One Lesson III

This the third message in this series from God. As I was receiving it, I was once again reminded that the most important thing for us to remember is that we are all one. This is my 17th posting to Mark’s Corner for 2009.


When My other oversouls saw the action of that single oversoul who was focused on individuating souls with diminished light, they reacted by stepping up their individuation of souls with strong light. They placed these souls into all regions of My universe, thus assuring that the Creator’s light would remain strong. This became their primary focus. I embraced all individual souls, whether strong in the light or not, as aspects of My creation, as one.

In the boundary areas between that claimed by the dark energy and that claimed by oversouls dedicated to the light, there was conflict. In some cases, the oversouls of the light manifested hearty souls, who wished to sample what it was like to live in the darkness. The dark energy did likewise for certain souls with diminished light. Incarnating in this way gave individuated souls opportunities to make choices between the light and the dark. This too I embraced as one creation, looking forward to the day when the light energies would balance out the dark.

Meanwhile the oversouls of the light were determined not to yield to the dark energy, to give it dominion over that space which it claimed. They did this mindful that they could not stoop to tactics employed by the dark energy and risk becoming trapped in his web of deceit and darkness. Strong individuated souls volunteered to live on planets dominated by the dark energy. The dark energy retaliated by individuating souls on planets where the light was the strongest. For millions of years, this conflict continued with the light and dark making advances, and then giving ground. When I speak of battles or conflict, I refer to the tug of war between energies of the light and energy without the light. These are not wars as you experience on Earth.

Some planets became very dark trapping the souls incarnated there into harsh lives under structures of the dark energy. Keep in mind also that many of these souls were of the oversouls of light; they had volunteered to live in this darkness to experience it for themselves, to add to the experience of their particular oversoul. In some ways it is much easier to choose when the choices are so stark as black and white, dark and light. There is value living in the darkness so as to determine what it is that a particular soul does or does not wish. So it came to pass that my universe was divided into predominately areas of the light with a minor portion dominated by the dark energy. Yet all was one, all were My creation, and all were My creatures. All were playing out their roles in the grand drama of My universe. And never did the Creator’s light completely vanish in any souls, even those who chose to live without it.


Thank you God. As the transcriber of these words, I feel most privileged and humbled to be a part of this process.

PLEASE COPY THIS MESSAGE, AS WELL AS ANY OTHER POSTING TO MARK’S CORNER, AND DISTRIBUTE IT WIDELY. We are approaching a time when this information will be most valuable as a source of truth amidst confusion.

My thanks to all who sent energy for my recovery, I now feel that my body is almost returned to normal, albeit with a lighter approach to life.

I have been told that those who are communicating with me will entertain questions. Please send your queries to me at

In Truth, Love and Joy,


In light of pending changes and the likely unavailability of the Internet, I recommend that you save each of these postings to your computer. I have compiled an 80-page book containing all 2008 postings. Send a check or money order for $15.00 to Paradigm Books, PO Box 270156, Fort Collins, CO 80527. A CD containing the 2008 messages is $6.00. These prices include postage within the U.S. For delivery outside the U.S. add $5.00 for shipping.


• To purchase “One. Toward a Civilization of Light,” or other books by Mark Kimmel, go to or order it from your favorite book seller.

• To become part of the Cosmic Paradigm Network, go to the index page of this site, scroll to the bottom, and join.

• We log published sighting of paranormal phenomenon at “Current News” on this site.

• You may comment on these postings at Please be patient; I am receiving large numbers of emails.

• These messages may be copied and retransmitted. Please preserve all notations and attributions when doing so.

One Lesson II

This the second message in this series from God. As I was receiving it, I was once again reminded that the most important thing for us to remember is that we are all one. This is my 16th posting to Mark’s Corner for 2009.


As I said in My prior message, I created oversouls to individuate souls for the characters in My grand drama. Each oversoul is capable of individuating many souls simultaneously, each containing the Creator’s light. They populated my universe of planets with humans and other life forms, all experiencing different aspects of the grand drama. I gave the oversouls free reign to experiment with different life experiences, so you can imagine the diversity among My billions of planets. As I look out at this vast creation, I see all as one and I embrace all in love.

