Energies of Change

The messages at this site are the result of communications between Mark Kimmel and beings who are not the indigenous humans of this planet. The communications have been verified as coming only from those who are of the highest Christ Consciousness. Messages on this site build on each other; for their full impact, read them in sequence beginning with September 2008 (archived below). They detail the situation on this planet, our place in the universe, and a positive picture for our future – if we are willing to act. I hope, by presenting them to you, that they spark your curiosity, and a decision to join with others to create a new civilization on Earth. As always I encourage you to seek your own unique truth, and live it.

This is my 75th posting to Mark’s Corner for 2009. I welcome back Adrial with her unique perspective on our current situation.

Greetings: There are several transformative changes now at work on Earth. One relates to the monetary system and economic structures of your current civilization. This very old structure was purposely organized so that the few at the top would reap the benefit of the efforts of those lower on the pyramid. Your monetary system is crashing. The banking system will be no more. The elites are being stripped of their ill-gotten wealth. The current economic structure will disappear.

The second, and more important change is the increasing vibration of the planet, as she raises her frequency. This will result in moderate temperatures worldwide. This will also cause some earth shifts as tectonic plates and oceans adjust to less ice, and will precipitate volcanic activity in certain areas.

The third event is the appearance of your brothers and sisters from distant star systems. The disclosure of their reality by your governments is but a prelude to their appearance. These announcements and appearances are taking time in order to avoid widespread fear, a condition the current controllers would desire. First there will be announcements, after which there will be increasing appearances. Then there will be on-going contact between civilizations.

The fourth factor is the galactic energies that are affecting your star and all planets of your system. Some of these happen with regular long-term frequency; others have been designed for this moment. You might be feeling them as energies that are affecting your bodies. They are affecting all on the planet – humans, animals, plants and rocks — regardless of whether they are being detected or not. These are transformative energies.

These four factors are playing out against a background of accelerating time. All events are moving more swiftly. Those who are orchestrating this transformation are managing these various energies like an orchestra; all play together to achieve the required transformation.

Then, of course, there are those of the dark energies who are resisting this change. They are being dealt with one by one. Each is given the choice of joining the ascension or being removed, like an instrument that is unwilling to play the music of transformation.

So you see this is a very complex situation. Never before have so many factors come together in one moment of transformation. Earth is the focal point of an entire universe as her transition takes place, and it surely will take place.

The final consideration is all of this is the impact on individual humans of Earth. Much is being directed toward you. We are most interested in making your transition as painless as possible. Whether an individual human chooses to become a caretaker of the new Earth, chooses to continue to sleep, or clings to the ways of the dark ones, each will be led to that place which is most comfortable to their particular frequency resonance.

I hope this will help those of you who await the transformation to better understand events. I am Adrial, a celestial of this universe. I bid you good-bye for today.

YOU MAY COPY AND DISTRIBUTE THIS MESSAGE, AS WELL AS OTHER POSTINGS TO MARK’S CORNER (http://www.cosmicparadigm.com/Marks_Corner/). Please do so in total, preserving all notations, attributions, and announcements.

In Truth, Love and Joy,

Rev. Mark Kimmel

P.S. My work with this site is support by your donations. If you wish to make one by credit card or PayPal, use the “Donate” link on the right of this page. You may also send a check to 135 Country Center Dr. #B5-264, Pagosa Springs, CO 81147

Current Changes

The messages on this site build on each other; for their full impact, read them in sequence beginning with September 2008 (archived below). They detail the situation on this planet, our place in the universe, and a positive picture for our future – if we are willing to act. I hope, by presenting them to you, that they spark your curiosity, and a decision to join with others to create a new civilization on Earth. As always I encourage you to seek your own unique truth, and live it.

This is my 63rd posting to Mark’s Corner for 2009. These messages were interrupted as I moved my physical location. I have been unable to respond to most emails. Thank you for your messages of concern and support.

Today it is my pleasure to welcome back Bren-Ton who wishes to communicate with us about the many changes occurring on our planet.

