enjoy the experience.

In Truth, Love and Joy,

Rev. Mark Kimmel

P.S. I am continuing my phone consultations for those interested in exploring specifics of their personal transition and questions about the current situation:
• Interpreting the world around us in light of Earth’s transition.
• Preparing yourself and your family.
• Physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual aspects of transforming yourself.
• The bigger picture and where you fit into it.
• Personal problems relating to the changes we are all experiencing, and how to overcome the stresses thereof.
• My family does not relate to who I now am…

You may contact me at mta@zqyx.org to arrange for an appointment. Please place “consult” in the subject line. A donation is requested.

YOU MAY COPY AND DISTRIBUTE THIS MESSAGE, AS WELL AS OTHER POSTINGS TO MARK’S CORNER (http://www.cosmicparadigm.com/Marks_Corner/). Please do so in total, preserving all notations, attributions, and announcements.


• DONATIONS ARE NOW TAX-DEDUCTABLE. If you wish to make one by credit card or PayPal, use the “Donate” link on the right of this page. You may also send a check to 135 Country Center Dr. #F-264, Pagosa Springs, CO 81147 Be sure to make your check payable to “Institute of Light.” THANK YOU FOR YOUR SUPPORT.

• To purchase “One. Toward a Civilization of Light,” or other personally autographed books by Mark Kimmel, go to http://www.cosmicparadigm.com/About_One.html or order them from your favorite book seller.

• The Cosmic Paradigm Network is connecting people around the world who wish to assist the transformation of our civilization. To join, go to the index page of this site, and scroll to the bottom.

Caring for yourself

The messages at this site are the result of communications between Mark Kimmel and beings who are not the current indigenous humans of this planet. The communications have been verified as coming only from those who are of the highest Christ Consciousness. There are now over 125 messages on this site; they build on each other. For their full impact, read them in sequence beginning with September 2008 (archived below). They detail the transformation of this planet, our place in the universe, and a positive outlook for our future – if we are willing to act. I hope, by presenting them to you, that they spark your curiosity, and a decision to join with others to create a new civilization on Earth. As always I encourage you to seek your own unique truth, and live it.

This is my 13th posting to Mark’s Corner for 2010 that involves communications from off-planet beings and other non-humans. It is with great pleasure that I welcome back Moraine of the planet Supsten of the star system Altair. She is aboard a starship that orbits our planet.

Greetings to all on Earth from your sisters and brothers from distant star systems. Today I wish to speak to you about caring for yourself during this time of the great transition. You have an obligation to care for you body, mind, emotions, and soul. You have been given this wondrous opportunity to be present on Earth during the moment of her ascension to higher frequencies. Are you taking maximum advantage of this growth opportunity? How are you caring for your soul? Do you have a solid spiritual practice? Does it infuse all other activities? Do you really understand who you are? Do you understand about God and the larger universe? What do you understand about Oneness?

Each of you has an obligation to care for the human body within which you are housed. It is not possible to teach others about health unless you possess good health yourself. You cannot give love unless you love yourself. You cannot respect others unless you respect yourself. You will judge others until you do no longer judge yourself. You cannot ask balance of others unless you are yourself balanced. You cannot teach others what you do not know. You cannot show others a right way to live unless you are living it yourself.

Be healthy in all ways. Find the foods that are best for your particular body and consume them, exclude those that are not suitable. Find exercise that is right for your body; practice it daily. Find the right location in which to live; live there. Do first for yourself so that you may then do for others.

You must walk the talk so that others will look at your example and follow. The highest calling for anyone inhabiting a human body is to live at his or her highest – whatever that means for each individual, in each circumstance. Live at your highest and let your light shine for all others to see.

As a human your emotions are at the center of much of your activity. Do you let your emotions rule your life? Or do you listen to your heart as a true voice of what is best for you?

