9-28-08 Coming soon

The following information was provided on 9/28/08. This is the 4th posting to Mark’s Corner. I strongly suggest you read the earlier postings first, preferably in chronological order.

I, and others like me, are now present aboard starcraft in orbit about your planet. We have traveled here to be part of the grand disclosure to your people: there are indeed humans populating the universe beyond Earth. We will make our appearance shortly.

I cannot tell you the date or time. It is like the massive invasion of Normandy that took place during your WWII. There was a date set, but many factors can into play, many were ships needed, many individuals needed to be coordinated. Having said that, I hasten to assure you that your brothers and sisters from other star systems are not invaders. Rather, having been invited, we are coming by invitation to assist, and only assist.

First there will be the unmistakable appearance of ships from other planets and dimensions. This will be followed by events leading to the bifurcation. Those who choose will remain on Earth, as she transitions to a lighter density. All that is currently in place will remain for a time: the houses, the roads, the equipment, the land, and the seas will remain.

We have made provisions to smooth your transition to the lighter density, while you remain fully conscious of all that is happening around you. Those that remain will be charged with returning Earth to her pristine condition and creating a new civilization. Many on your planet are choosing to participate in this grand transition.

Those who fear to be a part of the lighter density of earth will awaken on another planet believing they have always lived there. They will continue their lives in physical density, but one that is not controlled by the dark energy. As things now stand, the majority of her people will leave Earth.

Some families will be torn asunder because some will decide to stay while others leave. Some houses will be occupied, some will not. There will be dislocations in the first days. That is why we have advised you to store water and food, and to secure shelter. We are taking steps to minimize the predicted earth changes. Be willing to accept some momentary dislocations; the greater good of all will emerge from this transition.

Those who understand will greet these changes with a positive attitude. They will show others that there is nothing to fear, that we come in peace and are here to assist. They will greet the ships that land.

This is coming more suddenly than many had anticipated. Preparations are speeding up because we wish to thwart any reaction by those who serve the dark. Everything is now in place for the mass appearance. Orders for your defense forces to stand down will be issued. This is more for their safety, and for that of people on the ground, than for us. We are impervious to your weapons.

Be comforted that communications like this are happening all over your planet. We are overwhelming those who would oppose our actions with a multitude of such communications. At this moment, they are collecting it all and analyzing it. They are not stopping anyone from communicating.

Everything that you now do, or have done for past years, is known to others. You have no need to be embarrassed by your actions or your thoughts, they are seen as the normal workings of a human mind, normal actions of a human living in this situation. You are doing exactly what you came here to do, what you agreed upon prior to your embodiment in physical form.

Mark, one of your great contributions was to change from the pleasures and workings of the 3rd dimension to that which you are now doing. This provides others a marvelous example so that they too might change. There are many who are wavering between embracing what appears to be crazy and sticking with their old ways. You assist them by your example.

As to 2012, things are accelerating. All will be accomplished well in advance of that date. Time is not fixed; time is subject to adjustment as circumstances warrant. NOW IS THE TIME OF EARTH’S TRANSITION.

I am Justine of the planet Supsten of the Altairian star system. I leave you with my blessing.

That’s it for today folks, more in the days ahead. (I find myself in awe that this is finally happening.)

In Truth, Love and Joy,


9-27-08 Who is Justine?

The following information was given to me on 9/27/08. This is the 3rd posting to Mark’s Corner. I strongly suggest you read the earlier postings first.

It is my pleasure to be back with you again. After our communication of two days ago, you asked me to describe my civilization and myself. I am happy to do that for you.

Like you I am an embodied spirit. I have a physical body with legs and arms and a head. I have two eyes, a nose, and mouth. I breathe, but our air is not like yours. I am somewhat taller than you, but with a body that you would not find unpleasant to gaze upon. I have a mouth for consuming food. I have fingers like you on my hands. I am a male; we procreate just like you do here on earth. In my society we are together as male and female for many years, although we do not measure time in a rigid manner like you do on Earth. Our planet is Supsten of the star system Altair, the name for our sun as previously given to your people.

Ours is an advanced form of physical civilization, somewhat similar to that into which you will find yourselves in the near future. We have a duality between those who operate from love and those who function from fear, but it is nothing like what you have on Earth. We are no longer enslaved by the darkness that invaded Earth, and that has invaded other planets. The dark energy of which I speak seeks out planets of interest and determines whether those who inhabit them are susceptible to invasion. If an opening is detected it rushes in and begins to assume control. More about that at another time.

I am a leader of my people in the sense that I am a representative who has been designated to come to your world. I am here to tell you our story so that you might know that those who wish to assist Earth are of good intent.

