Stage II

The messages on this site build on each other, for their full impact, read them in sequence beginning with September 2008. They detail the situation on this planet and our place in the universe as communicated to me. I hope, by presenting them to you, that they spark your curiosity. As always I encourage you to seek your own unique truth.

This is my 31st posting to Mark’s Corner for 2009. The following is a message from Justine from the star system Altair, plus an important message from Bren-Ton of Andromeda.


Justine: Thank you, Mark, for this opportunity to communicate with my brothers and sisters on Earth. The material you posted a few days ago was the perfect lead-in to what I wish to convey. The second stage of our transformation on Supsten occurred when my fellow humans began to react to the truth that was coming forth, the truth about the lies, misdeeds, and actions of the powerful and wealthy, and about the existence of the dark energy and its agents.

We had structures in which wealth could be concentrated in the hands of a few. We had structures in which power could be exercised by a few over the many. We had structures whereby truth had been withheld from the people.

When the truth of how the people had been deceived for so many years began to seep into the consciousness of the populace, there were demonstrations, sit-ins, and acts of non-compliance all around the planet. One of the things we see that is different on your planet, particularly in America, is media coverage; people do not know that their fellow men and women are upset. This is being done purposely to keep you asleep.

Now back to my story about Supsten, some of our actions were met with force, some were injured, and in some cases it was deadly. This only served to reinforce the determination of the people to see drastic change within our governments and other institutions. After several weeks, most governments were no longer able to function.

My people went through a “Dark night of the soul,” much as you, Mark, have done to arrive at the place where you are today. It was not a questioning of God; rather it was a questioning of traditional beliefs and structures. I would say to any of my brothers and sisters on Earth, “Do not shy away from confronting your dark side.” It was only after we confronted the unpleasant truth that we were the ones who had allowed the darkness and inequities to persist on our planet that we were able to move forward.

On Supsten, small groups of people banded together for their mutual survival. Those within these small bands helped each other in many ways, from supplying food to assisting with repairs to gardening. I look back on this second stage as the disintegration of all structures into a flat society with only these closely knit bands of people providing any form of organization. While some of these bands were rooted in fear, most eventually came to love as the path.

Associated with this time was the failure of all services such as public utilities, law enforcement, fire protection, and garbage collection. It is not until one has to do without these that one appreciates the value of what one has. This second stage was not a pretty picture, and I am having trouble recalling some aspects of it. We foresee this stage occurring for you within the near future. However, on Supsten we did not have the giant corporations you have on Earth, so our actions were targeted solely against our governments. Yours is a more complex situation, in many cases you do not know who is responsible for what, or where to find them, so doing away with existing structures will be more difficult. Stage I was the unfolding of the truth about your enslavement. Stage II is the reaction of people to that realization.

You are asking if this is necessary. My answer is yes. For many hundreds of thousands of years, you have been held in bondage. You, the slaves, have willingly submitted to the rule of the wealthy and powerful. It is not until you awaken and react to the beliefs and structures that bind you that any real change can occur. On Supsten many people clung to the old patterns, regardless of how undesirable they were, just because they were familiar. The wealthy and powerful on your planet have made provisions to hide from people’s reactions, safe places where they can weather the storm. That was true on Supsten also.

I am relaying the dark days of turmoil on Supsten, when the populace finally reacted to the truth of the dark energy to help you understand. Yes, there was initially anger; that soon changed into a realization that new ways had to emerge. That is Stage III, but first there is the stage of utter despair, the knowing that all has been a lie and the collapse of beliefs and structures.

Yes, beliefs also. People finally began to see that the beliefs that had buoyed them were false and had led them into subservience. The most damaging were the religious beliefs that had separated them from God, and the leaders who had extracted tribute as they told them they were faulty. When these beliefs did not support us in our time of chaos, we finally discarded them.

My experience on Supsten was as a participant against the government and against my educational institution; you would probably see my institution as a college. I was a member of the teaching staff; my job was as a teacher of mathematics. When the truth came out, I was upset at the extent to which they had deceived me. At my college, we engaged in peaceful demonstrations, sit-ins, and acts of non-compliance. We refused to participate in violence. Our demands became so insistent that those in charge resigned.

Also I should say that on Supsten the experiences were not uniform. Some regions led these actions, while other trailed; some were violent, others were peaceful. The riots, demonstrations and sit-ins continued for several months, until the old no longer functioned. We gave little thought to reconstructing until all of the old ways, based on lies and misinformation, on omissions and secrets were gone.