Emotional balance, while somewhat difficult to achieve in humans, is most important as you ascend to the higher frequencies. What is it that triggers an emotional response in you? Do you flare in anger when you perceive an injustice to yourself? Anger is particularly debilitating when it is consistently triggered in a human body, as it produces lasting physical effects.

Do you lust after what you may not have? Lust causes physical reactions within your body. I speak from having had the experience of living in a 3rd dimension body. I now exist in a body of higher frequency where anger and lust are rarely seen. At this higher frequency, we are so interconnected that any emotional flare-up will be immediately transmitted through our connected energies causing disturbances in the whole of our collective.

In your current state you also transmit energies. You may not realize it, but each time your emotions are triggered in any way, those around you detect this, most likely at a subconscious way. If you have a particularly empathic person around you they will consciously pick up on your emotions.

What is your emotional reaction to advertising and movies? Do you empathize with the pictures and want what is being shown? Do movies and fiction create a longing within you to jump into the scene? These are subtle ways in which the dark energy is manipulating your emotions. Beware of being trapped by visual images either those before you in print or those created by your imagination. Neither serves you well if they are a distraction from achieving emotional balance.

Are you thrown off by the emotions of others? Create for yourself an envelope about your physical body. Outside that boundary are the events and the drama that are part of life in the physical. Inside this boundary is that over which you have control; you may try to control that which is outside it, but you will experience little success.

Those who would control others for whatever reason are violating not only the boundaries of others, but also their own boundary. The rich and powerful are guilty of this error against Oneness. Anyone who attempts to influence the behavior of another person is violating the first rule of oneness: We are each sovereign over our own energy and should be allowed to direct our own behavior, make our own mistakes, and learn from our actions.

Are you consumed with desire for something that is just beyond your grasp? Is it something that just a little more money could buy? It is a relationship with a person that is not suited to you? Is it a food or drink that would not be healthy for your body? Get control over these little things, and you will gain control of your emotions, so that when a major disruption occurs you will able to glide through the incident without being affected. Gain balance of your emotions and your life in the body will be more uplifting. Gain balance over your emotions and you will be setting yourself up for a much easier time during the difficult days of the ascension.

Is fear of the future gripping you such that you are unable to function? What are the grounds for this fear? Are they rational? Sort out the difference between fear and being prepared. The squirrel stores nuts to be prepared. Are you a squirrel, or are you afraid of what might be around the corner, and have not prepared yourself and your family? Examine your deep-seated motives to find the emotion that drives your actions.

In these the final days of your existence in this 3rd dimension, it is most important that you remain focused on what is most important, what is in the highest good for all concerned, and what is to your personal benefit. Focus is a mind function.

If you allow your mind to dwell on the fearful events surrounding you, you may become immersed in fear to the extent you are immobilized. If you allow your mind to wander to things that are of lesser importance you will be find it more difficult to do the right thing at the right moment. Your task at this time is to set an example for those about you. You have an understanding of events as they transpire. Help others to see the larger picture, to see from a universe perspective, and to see from Oneness.

As to events that are beyond your personal energy field, remember that your major influence is within your energy field. Those people and events outside are but the drama surrounding you. See the larger picture unfolding on your planet as karma and results of cause and effect. See the larger picture as events orchestrated by the forces of the universe. See events as Earth plays out her cleansing and reorientation to move to the higher frequencies. See all, but do not let your mind race to fear. You will be guided as to your specific role. During these times, remain open to the quiet voice within.

Your mind it capable of imagining many things. It is important to distinguish between fantasy and that which is possible. Experience is the best teacher. Equally important is to distinguish between messages that are coming from sources beyond your mind, and ruminations of your human mind. Go within; listen to your body’s reaction to your consciousness thoughts, and through meditation you will be able to determine what is real and what is not. Now is not the time for excessive fantasizing.

