11-12-08 Light Within All

The following communication was provided on 11/12/08. This is my 19th posting to Mark’s Corner. I strongly suggest you read the earlier postings first, preferably in chronological order. Today, we welcome back both Justine from Altair and Bren-Ton from Andromeda.

Despite the best efforts of the darkness to overwhelm Earth and her peoples, it and its allies on your planet have been unable to accomplish this feat. This is due to the spark of the Creator that resides in each conscious being. That spark of light is enough, in most cases, to enable that creature to cling to that which is inherently good and noble. Few are totally depraved, unless drugs or chemicals overwhelm them, or their minds become deranged. Almost everyone clings to the notion that what they are doing is in their own best interests, and in many cases the best interest of others. Some see the majority as misguided and in need of reigning in, but it is deemed to be for everyone’s good by those who would control all. So you see the dark energy can twist the reasoning of the controllers, but it cannot, in most cases, completely subvert all.

This has played itself out in successive societies since the dark energy enveloped Earth and installed its allies on this planet. Despite all that has been done to her, Earth has retained the spark of the Creators love and light. Earth never completely bowed to the dark energy; she resisted in many ways, always providing sustenance and light to her many inhabitants.

As for Earth’s human inhabitants, they too never completely bowed to the will of those who would control them. In their hearts they kept the light alive, always believing that there was some good in all, never completely surrendering their souls to the control of others, and knowing it would end someday.

We are of course generalizing here about the entire human population. There have been instances where the darkness had such a complete hold over a population that that the population succumbed to its reign. But even these instances did not last forever. After the death of those in control, the spark once again emerged and the light directed people to build anew, to seek a better way to live. Thus the great dynasties of China, of Rome, of Atlantis, and others throughout history flourished for a time, but ultimately decayed because they were not built on the good of all people.

It is so in the U.S. at this time. In the beginning the country was founded on what was to be a better way to live. Yes, wealthy white men did it, however they too sought a better way for all to live. America evolved toward a beacon of freedom and openness. But the dark energy sought to capture this bright spot on the globe, so it instituted control of the financial system, control of the government, the creation of corporations and other institutions, and the subjugation of the common man in various subtle and secretive ways. These institutions, initially created by the actions of men for good, were twisted by acts of men who had sold out to greed and fear. In this way the system was perverted to the ends of darkness.

Yes there have been bloody confrontations between those who believe one way and those who believe otherwise. However the depictions in your movies and in your history books exaggerate the reality of these. In every case there were those who operated from the light, who inspired others to do things in the best interests of all. In every case some people recognized the Creators light within and set out to manifest it.

So you see the light resides even in the darkest of circumstances. The dark energy has been unable to squash it. Ordinary people have ultimately arisen to seek their common benefit.

The situation today on your planet is that the dark chains are being broken by the actions of common women and men. Do not believe everything you read in the media about the actions in this country and in others. It is being deliberately distorted to prolong the reign of capitalism and those who control it in the name of wealth and power.

We, who watch from orbit, see the truth in the uprising of peoples around your planet. There is a ground swell of those seeking that which is right, true, and based on the common good. Yes, we will wipe out the last vestiges of the dark energy when we remove its off-planet allies. This will happen soon. Then the playing field will be level and the innate goodness of people will emerge to construct a new civilization based on truth and love. All of this will occur in concert with a revitalized Earth.

Our brothers and sisters of Earth, in the coming days and weeks remember you are of the light. You have the ability to remake yourselves and your civilization. Take this opportunity to live in the light. Your belief systems will be sorely challenged. Be open to new ways of seeing and believing.

I am Justine from the star system Altair and I am Bren-Ton from Andromeda.

Thank you, Justine and Bren-Ton. That’s it for today folks.

In Truth, Love and Joy,


11-10-08 Context

The following communication was provided on 11/10/08. This is my 18th posting to Mark’s Corner. I strongly suggest you read the earlier postings first, preferably in chronological order. Today, we welcome back Justine from the star system Altair.

Today I wish to speak about context. There is more to causing change than merely voting for a new leader. Real change comes from the way in which individuals think and live. Furthermore, until an individual understands the context of his or her existence, and decides it is not suitable, they will not change it. It was only when the people of my planet saw that the context of their existence needed to be changed that we were able to change the way in which we thought and lived.

All people of Earth live in a cleverly contrived context: A reality that has been constructed for them, and a way of life in which they have been taught to believe. Most of it is a lie. The context in which you live is contrived so as to make you believe you are free to act while at the same time you are constrained by the context. Yes, you feel free to vote for a new leader, but that new leader is constrained within the context of an existing government, hemmed in by established rules.