Bren-Ton: I was an observer at the time of Supsten’s transformation, much as I am now. My role at that time was to help identify those individuals who were active in the process of change. My task is similar at this time.

While most people are unconscious, some like to know what is happening around them. They attend lectures and read books, but their personal lives are largely unaffected. Those who would remain on Earth as the caretakers will be people of action. It is by acting that you make your choice known.

The actions to which I refer need not take the form that Justine has related, although they may. It can be something as simple as turning one’s back on the current paradigm. It can be as private as forcefully directing one’s energy to the momentum of change. If you use your imagination, you will find many ways to act in the interests of transformation.

But act you must. Choose you must. We who are of the armada are awaiting your actions before coming to assist you. The bifurcation of humanity will be determined between those who are active and those who remain passive. Those who are not active participants in the change, or who remain fearful or angry, will continue in the 3rd dimension by reincarnating at another time, or moving to another planet.


When I first received this information, I was overwhelmed as I saw the stark reality of our current moment. Thanks to both Justine and Bren-Ton for this most important information.

YOU MAY COPY THIS MESSAGE, AS WELL AS OTHER POSTINGS TO MARK’S CORNER, AND DISTRIBUTE THEM. Please do so in total, preserving all notations and attributions. We are in a time when this information is valuable as a source of truth amidst confusion, and should be shared with all.

Those who ar
e communicating with me have said that they will entertain questions as long as they are not specific to personal circumstances. Please send your queries to me at

In Truth, Love and Joy,


In light of pending changes and the likely unavailability of the Internet, I recommend that you save each of these postings to your computer. I have compiled an 80-page book containing all 2008 postings. Send a check or money order for $15.00 to Paradigm Books, PO Box 270156, Fort Collins, CO 80527. A CD containing the 2008 messages is $6.00. These prices include postage within the U.S. For delivery outside the U.S. add $5.00 for shipping. I will make the 2009 messages available as a PDF that you may download and print.


• To purchase “One. Toward a Civilization of Light,” or other books by Mark Kimmel, go to or order it from your favorite book seller.

• To become part of the Cosmic Paradigm Network, go to the index page of this site, scroll to the bottom, and join.

• You may comment on these postings at Please be patient; I receive large numbers of emails.

Stage 1

As I have said before, the messages on this site build on each other, for their full impact, read them in sequence beginning with September 2008. They detail the situation on this planet and our place in the universe as communicated to me. I hope, by presenting them to you, that they spark your curiosity. As always I encourage you to seek out your own unique truth.

This is my 29th posting to Mark’s Corner for 2009. The following is a message from Justine from the star system Altair, plus a brief message from Bren-Ton of Andromeda.

Justine: The first indications that things were finally changing on my planet, Supsten, was that the truth about many things began to emerge. At first it was a trickle about the misdeeds of those in power, those who we had heretofore looked up to as superior to us. It turned out that we had misplaced our trust in them, and that they had taken the power and wealth we had allowed them to have and had misused it for their own pleasure, their own selfish ends.

As I said at first it was but a trickle in the otherwise solid façade that those we had given power to were anything other than somehow superior to the common man and woman. Once the cracks in that armor opened up, there was a mighty torrent of information about the misdeeds of our leaders, both current and past.

We had a media, not unlike yours on Earth, which broadcast information to us. It was only after the truth became apparent that we discovered that the media had been used as a weapon against us. It was a way in which the rich and powerful had misinformed us, had withheld the truth, and had outright lied to us about our situation. Our trust in the media was slow to erode as we had depended upon it to inform us of events.

So it was a dual collapse of our beliefs in the integrity of the media and our beliefs in the superiority of those in power. Many in my society became angry and attacked both the media and the powerful when they realized the extent of how they had been bled for so many years, how the money they had earned by their toil had gone to the pockets of the wealthy, and how government officials had supported this fleecing of the average person.

As we observe the situation here on Earth, we see that this 1st stage is just now commencing. Many people are seeing that the deeds of the wealthy and powerful are not, and have not been in their best interests, despite what they have been told by the media. As yet there is no outrage. We expect that to begin as soon as the extent of the fleecing of ordinary people settles into the common consciousness. Quite frankly, we are surprised that it has not already occurred. I can only say that maybe things will be different on Earth as your beliefs and structures collapse.