Greeting to all. It is my pleasure to return to this site with new information. The current lack of publicity about important events is not an indication of a lack of action; in fact it may be quite the contrary. There are many things occurring on your world that are receiving no media attention. This is being done purposely. The controlled media does not wish to give information about these changes to you during this most important moment.

There are changes in your monetary system that will affect all on this planet. There are changes in the political, and in warring factions. All are positive, not because they usher in a time of plenty and peace, but because they are bringing things to a head. The first significant event from outside your planet is now at your doorstep. It will be known quite soon, despite a dearth of media coverage.

Mark, you have noted the absence of chemtrails in the skies over Colorado. For over two weeks they have also been absent in other areas of your planet. This has diminished the effects of HAARP and other programs to suppress the health and awareness of individuals. This is but one example of positive actions taking place.

The price of gold has risen in anticipation of what? The American dollar has fallen. Why? These are but small indicators of the undercurrents that plague your financial structures, despite efforts to both control them and to keep them hidden from the majority. In the coming weeks they will make themselves even more evident.

Observe how the wealthy are taking extraordinary salaries from their corporations and banks, regardless of whether the entities are performing well. They are getting what they can while a sleeping population provides the money, whether directly or through governments. The wealthy are lining their nests at the expense of the many, and they are doing it in anticipation of a breakdown in the financial and monetary systems.

For you see, they too have foreknowledge of the demise of all. They know things will not continue as before. They too have ways of knowing what the future will bring, and they are preparing by building shelters and retreats. They are amassing great wealth, knowing that the money in circulation is worthless and that everyone will soon realize it. They are buying gold and silver, land, and other assets in hopes that such will retain their value.

The powerful are also securing their places of power. Politicians are staking out their territory. Tyrants are securing their fortresses. There is little compromise as they secure their footholds in preparation for changes beyond their control. Each is falling back on his or her base of power. They too sense that great change is coming. They too have access to the larger knowledge. They too practice the arts of dowsing, tarot, and astrology, despite an outward reliance on the traditional.

Then there are those of the traditional religions who also see the coming changes. They too rely on forecasts of the future from sources other than those that they preach to their flocks. They see that the changes may be so great that people will no longer trust what they are preaching, and they are securing for themselves places of safety alongside the wealthy and powerful whom they have supported.

So as the light of truth and love increases on your world, so do the dark activities of the powerful, the wealthy, and the religious. As an observer of what is happening around you, approach all in an attitude of love. See those of the light as they manifest more clearly. See the positive events as they occur. See the unveiling of the truth and celebrate. Also see the activities of the dark; do not deny them, for to so gives them power. Acknowledge these activities, and then concentrate on the love and beauty manifesting itself.

These are times of great change. They are upon all of the Earth. Look at the behavior of animals; they sense the change. Be aware of changes in the weather. The magnetic field of the planet is changing. The pole is shifting. All about you is in change. Embrace the change and you will be more at peace. Find your center and stand firm. Retain your balance for the sake of those around you. Discover who you really are and why you are here at this moment and in this place. What is your unique mission? Where are you called to be? What are you called to do?

Listen as your heart speaks. Seek the advice of wise others to confirm your heart’s message. Ask God to open your mind to receive messages. Ask your brothers and sisters from other worlds to communicate with you. All this is possible to help you discover your true self, and your mission on the new Earth. Join with enlightened people to become a caretaker of the new Earth, to become a universe citizen of the new paradigm.

Thank you, Bren-Ton, as always you deliver a timely message to help us understand what is transpiring on our world.

YOU MAY COPY AND DISTRIBUTE THIS MESSAGE, AS WELL AS OTHER POSTINGS TO MARK’S CORNER (http://www.cosmicparadigm.com/Marks_Corner/). Please do so in total, preserving all notations, attributions, and announcements.