Yes, the newly elected leader of the U.S., Barack Obama, will have to deal with the economy, but the economy is contrived. The U.S. economy has been built by layering debt on top of debt. It is designed to keep ordinary people enslaved, while allowing a few to prosper. Most people never get out of debt. Only a privileged few live out their retirement in a state of bliss. This debt-based monetary system has been spread throughout the world. Developing countries, innocent of doing anything other than having natural resources and cheap labor have fallen under the burden of debt created by the U.S. This is one aspect of your context that must be changed. It will only be changed, by changing energy, the individual energies of people.

Those of you living on Earth must come to recognize that you are the ones creating this context. Yes by your beliefs you have enslaved yourselves within it. Those of you alive at this moment inherited it. The dark energy and its agents cleverly worked on it for thousands of years to bring it to a place where it is today.

It is reinforced at every turn. Your history is a lie as it supports the reality of the context. Your television drums in the conventional context. Your books, your newspapers, your schools, your corporations, your sources of food, and housing all contribute to the conventional. You must learn to look beyond this conventional context, to see it as you go about your daily lives.

This may seem like a daunting task, and it is. If you are awake, you have experienced how hard it is to live in a situation where you are constantly assailed by the conventional. It is a constant struggle to remind yourself that it is not real, that those who are supporting it are unconsciously telling lies. This is particularly difficult when you are not certain as to what to believe or not believe. It is much more than “living in the world but not of it,” as your bible says. It is recognizing that you are surrounded by a contrived context of your own making.

In America today, those who have been marginalized by the dominant white society have a greater chance of seeing the conventional context for what it is than the average white person. They have had the advantage of seeing it from outside. They have not been allowed to participate in the system, so they recognize it for what it is. I am speaking here of American Indians, African Americans, and other minorities. Also those of other countries are more likely to recognize the American system for what it is. Yes, the American system promises material abundance, but at what price? The American system requires one to put aside ones deepest held beliefs about the basic goodness of all people and to see others as them versus us, to compete with them rather than cooperate. It is in this compromising of basic beliefs that the degrading into slavery happens.

So what is the solution? Individual energies support the dominant paradigm. The combined energies of millions of American support this context. Those who have little material wealth, support it in the hope they might acquire material wealth. Those who have material wealth support it in order to keep what they have. The larger picture is largely ignored.

So a reorientation of individual energies is what is required. This can only be done one at a time. First there must be some sort of disillusionment with that which is. After that begins a process as follows: A seeking for something better. Defining what is better. An intention to create that which is better. A free-will decision to cling to that which is better. Then the determination to pursue the new at whatever cost is entailed, including the fact that your neighbor or family member is opposed to your new way of seeing and behaving.

When this happens, the simple act of casting a vote can be turned into real change. When enough people make individual decisions for change, it reorganizes the energy of a planet. Normally this is a gradual process, however these are not normal times. The convergence of so factors makes this an extraordinary time. We, who are here to assist, plan to speed up this process by making ourselves known.

That will happen in the near future. It will shatter the conventional context for most people. After that it will be up to everyone to reconstruct a new way of seeing and believing. This is where you, and others like you who understand, come in. Continue to give insights into a beautiful and loving new civilization. We are hopeful that enough people will wake up to this possibility to create real energetic change. When this happens a shift will take place. Throwing off the current context and adopting a new one is likely to engender fear of the unknown in many people. Help them to trust in a beautiful and loving way of being.

The stage is set; the players are assembled. All is in readiness for the great event. We will appear soon. Help to prepare the attitude of the other actors to openness and acceptance of our good will.

I am Justine from the planet Supsten of the star system Altair. I give all of you our blessings on your work.

Thank you, Justine. That’s it for today folks.

In Truth, Love and Joy,


10-17-08 Capitalism

The following information was provided on 10/17/08. This is my 11th posting to Mark’s Corner. I strongly suggest you read the earlier postings first, preferably in chronological order.

Capitalism evolved to its present form over a period of several hundred years. It was transported to the world through colonialism. The British and other empires introduced it to their colonies.

Capitalism had its roots in the desire of ordinary people to invent something to take them out of their dependence on the largess of the king. In the days of feudalism, a serf would work for his master, retaining a portion of what he produced as his reward. Then a serf would barter with other serfs for what else he desired. This system was unfair, completely controlled by the master, and kept ordinary people at a subsistence level. It was the tradesman. who broke that scheme of things and created a merchant class. With the merchant class came the bankers who held people’s money. The rise of the so-called middle class came from those roots. In its earliest days, capitalism was based on a monetary system that had intrinsic value.