After a time, one of the My oversouls decided to take experience to an extreme and find out what it was to live with diminished Creator’s light in the souls he was individuating. He has been given many names, but none of my oversouls have specific names as they are all of My energy field, and not truly separate from Me. Just as you and all other individuated souls are not truly separate from Me. Although it may appear that you that other humans, animals, planets, and inanimate objects are separate, we are one.

So this particular oversoul experimented with ever decreasing amounts of light in the souls he was individuating. In the process this oversoul began to accumulate a preponderance of soul experiences that were not of the light. This in turn began to weigh heavily upon his functioning and he sought out more ever more dark experiences to feed his thirst. He determined that fear which emerged in the absence of the Creator’s light was a substitute for love, not a fully satisfying substitute but nonetheless a substitute. And his souls became ever more darkly individuated. It took a few billion of your years until this dark oversoul decided to carve out a section of My universe as his exclusive part of the grand drama that would be played only in darkness. And yet I love him as one who is only slightly removed from Me.

Your planet, Earth, lay in the path of his scheme to create an exclusively dark play, so it was quickly enveloped, as were a number of other planets of nearby star systems. The dark energy, for that is how I had come to see him, then preceded to create fear in all residents of all the planets under his control. Fear came to dominate Earth.


Thank you God. As the transcriber of these words, I feel most privileged and humbled to be a part of this process.

In Truth, Love and Joy,



In light of pending changes and the likely unavailability of the Internet, I recommend that you save each of these postings to your computer. I have compiled an 80-page book containing all 2008 postings. Send a check or money order for $15.00 to Paradigm Books, PO Box 270156, Fort Collins, CO 80527. A CD containing the 2008 messages is $6.00. These prices include postage within the U.S. For delivery outside the U.S. add $5.00 for shipping.


• To purchase “One. Toward a Civilization of Light,” or other books by Mark Kimmel, go to or order it from your favorite book seller.

• To become part of the Cosmic Paradigm Network, go to the index page of this site, scroll to the bottom, and join.

• We log published sighting of paranormal phenomenon at “Current News” on this site.

• You may comment on these postings at Please be patient; I am receiving large numbers of emails.

One Lesson I

As I was receiving this message, I was reminded that the most important thing for us to remember is that all is one. With that objective in mind, God begins a series of lessons around this topic. This is my 15th posting to Mark’s Corner for 2009.


Before the universe of time and space, before the spiritual domains, before all, I determined to undertake a grand drama in My universe. In connection with that decision I created oversouls to assist Me. It is their mission to supply the souls for the grand drama in conjunction with My physical creation. So you see, from the very beginning, all was one, and all was interconnected. It remains thus to this day.

After that initial creation, I charged the oversouls with allowing Me to experience every aspect of the diversity of My creation through their individuated souls. At the same time I created the domain of the spiritual with angels and celestials. I then continued by creating the galaxies with their myriad diversity of life forms. Throughout all of My creation there remains the interconnection of all; all is one.

When the oversouls were ready I created planets and inhabited them with all manner of plants, animals and self-conscious beings. The oversouls supplied individuated aspects of themselves, souls, for each of these material creatures. These then became the consciousness of all, the interconnectedness of all. For it is at the soul level that all are connected, connected to an oversoul, connected to Me. Every aspect of creation is conscious, every creation is interconnected, every creation allows Me to experience the fullness of their life, every creation is good, and every creation is infused with my love. In time as measured according to your clock this process has taken billions of years. As viewed from My perspective all is happening now in a brilliant tapestry of interconnected oneness. I will continue another day to expand upon these truths.


Thank you God. As the transcriber of these words, I feel most privileged and humbled to be a part of this process.

In Truth, Love and Joy,


In light of pending changes and the likely unavailability of the Internet, I recommend that you save each of these postings to your computer. I have compiled an 80-page book containing all 2008 postings. Send a check or money order for $15.00 to Paradigm Books, PO Box 270156, Fort Collins, CO 80527. A CD containing the 2008 messages is $6.00. These prices include postage within the U.S. For delivery outside the U.S. add $5.00 for shipping.