In Truth, Love and Joy,

Mark Kimmel


• MANY THANKS TO EVERYONE WHO CONTINUES TO SO GENEROUSLY CONTRIBUTE TO MY EFFORTS. EACH DONATION IS MAKING MY WORK POSSIBLE. If you wish to make a donation by credit card or PayPal, use the “Donate” link on the right of this page, or send a check to PO Box 270156 Fort Collins, CO 80527

• Good News! The best book I have read: “And Then God Said… And Then I said… And Then He said…” is now available at Amazon.com

• I recommend that you save each of these postings to your computer. I have compiled books containing the 2008 postings, and posting for Q1 and Q2 of 2009. For each book, send a check or money order for $15.00 to Paradigm Books, PO Box 270156, Fort Collins, CO 80527. CD’s containing these messages are $6.00 each. These prices include postage within the U.S. For delivery outside the U.S. add $5.00 for shipping.

• Those who are communicating with me have said that they will entertain questions as long as they are not specific to personal circumstances. Please send your queries to me at cp@zqyx.org.

• If you wish to comment on these messages and have your comments posted at www.cosmicparadigm.com please forward them to me at cp@zqyx.org. I am creating a new page on the web site where your unedited comments will be published.

• To purchase “One. Toward a Civilization of Light,” or other books by Mark Kimmel, go to http://www.cosmicparadigm.com/About_One.html or order it from your favorite book seller. For those of you who have read “One,” chapter 56 is now available. Email me and I will send it to you.

• Audio recordings of my postings to this site are now available at YouTube. Enter YouTube and search for “Athabantian.” A most wonderful woman has prepared these for me; I am most grateful.

• A Spanish translation of “Trillion,” by Ma
rk Kimmel, the First Book of the Paradigm Trilogy is available in PDF format at: http://www.cosmicparadigm.com/AboutTrillion.htm Please inform your Spanish speaking friends and relatives.

• The Cosmic Paradigm Network is connecting people around the world who wish to assist the transformation of our civilization. To join, go to the index page of this site, and scroll to the bottom.

• You may contact me regarding these postings at cp@zqyx.org. (My email has not changed with the move.) Please be patient; I have received a large numbers of emails during this time.


The messages on this site build on each other, for their full impact, read them in sequence beginning with September 2008 (archive below). They detail the situation on this planet and our place in the universe as communicated to me. I hope, by presenting them to you, that they spark your curiosity, and a decision to join with others to create a new civilization. As always I encourage you to seek your own unique truth.

There are new announcements at the end of this message.

This is my 39th posting to Mark’s Corner for 2009. I am most pleased to welcome, back, Bren-Ton with a new message most relevant to our time.


It is my pleasure to share the following with you in the hope that more of you will awaken. Change is a constant in this universe. The change that Earth is experiencing will move the planet from her current situation to that where she was many years ago before the impact of civilization destroyed her land, water and air, before the fear generated by her humans diminished her brilliance.

Change is a constant. Those who flow with change have a much easier time in their lives than those who resist it. Often those who wish to maintain stability in their lives, fall into fear as a means of holding on that which they have.

What is it that you are doing that keeps you attached to this 3rd dimension?
Are you clinging to the money, or to possessions that you have amassed? Are you enjoying the pleasures of this 3rd dimensional existence such as food, wine, and sex that momentarily satiate your appetites? Or is it the drama of life in the 3rd dimension that appeals to you? Do you desire the give and take of competition with others to demonstrate your superiority, and their inferiority? Or is it the drama you find in a book or a dark movie. Or is it shopping for new clothes, or just the thrill of shopping?

Are you attached to your land? Attachment to your land is much different than appreciating Earth for your magnificence and honoring her beauty, and enjoying her wild flowers. The land upon which you reside, the land you would like to call your own is yours but for a fleeting moment. Honor the land of Earth, but do not seek to possess or conquer it.

Have you accumulated wealth and power as a means of isolating yourself from change, from the common people, from Earth, and from your enslavement? Are you addicted to alcohol or drugs as a way to shield yourself from reality and change? Change is a constant throughout the universe. Even in death you will not avoid it.

Look to what it is that binds you to this dimension and cut those ties. In the coming days, all that is of this world will change. You must be able to flow with change, or you will remain stuck in this density. See all as fluid, not concrete. Flow with the changes. Seek only that which supports you in this.