The creation of a monetary system without intrinsic value, i.e. a paper currency with no backing, is an invention that has historically led to a build-up of false prosperity and then a precipitous fall. This has been repeated throughout the history of capitalism.

Along with its indispensable partners, oil and other fossil fuels, capitalism created the climate for a population explosion. Without fiat currencies and oil, the planet’s current population could not be fed, clothed, or housed. Without fiat currencies and oil, the population of the planet would be smaller by about 90%. Without fiat currencies and oil, the rape of Earth could have not occurred in such an extreme manner.

The demise of the control pyramid based on wealth is at hand. Banking systems and their many extensions, the backbones of capitalism are showing cracks worldwide. Dependence on fossil fuel is revealing its folly. Keep in mind that the truth is not as reported in the media. Capitalism will not recover from this breakdown. The capitalist system, with its dependence on fiat currency and oil, will be totally shattered in the coming months.

Capitalism will ultimately be replaced with an economic system that is amenable to the general population of the planet. The system that operates on my home planet is such that each person has sufficient money to meet his or her needs. It is not a question of “earning” money. Money is supplied in sufficient quantity to allow each person to accomplish that which he or she wishes for his or her life. There is no structure in which money is accumulated in order to dominate others. Money simply is. Nor is there a barter system. People give to each other without thought of getting something in return. Yes, I know this sounds utopian, but that is our system and it works. As I stated in an earlier communication, my planet transitioned from the old to the new.

Now to interim time, during the next few months, the next years, the monetary system will return to relying on that which has some intrinsic value. Precious metals will be one way to accomplish this; another way is barter. Think of what people wish, what they find of necessity, those things will be used for barter. In primitive societies it was agricultural goods or domesticated animals. In more advanced societies it will be harvested produce, canned goods, and necessities. Yes, a can of Vienna sausages will work, as will cigarettes and whisky. But on a more practical level, oil and seasonings will do better. Salt will be a good barter item; it was used before.

The demise of the current economic system will mean that a smaller population will reside on this planet. Many of your current inhabitants will choose to abandon ship to seek an existence that is more in line with the economic system and energies they know. They will decide that they do not wish to advance to a planet with an untried economic system and no fossil fuels, or they may decide they do not wish to live through the interim time. That is acceptable to everyone involved, the humans of the new Earth, and those of us from other planets and the celestials. Since all is energy, everyone’s choice will be accomplished quite easily. There will be a bifurcation of those who wish to live through the interim time and make a contribution to the new Earth, and those who do not. It is up to each individual to choose. Parents may choose for their children.

The current structure is collapsing. A new one will replace it. There will be an interim time of adjustment. We, your brothers and sisters from other star systems, are here to assist. I am Justine of the planet Supsten of the Altairian star system. I leave you with my blessing.

That’s it for today folks. I am being told that there will be more in the days and weeks ahead.

In Truth, Love and Joy,


October 1st

The following information was provided on 10/1/08. This is my 6th posting to Mark’s Corner. I strongly suggest you read the earlier postings first, preferably in chronological order.

Greetings from the starship Athabantian.

As I observe your world from my vantage point of this great Pleiadian starship, the thing that strikes me as most unique about it is its diversity. Nowhere else in the galaxy, so I am told, does this diversity exist. It is wondrous to behold.

The roots of this diversity come from the original seeding done by humans from the galaxy as they brought the four races of black, white, red and yellow to your planet. The diversity of animal and plant life was already in place on Earth at that time, some one million years ago, having been created as such by the hand of God.

Then those who came later, wishing to control the people of the planet, added to the diversity by implanting the seeds of discourse. They believed that by making you competitive with each other they would more easily control you, so that you would not rise up against them, your enslavers. They made you fearful of each other, but they that did not make you more easily controlled. They have struggled with that ever since. In fact, the reason there is not a one-world government already on your planet is your very diversity of belief and behavior.

Now as you prepare for the great transition to a lighter density, we see the great advantages of retaining this diversity. It will continue to make Earth a unique planet. So in addition to her great beauty she will retain her diversity of plant, animal, and human life. All of us gathered in orbit about your planet wish only the best for its inhabitants, particularly those of you who will remain on the ascended Earth. We will, once again, nurture life on this revitalized planet, the jewel of the galaxy.

Please continue to transmit to us that which you wish to have in your revitalized world. We stand ready to assist you to accomplish that end.

I am Justine of the planet Supsten of the Altairian star system. I leave you with my blessing.