My planet Supsten is not as rich in diverse cultures, or plant and animal life as is Earth. As I communicated before we have only two human races, so the situation was somewhat simplified as we entered the time of transition. There are several landmasses on Supsten; each of these had their individual government. The peoples of the land masses had fought with each other in years past, but at the time of our transition, they were at peace with minor exceptions. It was fairly easy for us to see the activities of the wealth and powerful as they accumulated all monies and power unto themselves. The situation on earth is somewhat clouded by your incessant wars and civil strife. The dark agents are using these conflicts as another means of clouding the truth from you as well as enriching themselves.

The largest truth to come out was the role of the agents of the dark energy and how they had penetrated every structure on the planet. And not just penetrated, but were behind the scenes in control of everything from government structures to religious structures, from beliefs in the rule and role of laws to beliefs about God. This penetration of our society by non-human outsiders masquerading as humans caused a tremendous outpouring of anger by many of my fellow humans. This was the spark that ignited our rebellion against the powerful and wealthy. This has yet to happen on your world, but we foresee it in the near future.

We anticipate that an event of disclosure will be forthcoming in a short time, wherein the government will reveal the existence of UFOs, ETs, and their cover-up of that information. It is not clear whether this will involve the active participation of governments with ET projects; that may take a while to surface.

Bren-Ton: We see the agents of the dark energy scrambling to assemble Earth-human manufactured starcraft to create an event to convince the people of their power as well as instill fear of their brothers and sisters from other star systems. They are doing this in complicity with Earth-humans who desire to retain their power, both within the U.S. government and within private corporations. They desire to have this event happen very soon, prior to the legitimate disclosure of the truth about UFOs, extraterrestrials, and your government’s involvement with off-planet beings.

We want as many people as possible to know in advance that this is the plan of the dark ones, so that they can help others see any attempt on the part of the agents of dark to instill fear and overwhelm the legitimate disclosure of the truth. How all of these events will eventually materialize is dependent on the free will choices of many.

Whew, this is truly exciting; it indicates to me that events are speeding up. Thanks to both Justine and Bren-Ton for this information.

YOU MAY COPY THIS MESSAGE, AS WELL AS OTHER POSTINGS TO MARK’S CORNER, AND DISTRIBUTE THEM. Please do so in total, preserving all notations and attributions. We are in a time when this information is valuable as a source of truth amidst confusion, and should be shared with all.

Those who are communicating with me have said that they will entertain questions as long as they are not specific to personal circumstances. Please send your queries to me at

In Truth, Love and Joy,


In light of pending changes and the likely unavailability of the Internet, I recommend that you save each of these postings to your computer. I have compiled an 80-page book containing all 2008 postings. Send a check or money order for $15.00 to Paradigm Books, PO Box 270156, Fort Collins, CO 80527. A CD containing the 2008 messages is $6.00. These prices include postage within the U.S. For delivery outside the U.S. add $5.00 for shipping. I will make the 2009 messages available in this same way.


• To purchase “One. Toward a Civilization of Light,” or other books by Mark Kimmel, go to or order it from your favorite book seller.

• To become part of the Cosmic Paradigm Network, go to the index page of this site, scroll to the bottom, and join.

• You may comment on these postings at Please be patient; I receive large numbers of emails.

G20 and Summary

I have now returned from my two weekend Gatherings and a brief vacation. Both Gatherings were memorable for the exceptional people who attended as well as heart-felt interactions. This was my third trip to Costa Rica (at the invitation of a special group of people there). I continue to be amazed at the openness of everyone in that country to the larger reality. Many have had contact experiences for years, and continue to receive messages on a regular basis. I find it such a contrast to folks in this country. The gathering in Denver was also very special, producing new insights into the times that are fast approaching.

As I have said before, the messages on this site build on each other, for their full impact, read them in sequence beginning with September 2008. They are the situation on this planet and our place in the universe as communicated to me. I hope, by presenting them to you, that they have sparked your curiosity. As always I encourage you to seek out your own unique truth.

This is my 28th posting to Mark’s Corner for 2009. The following is a brief message from Bren-Ton of Andromeda plus a summary, in my words, of the posting to this site since the first of the year. (The summary in no way is an adequate substitute for the beautiful words of the original postings – read the originals!!)