Pollution of your mind is a problem. It comes from the media and from those around you who spread fearful rumors. If you are steady within knowledge of the larger picture, you will allow events, misinformation, and fearful responses to bounce off you. Maintain that steady focus on the larger picture. You know why you agreed to incarnate on this planet at this time and place. Find that purpose and embrace it, however outrageous it may appear. Use your mind to direct your actions.

As the chaos of events, relationship, and personal challenges swirl about you, your spiritual connection is all-important. Remember that you are a soul having a bodily experience. Connect to God in whatever way you choose, but connect, and stay connected. See all from a spiritual perspective.

See your relationships as possibly members of your soul group. See others who are playing a significant part in your life as necessary for your maturation. See the suffering that others may be enduring and allow them to choose their path; but do not become entangled in their drama. Maintain a healthy invisible barrier between yourself and others.

As for your personal challenges, see that they are the outworking of many lifetimes, and the culmination of many past choices. But do not dwell on the past; live in the present, the now. All has been arranged for your personal growth at this moment. You are here in this time and place by your own choice made prior to your incarnation. See that your soul needs the challenges of this moment for its growth; flow with events and interactions.

God loves you very much and extends a hand to lift you to new heights. However you must choose to accept the offer. You can stay mired in the 3rd dimension; there will be plenty of opportunities to continue to play in this density. Or you can choose to soar with Earth and beyond, but choose you must.

Stay connected to the spiritual so that you may indicate most clearly your decision. Remember your choice is made minute-by-minute, not in some final judgment. By your actions you are even now indicating if you will take the high road, or some detour.

Love those around you. Love all on this planet, even those who enslave you. See the Oneness of all with whom you share this experience, and know that you are loved.

Adopt an attitude of detachment from the chaos. Stand firm in your connection to God and the higher dimensions. Be One with all in the universe.

This is the time you have been waiting for. This is the grand ascent of Earth. Rejoice for the days of fear and violence are ending. Rejoice because you are here to witness these glorious events.

Thank you Moraine, your message as very timely in light of all that is occurring around us.

YOU MAY COPY AND DISTRIBUTE THIS MESSAGE, AS WELL AS OTHER POSTINGS TO MARK’S CORNER. Please do so in total, preserving all notations, attributions, and announcements.

In Truth, Love and Joy,

Rev. Mark Kimmel

P.S. I plan to continue my phone interviews for those interested in exploring specifics of their personal transition:
• Interpreting the world around us in light of Earth’s transition.
• Preparing yourself and your family.
• Physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual aspects of transforming yourself.
• The bigger picture and where you fit into it.
• Personal problems relating to the changes we are all experiencing, and how to overcome the stresses thereof.
• What is my purpose in this life?
• My family does not relate to who I now am…

You may contact me at mta@zqyx.org to arrange for an appointment. Please place “advice” in the subject line.

YOU MAY COPY AND DISTRIBUTE THIS MESSAGE, AS WELL AS OTHER POSTINGS TO MARK’S CORNER (http://www.cosmicparadigm.com/Marks_Corner/). Please do so in total, preserving all notations, attributions, and announcements.


• DONATIONS ARE NOW TAX-DEDUCTABLE. If you wish to make one by credit card or PayPal, use the “Donate” link on the right of this page. You may also send a check to 135 Country Center Dr. #F-264, Pagosa Springs, CO 81147 Be sure to make your check payable to “Institute of Light.” THANK YOU FOR YOUR SUPPORT.

• To purchase “One. Toward a Civilization of Light,” or other personally autographed books by Mark Kimmel, go to http://www.cosmicparadigm.com/About_One.html or order them from your favorite book seller.

• I highly recommend a new book: “Beyond the Veil,” by Celestial Blue Star and David of Arcturus. You may order it at Amazon.com or from booksellers.

• The Cosmic Paradigm Network is connecting people around the world who wish to assist the transformation of our civilization. To join, go to the index page of this site, and scroll to the bottom.

• You may contact me regarding these postings at cp@zqyx.org. Please be patient; I receive a large numbers of emails and may be unable to respond for several weeks.