My planet Supsten is very beautiful, particularly now since it has been freed from the darkness. (Restoring its beauty happened quite quickly after it was released; I am sure the same will be true for Earth.) We have land upon which we walk and water in which we swim. It is quite beautiful with trees and other growing things. The land is flat with few mountains such as you have on earth. I find your mountains quite beautiful in a rugged sort of way. On my planet we have much fertile land for growing all manner of food. We cultivate the land in many ways, both by hand because it is satisfying and by mechanism because it is more efficient. However we do not disturb the land so much as does your modern mechanized equipment. We are one with the land and it yields for us in great abundance. We have a wide variety of what you call produce.

Picture a very gentle place, of people walking and taking, of an almost idyllic society. Today that is so, but it was not always the case. In times past we had our great conflicts. However we did not enter into an era of mechanized conflict such as you have here in earth. Ours were limited to great physical battles between races.

We had the whites and the blacks. The white race was planted by the Pleiadians; the black by Sirians. All newer planets are seeded from the older races. In our case it was to mesh the black and the white into a new race. Earth was populated by four races.

Eventually we tired of conflict, and told our leaders to stop. Ours was not as controlled a sphere as is Earth. The situation here is managed by the darkness for its own ends. As far as we can tell, the rule of the darkness is in the final days, weeks.

Back to our planet, we have been given the knowledge of how to create vehicles to transport. We tap into the universal energy; it is everywhere for our use. Everyone on my planet is tapped into the universal network that pervades my entire planet. When we wish to communicate with another we merely set up an intention to do so. If the other wishes to respond a connection is made and we communicate.

I am one of the surface dwellers. There are others who dwell beneath the surface. They appear much different. They have a civilization that is more developed than mine; it is much older. None of them have traveled to be here during earth’s transition.

Another reason we are here is to bring energy crystals to your planet. They will be of assistance to everyone during your transition time. Once again, I emphasize that we are here — I am not alone on my giant craft — to show that we are your peaceful brothers and sisters, that other planets have made the transition to the light, and to provide our energy to assist the great transformation of Earth.

I am Justine of the planet Supsten of the Altairian star system. I leave you with my blessing.

That’s it for today folks.

In Truth, Love and Joy,

Mark Kimmel

9-25-08 Another perspective

The following was communicated to me today, 9/25/08, by one who is observing our planet from one of the ships now orbiting Earth.

The civilization in place on planet Earth allows individuals to ascend to positions of great power and wealth. This is usually done by means of a combination of dedication and hard work. In the case of individuals such as athletes, actors, artists, etc. special talents accompany it. In all cases it is the result of better than average intelligence. In some cases it is based on inherited wealth. There are those who have amassed great fortunes by building companies on a single concept, more often it is the process of climbing within an organization. In many organizations this requires deceit and/or the threat of violence.

There comes a moment, somewhere along the line, when the individual is required to make a choice between single-minded dedication to his chosen goal of status, wealth and power versus things like family relations or service to others. This can occur even within organizations that are dedicated to the service of others such as government and community service organizations. In every case the individual opens him- or herself self to self-centered achievement.

It is at this moment that an individual begins the pursuit of his or her goal from a position of fear — of losing what has been achieved. When this takes over, they become very different. This is the subtle mechanism of power structures implemented on your planet. Invariably this means choosing between service to others, and service to self. Once one has decided on service to self he or she lays him- or herself open to the fear mechanism.

This overall process is not present on the planets of other star systems. There the opportunity for a fear-based career is not possible. It is only within fear-based civilizations that such an extreme free will choice is possible.

Once this mechanism is understood, then one can see how the puppet masters work within the enslavement paradigm. There are those madly scrounging to positions of power and wealth, and those who sit back and watch as they do so. Those who would rule this planet take advantage of this.

The enslavement paradigm is very subtle. It is not a matter of chains and prison cells; it is a matter of structuring society to value wealth and power, and to give this structure mastery over the individual. Once wealth and power are allowed to dominate a civilization, then a pyramid structure is in place. Enslavement ensues for those at the bottom of the pyramid, the vast numbers of people. As we progress up the pyramid, there is less and less poverty, hunger, and want, yet there is continued enslavement to the power structure.

All of this leads to the ability for a race of outsiders to dominate a civilization. By creating such a society they lay the indigenous people open to domination. By placing their kind in the top positions, they are able to control all of such a society. In the early days of your civilization those who came from off-planet did this very thing. The very enslavers who created the pyramid structure occupied the top positions.

Many on Wall Street who are asking to be rewarded for their financial misdeeds, by contributions from the ordinary citizens of this county, are those who are dedicated to service to self, who are operating out of fear. They are worried that their positions of power and wealth will be destroyed by the current situation. Little of what is happening on Wall Street or in Washington is based on service to others. Those at the top of the pyramid are fighting to retain their status, wealth and power, their lifestyles; they are using deceit and threats of disaster (violence) to achieve their aims.

I am Justine from the planet Supsten of the star system Altair. I give you our blessings on your work.

Thank you, Justine.

That’s it for today folks.

In Truth, Love and Joy,