Greetings to my brothers and sisters on Earth, I am Bren-Ton of Andromeda. At this moment in Earth history, the governments of your planet rise and fall based on the strength of their monetary systems. The current attempts by the G20 nations to clobber together a new world reserve from a basket of currencies highlights the weakness of the American economy plus the shakiness of the other economies as well. These are unprecedented moves by the industrialized nations. You are living in unprecedented times.

You will look back on this meeting of the G20 as a historical moment when all came apart. The economies of your world have grown to massive proportions, based on the system of issuing debt. It is a house of cards, ready to collapse.

From our vantage point aboard starcraft orbiting your planet, we see the governments slowly crumbling, as they are unable to supply the needs of their populaces. We do not see that the current efforts will results in a strong solution, rather they will exacerbate the weaknesses inherent in the debt based monetary systems that are used to control Earth’s human population.

This is the beginning of the final phase of the transition. From here it will gain momentum, despite the showing by the stock markets and other outward signs. Your current government structures are built on the greed of those in power. I look forward to speaking to you again soon.

The following summary, January through March, is from Mark’s Corner:

Moraine: Transitioned Earth

• We will see many changes as earth is restored to her former brilliance. Disease is a 3rd dimension manifestation of frequencies generated by agents of the dark energy. It will be gone as those who have been sending disease will be gone. Food will taste more delicious and be more nutritious. Water will be pure. The climate will be moderate. Since there will be no urgency to achieve, just “being” will feel normal. We will have many more years of life.
• All will operate from a place of love. Fear will no longer dominate. We will love everyone who transitioned, recognizing them as fellow survivors. Each person will wish to cooperate with others to maximize the good for all. This will form the basis for “collaboratives” to use at all levels of organization. Telepathy will be restored to directly communicate truth, ideas, and opinions. There is no hierarchy of power; everyone will operate in the best interests of all. Leaders will operate from the basis of love, equality, and non-judgment.
• Money will be available for all. Money will not be lent or hoarded; it will expire after a period of time. No one may charge interest on the money given to another.
• Extraction and burning of fossil fuels will be halted. We will generate electricity by utilizing certain crystals, like those that power starships. These crystals are present on Earth, some occur naturally; our brothers and sisters from Altair have brought more.
• All gasoline and diesel-powered forms of transportation will stop as we transition to new technology. This will be done in such a way that our civilization will not crumble, nor return us to the stone age. The armada will provide some vehicles to transport food and people.
• Time will be measured by the rotation of the planet. The seasons, along with the moon, will be gone. Humans will experience a more relaxed way to live, as will animals and plants. We will discover more about being one with all. We will not feel pressure to perform or to survive.
• The surface of Earth will be altered by earth shifts, and by the heating of the planet. Sea levels will rise. Weather patterns will alter the face of the planet. There will be disruptions in life as we know it. Provide food, water, and shelter for a few months during this interim time.

Bren-Ton: Structures & Beliefs

• All structures function with the objectives of serving the needs of those who control them. It is beliefs that give them cohesion and longevity. Fear enters into the belief – structure equation by making people who are fearful subservient, and willing to give up their rights. The transition to a civilization of light will require that rigid structures and beliefs be abandoned. They will be replaced with truth, oneness, and love. Structures are ingrained in all humans of this planet, from those in primitive societies to those working for multi-national corporations. Elitists are at the top of any structure because they epitomize its beliefs. This is true for political, corporate, financial, educational, and religious structures. The humans we observe on other planets do not have such rigid structures.
• Truth is something that is very hard to determine; there is much circulating among you that is based on beliefs. These beliefs are used to control you. The belief that a structure is necessary is what gives it power over you. Laws are structures based on beliefs that they are necessary. Beliefs and structures are the opposite of knowing and living with the truth that all is one.
• Before the dark energy invaded, our distant ancestors knew from which star systems they came, knew that they were related to each other, and knew that they needed to cooperate in order to prosper. They did not see the black, red, yellow, and white races as so different. After the dark energy altered our ancestors’ DNA, the resulting primitive humans, overwhelmed with fear, descended into superstitions and rituals. Structures of control have been imposed, based on the principle that humans were somehow fundamentally flawed, and that powerful “gods” had the right to control them. Competition and differences were introduced. It was only a small step then to placing non-humans within any structure so that it followed the specific intent of the dark energy.
• From time to time the light of the Creator asserts itself. Explorers, entrepreneurs, artists, creators, or innovators, see that life can be better and set out to achieve something despite the complacency of others. It is these examples of the light that have brought the star people here to assist us.
• Oil companies are the epitome of large multi-national corporations. The current civilization of this planet is defined by oil more than by any other structure. Burning fossil fuel has addicted us to a way of life that has become the bedrock of our modern civilization.
• The belief about the flawed individual was injected into us by the dark energy many thousands of years ago. It is this premise that has allowed structures to be put in place to control us. When government
s see people as flawed, it allows them to exploit those governed.
• This belief of a flawed individual is the basis for most religions. Your belief, and it is only a belief, that you are fundamentally flawed is incorrect. Once you see yourselves as flawless, you will accept all your brothers and sisters in this universe as loving relatives, not as lesser or greater beings. The universe is basically good; you can be a part of this goodness.
• To move forward with Earth, you must learn to flow with energy, learn to abandon rigid structures. By establishing collaboratives everyone would be part of a new type of structure.
• What is different this time is the “on the ground” assistance from our brothers and sisters from other star systems and the vast armada of starships. We will remove the dark agents, forcing the last vestiges of the dark energy to withdraw, causing structures and beliefs to collapse. They ask, “What will you create with such a level playing field?”