Yes, change is upon you, flow with it. You are not just moving into the time of transition; you are already well within it. Your concept of time will continue to accelerate as you move forward, as things change, until that moment when all comes to fruition, when those remaining humans make their final choices known, and Earth and her caretakers enter into the great change of slipping into the 4th dimension.

I am Bren-Ton of Andromeda; I have experienced both the 3rd and 4th dimensions during my existence, as will those of you who choose to remain on Earth. Choose to flow with change. Choose love and light.

We understand that those of you who have been indulging in your attachments for many years find it hard to now release from these 3rd dimensional activities. However, you do have free choice; use it to raise your energy to a higher level in preparation for accompanying Earth to her brilliant pristine status. Now is your moment of choice.

So, I say to you, prepare for the most magnificent change that the humans of Earth have ever undergone. It will be upon you soon. Become like a great tree, firmly rooted in that which you know to be true, rooted in love, but flexible to the winds of change. If you are like a tree, you will sway, not break, in the moment of Earth’s transition.


Thank you Bren-Ton, it is nice to hear from you again.

YOU MAY COPY AND DISTRIBUTE THIS MESSAGE, AS WELL AS OTHER POSTINGS TO MARK’S CORNER (http://www.cosmicparadigm.com/Marks_Corner/). Please do so in total, preserving all notations and attributions.

Those who are communicating with me have said that they will entertain questions as long as they are not specific to personal circumstances. Please send your queries to me at cp@zqyx.org.

IF YOU WISH TO COMMENT ON THESE MESSAGES AND HAVE YOUR COMMENTS POSTED AT WWW.COSMICPARADIGM.COM PLEASE FORWARD THEM TO ME AT CP@ZQYX.ORG. I am creating a new page on the web site where your unedited comments will be published. (I reserve the right to publish comments. Please be patient.)

In Truth, Love and Joy,




• To purchase “One. Toward a Civilization of Light,” or other books by Mark Kimmel, go to http://www.cosmicparadigm.com/About_One.html or order it from your favorite book seller. For those of you who have read “One,” chapter 56 is now available. Email me and I will send it to you.

• The most important book I have ever read is: “And Then God Said… Then I said… Then He said…” To purchase it go to my site and click on the book. You will be linked directly to the publisher: http://www.cosmicparadigm.com/Recommended_Books.html

• A copy of my 2008 posting to this web site, and my 1st quarter 2009 postings, in PDF format will posted on this web site, and available at no charge. You may then download them for reading or printing.

• Audio recordings of many of my postings to this site are now available at YouTube. Enter YouTube and search for “Athabantian.”

• A Spanish translation of “Trillion,” by Mark Kimmel, the First Book of the Paradigm Trilogy is available in PDF format at: http://www.cosmicparadigm.com/AboutTrillion.htm Please inform your Spanish speaking friends and relatives.

• To become part of the Cosmic Paradigm Network, go to the index page of this site, scroll to the bottom, and join.

• I will be participating in a panel discussion and workshop on May 15th and 16th in Fort Collins, Colorado. For more information, go to: http://www.spre.org/

• I will be speaking at the IIIHS International Conference in Montreal, Canada on June 28th with a workshop on June 30th. For more information go to: http://www.iiihs.org/conf09/conf09.htm

• You may contact me regarding these postings at cp@zqyx.org. Please be patient; I receive large numbers of emails.

11-10-08 Context

The following communication was provided on 11/10/08. This is my 18th posting to Mark’s Corner. I strongly suggest you read the earlier postings first, preferably in chronological order. Today, we welcome back Justine from the star system Altair.

Today I wish to speak about context. There is more to causing change than merely voting for a new leader. Real change comes from the way in which individuals think and live. Furthermore, until an individual understands the context of his or her existence, and decides it is not suitable, they will not change it. It was only when the people of my planet saw that the context of their existence needed to be changed that we were able to change the way in which we thought and lived.