• To purchase “One. Toward a Civilization of Light,” or other books by Mark Kimmel, go to or order it from your favorite book seller.

• To become part of the Cosmic Paradigm Network, go to the index page of this site, scroll to the bottom, and join.

• We log published sighting of paranormal phenomenon at “Current News” on this site.

• You may comment on these postings at Please be patient; I am receiving large numbers of emails.

11-20-08 We are coming

The following communication was provided on 11/19/08 and on 11/20/08. This is my 22nd posting to Mark’s Corner. I strongly suggest you read the earlier postings first, preferably in chronological order. Also, after you read my other writings, you may gain a greater appreciation for the material presented on these pages. Today we welcome back Bren-Ton from the star system Andromeda, plus a very special guest.

The appearance of our great starships will be a shock to almost everyone on your planet. It will be a first time for most people to see a fully materialized ship from another planet. Heretofore, many appearances have been holographic images transmitted from our ships in orbit. Our arrival will cause many changes to your previously held beliefs.

Our current plan is to make appearances in a number of locations simultaneously. This will heighten the value of our debut. As we have stated many of your systems and institutions will be shocked by our arrival. Many people will continue to deny the reality of what they see with their own eyes; many will fear. So this will not be a momentary appearance and then we depart; no, we will stay awhile.

There will be some interchange of communications from our ships to you via your radio and television. We will also be transmitting telepathically. The basic message will be as follows:

We are here at the request of many of this planet. We come in peace. We do not wish to overwhelm you, or to be treated as superior. Only our technology sets us apart from you.

This is the end of an era for the people of this planet. The darkness that has overwhelmed you for many thousands of years is lifted. You may now see yourselves as the beautiful beings whom you are. You are our sisters and brothers. Welcome back into the family.

We would like to help you correct your presence on this planet, so that you will no longer assault Earth. We wish to help you live at peace with each other and with your home.

To that end, we will help you develop technology that will enable you to do this. Also we are making certain adjustments to the planet to return her full function to her. She is a beautiful sphere that has been chained these many years.

There will be a period of transition to the new. We will work to minimize its impact on all of you. Please join with us in a spirit of friendship and mutual assistance.

This is a preview of the message you will receive when we make our appearance. Please broadcast it so that many will know.

Conditions on your planet are quite fragile, much more than you are being led to believe. Your economy and governments are stressed. Your environment is stretched to the limit. You are unable to continue on this path. Major changes will be required. Are you ready to undertake these changes? Are you ready to step up to become citizens of the cosmos? Are you ready to fulfill your destiny?

The most obvious group who will be forced to openly recognize our existence is your military. They will come to see that they have no place in peaceful interaction between civilizations from different planets. Sophisticated weapons of your military were designed with the assistance of those who came here under the guidance of the dark energy. We wish them to be turned off before we make our appearance so that there will be no injuries to those on your planet or to our ships.

Next will be governments, who will be forced to admit that they are part of a larger whole. They will send emissaries to meet with us, to speak for the people, however our mission is to speak to the people directly; we will do that. Many will “hear” us speaking to them directly. All will be startled. Those who are awake will accept us as their brothers and sisters. Those who are less awake will be dismayed, but they too can see us as non-threatening, if they will change their perspective.

And, yes, many will fear us and reject us. Those who cling to old religious notions will fear us the most. Religious leaders can do much to ease the fears of those who look up to them. Will they do that? We will see.

Scientists will change their views of what is possible and what is not. Some of their physics will be outdated. Again, some will resist. We anticipate that most will eagerly accept.

Those who deal with the environment will see us as a way to cleanse the Earth. That we will do, as well as changing attitudes about your planet. Many of our transmissions will be made to help people to understand Earth as a living organism.

All institutions set up by the agents of the dark energy will be impacted. We will not impose our ways on you; only show you at there are other ways. Showing ourselves will assist you to rethink your priorities.