That’s it for today folks. Remember to meditate, or simply hold in your hearts, the characteristics and environment that which you would like to experience on a revitalized Earth. It is to be our home; we get to have a hand in designing it.

In Truth, Love and Joy,


9-30-08 Off-planet Perspective

The following information was provided on 9/30/08. This is the 5th posting to Mark’s Corner. I strongly suggest you read the earlier postings first, preferably in chronological order.

I am commenting from a starship of the Pleiadians on what I observe happening on the surface of your planet. Please know that what is happening these days impacts all within this galaxy. Everything is interconnected, more than you would ever imagine. A saying of your planet, that the flapping of the wing of a butterfly in the Amazon is felt throughout your world, is quite true. Energetically, we are all connected.

It is clear to us that the orchestrated fall of the stock market is intended to induce such fear that Congress will vote funds for the powerful of Wall Street and the banking interests, without consideration for ordinary people. As usual, the real story is what is going on behind the scenes. Power hungry off-planet handlers are trying to obtain their last energetic morsels as the enslavement of Earth’s people comes to an end. They believe, wrongly, that by diverting massive amounts of funds into the hands of those who serve them, consciously and unconsciously, they will retain some semblance of their stranglehold over the majority of people. Regardless of how the economic situation is finally resolved, when it indeed it is, it demonstrates a desperate gasp by the powerful to suck energy from the people they dominate.

Politicians in Washington are mere pawns in this game. They are being stampeded, by fear of not getting reelected, into doing something that they would not ordinarily do. A few are seeing through this grab for money, seeing that by merely adjusting regulations on banks that they could accomplish what is necessary to solve the crisis. Despite wishes to the contrary, fear based action will probably rule the day, as it is easier to do what is being asked than to take action with clear eyes.

Again, the hidden hand of those from off-planet who rule the beliefs and actions of a small cabal are clearly seen in their preferred way of solving the dilemma: create more money to reward the few. By gouging the populace, they tighten the screws on the poor, both in America and elsewhere on the planet, make a mockery of the hard-working middle class, and enrich those who already have a great plenty.

The energies everyone is feeling, consciously or unconsciously, are directed to you from several sources. There is the energy from HAARP that seeks to cloud the minds of humans, make them tired, and induce fear. It operates at 4 to 6 hertz, the same frequency as the human brain. It is operating at full power these days. It is particularly effective, as aerosol spraying has lowered the resistance of everyone’s physical body.

Energies are also coming from the armada of starships in orbit about your planet and from elsewhere in the galaxy These energies are beneficial, intended to uplift those who will open themselves to receiving. Your physical health is better for receiving these energies. This is the same for everyone who is open.

There are also energies which earth is directing to her surface dwellers. She is calling you to experience her revitalized beauty. Go into the wild to allow her to talk with you. She is clearing the skies and waters, and refreshing the ground. Enjoy the revitalized Earth. There is more of this to come as she ascends into her beauty of a lighter density. Find ways to resonate with her. Walk on the soil barefoot. Smell her fragrances. Look upon her beauty.

Make no mistake these are extraordinary times. This is not just one more business cycle. You are living in times that will not be repeated on this planet, or for that matter anywhere else in this galaxy. This is the triumph of the light over the darkness that has gripped this planet for eons. Enjoy the fact that you are here to live through it. I am most appreciative that I am here to observe.

From the perspective of a visitor to your world, I am amazed at the darkness in which mankind has labored. If you could but see the civilization of my home planet, you would see a huge contrast. Even though we still have to choose, we are not overwhelmed by the overarching darkness that makes it almost impossible to see the light clearly.

As an example, on my home planet children are only brought into homes where they are to be loved. No one is brought into life without the decision of the parents that they have the time and the means to dedicate to the new person. This leads to less dysfunctional family life, healthier children, and better-balanced more loving adults. There are few instances of drug or alcohol abuse, few suicides, and almost no abuse. Contrast this with your world where all of these are present.

Here on Earth you have the ability to choose between the dark and the light, and that it is a wonderful experience for many to undertake, but the price that is paid in ruined lives is too high. So earth will ascend into the light and those of you who wish may accompany her.

There will be no more of an economy that is structured to enslave the many and benefit the few. There will be no more need to climb the corporate ladder in search of riches and power. There will be no more need to lie and claw ones way to the top of an artificially structured pyramid. On my world, there is no economic deprivation, and no economic pyramid. Wealth is provided to all in abundance.

I am Justine of the planet Supsten of the Altairian star system. I leave you with my blessing.

That’s all for today folks, more in the days ahead. Stay tuned.

In Truth, Love and Joy,


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