All people of Earth live in a cleverly contrived context: A reality that has been constructed for them, and a way of life in which they have been taught to believe. Most of it is a lie. The context in which you live is contrived so as to make you believe you are free to act while at the same time you are constrained by the context. Yes, you feel free to vote for a new leader, but that new leader is constrained within the context of an existing government, hemmed in by established rules.

Yes, the newly elected leader of the U.S., Barack Obama, will have to deal with the economy, but the economy is contrived. The U.S. economy has been built by layering debt on top of debt. It is designed to keep ordinary people enslaved, while allowing a few to prosper. Most people never get out of debt. Only a privileged few live out their retirement in a state of bliss. This debt-based monetary system has been spread throughout the world. Developing countries, innocent of doing anything other than having natural resources and cheap labor have fallen under the burden of debt created by the U.S. This is one aspect of your context that must be changed. It will only be changed, by changing energy, the individual energies of people.

Those of you living on Earth must come to recognize that you are the ones creating this context. Yes by your beliefs you have enslaved yourselves within it. Those of you alive at this moment inherited it. The dark energy and its agents cleverly worked on it for thousands of years to bring it to a place where it is today.

It is reinforced at every turn. Your history is a lie as it supports the reality of the context. Your television drums in the conventional context. Your books, your newspapers, your schools, your corporations, your sources of food, and housing all contribute to the conventional. You must learn to look beyond this conventional context, to see it as you go about your daily lives.

This may seem like a daunting task, and it is. If you are awake, you have experienced how hard it is to live in a situation where you are constantly assailed by the conventional. It is a constant struggle to remind yourself that it is not real, that those who are supporting it are unconsciously telling lies. This is particularly difficult when you are not certain as to what to believe or not believe. It is much more than “living in the world but not of it,” as your bible says. It is recognizing that you are surrounded by a contrived context of your own making.

In America today, those who have been marginalized by the dominant white society have a greater chance of seeing the conventional context for what it is than the average white person. They have had the advantage of seeing it from outside. They have not been allowed to participate in the system, so they recognize it for what it is. I am speaking here of American Indians, African Americans, and other minorities. Also those of other countries are more likely to recognize the American system for what it is. Yes, the American system promises material abundance, but at what price? The American system requires one to put aside ones deepest held beliefs about the basic goodness of all people and to see others as them versus us, to compete with them rather than cooperate. It is in this compromising of basic beliefs that the degrading into slavery happens.

So what is the solution? Individual energies support the dominant paradigm. The combined energies of millions of American support this context. Those who have little material wealth, support it in the hope they might acquire material wealth. Those who have material wealth support it in order to keep what they have. The larger picture is largely ignored.

So a reorientation of individual energies is what is required. This can only be done one at a time. First there must be some sort of disillusionment with that which is. After that begins a process as follows: A seeking for something better. Defining what is better. An intention to create that which is better. A free-will decision to cling to that which is better. Then the determination to pursue the new at whatever cost is entailed, including the fact that your neighbor or family member is opposed to your new way of seeing and behaving.

When this happens, the simple act of casting a vote can be turned into real change. When enough people make individual decisions for change, it reorganizes the energy of a planet. Normally this is a gradual process, however these are not normal times. The convergence of so factors makes this an extraordinary time. We, who are here to assist, plan to speed up this process by making ourselves known.

That will happen in the near future. It will shatter the conventional context for most people. After that it will be up to everyone to reconstruct a new way of seeing and believing. This is where you, and others like you who understand, come in. Continue to give insights into a beautiful and loving new civilization. We are hopeful that enough people will wake up to this possibility to create real energetic change. When this happens a shift will take place. Throwing off the current context and adopting a new one is likely to engender fear of the unknown in many people. Help them to trust in a beautiful and loving way of being.

The stage is set; the players are assembled. All is in readiness for the great event. We will appear soon. Help to prepare the attitude of the other actors to openness and acceptance of our good will.

I am Justine from the planet Supsten of the star system Altair. I give all of you our blessings on your work.

Thank you, Justine. That’s it for today folks.

In Truth, Love and Joy,