We come here not to destroy Earth or her people, rather we wish to jolt humankind with the realization that there is more to living than leading a self-centered life. Those who are caught up in that mode will fail to accept us.

Your methods of transportation will be seen as outmoded. This will lead to demands for radical change. We will show you the way; you must implement it for yourselves.

Communications will be altered as you see that you can communicate without the need for electronics. This will change the shape of your telecommunications.

We have previously spoken of the energy sources that we have installed. These will ease your burden during this time of transition.

Yes, the impact of our showing ourselves in this density will be overwhelming, particularly to those who cling to the old ways. This may produce a few weeks of painful adjustment. Be prepared for dislocations of the conventional.

It is only after we make ourselves know that we will make certain adjustments to your planet. We have previously spoken of these. These too will cause some temporary adaptations. Be prepared and help those who do not yet understand. Earth is returning to her pristine, beautiful state. Humankind is returning to its state before the dark energy invaded your planet and modified you. Some will be see this as ascension; in reality it is a returning and new grounding. From there you will advance to be a planet of the cosmos.

All facets of your current context will be affected. Look to each other in preparation for our time of arrival. Examine for yourself how it would change your life. Do a little homework in anticipation of our arrival. Discuss it with others.

I am the God of this universe. The words of Bren-Ton are my words to you. You are me; I am you. You are my creatures, but at the same time we are one. You are all of me. Now is the time when your sisters and brothers will make their appearance. Welcome them.

You too may have lived on other planets than Earth. Recall those experiences now to assist the transformation of this planet. Recall your training for this moment.

Those of you who read these words will resonate with them in a particular fashion. They will trigger within you something long buried. Be open to that new urging, those new insights. Come from a place of love for your sisters and brothers and for your planet Earth. I am the God of this universe; I welcome you to the fullness of your being.

Whew, I am overwhelmed. Thank you, God. Thank you Bren-Ton.

In Truth, Love and Joy,


Reminders: To become part of the Cosmic Paradigm Network, go to the index page of this site, scroll to the bottom, and join. To purchase books go to “Recommended Reading” at this web site. We log published sighting of paranormal phenomenon at “Current News.” You may comment on these postings at

October 1st

The following information was provided on 10/1/08. This is my 6th posting to Mark’s Corner. I strongly suggest you read the earlier postings first, preferably in chronological order.

Greetings from the starship Athabantian.

As I observe your world from my vantage point of this great Pleiadian starship, the thing that strikes me as most unique about it is its diversity. Nowhere else in the galaxy, so I am told, does this diversity exist. It is wondrous to behold.

The roots of this diversity come from the original seeding done by humans from the galaxy as they brought the four races of black, white, red and yellow to your planet. The diversity of animal and plant life was already in place on Earth at that time, some one million years ago, having been created as such by the hand of God.

Then those who came later, wishing to control the people of the planet, added to the diversity by implanting the seeds of discourse. They believed that by making you competitive with each other they would more easily control you, so that you would not rise up against them, your enslavers. They made you fearful of each other, but they that did not make you more easily controlled. They have struggled with that ever since. In fact, the reason there is not a one-world government already on your planet is your very diversity of belief and behavior.

Now as you prepare for the great transition to a lighter density, we see the great advantages of retaining this diversity. It will continue to make Earth a unique planet. So in addition to her great beauty she will retain her diversity of plant, animal, and human life. All of us gathered in orbit about your planet wish only the best for its inhabitants, particularly those of you who will remain on the ascended Earth. We will, once again, nurture life on this revitalized planet, the jewel of the galaxy.

Please continue to transmit to us that which you wish to have in your revitalized world. We stand ready to assist you to accomplish that end.

I am Justine of the planet Supsten of the Altairian star system. I leave you with my blessing.

That’s it for today folks. Remember to meditate, or simply hold in your hearts, the characteristics and environment that which you would like to experience on a revitalized Earth. It is to be our home; we get to have a hand in designing it.

In Truth, Love and Joy,