Jesus: Christ Energy

• My primary purpose in incarnating on this planet was to bring the Christ energy to you and your ancestors. I did not intend to establish a religion. I did not come here to die for your sins.
• The Christ energy that I brought to this planet with my incarnation is unique, but at the same time universal. It is a facet of the Creator’s love focused on the relationship between one being and another. If you walk with Christ energy, you will assume a new gentleness, a new tolerance, a new way of moving within a group, and a new friendliness. The quality of Christ light is like that of aquamarine: it has the colors of the rainbow.
• The Christ light that I brought to this planet has done much to assist the development of your modern civilization. The Christ energy has kept the light of the Creator alive. The Christ energy transcends all beliefs. It is a powerful force for good. Its effects have been largely wiped from your historical records so as to minimize its impact on the positive aspects of civilization.

God: One

• Before the universe of time and space, before the spiritual domains, before all, I determined to undertake a grand drama in My universe. In connection with that decision I created oversouls to assist Me. I charged the oversouls with allowing Me to experience every aspect of diversity. Each oversoul is capable of individuating many souls simultaneously, each containing the Creator’s light. As I look out at My vast creation, I see all as one and I embrace all in love. None of my oversouls have specific names as they are all of My energy field, and not truly separate from Me.
• You are an individuated soul, meaning that your oversoul has allowed a piece of itself to become your soul for this lifetime. All was known to your individuated soul prior to your birth. On the one hand it is like you borrowed this fragment of your oversoul for a time; on the other hand this individuated fragment, even after it is reunited with your oversoul, will forevermore be known as you. Do you see how you are one with Me? How you are one with other individuated souls from your oversoul? How you are one with the souls of other oversouls? Understanding this, how could anyone do anything but love all My children?
• I created planets and inhabited them with all manner of plants, animals, and self-conscious beings. The oversouls supplied individuated aspects of themselves, souls, for each of these material creatures.
• One of the My oversouls decided to find out what it was to live with diminished Creator’s light in the souls he was individuating. He determined that the fear which emerged in the absence of the Creator’s light was a substitute for love, not a fully satisfying substitute but nonetheless a substitute.
• A struggle commenced between the oversouls of the light and the oversoul of darkness. The oversouls of the light, determined not to yield to the dark energy, stepped up their individuation of souls with strong light. Strong individuated souls volunteered to live on planets dominated by the dark energy. The dark energy retaliated by individuating souls on planets where the light was the strongest.
• Earth volunteered to host incarnations of the dark energy, those who functioned principally out of fear. After a few hundred thousand years of increasing fear and planetary destruction, Earth’s called for help; my children of other star systems came to her aid. Earth is emerging as a planet that will be predominately of the light. After the light has fully vanquished the dark energy from Earth, and the agents of the dark energy have been removed, you who remain will exist in a veritable paradise. Only those who see all as one will accompany Earth to her new way of being. My grand drama is now entering its final act, in which darkness will be balanced with the energy of light.

Bren-Ton: History

• One million years ago Earth was a pristine paradise. All mammals, fish, birds, and insects comingled in harmony; all were vegetarian. There were no adverse bacteria, and no viruses or funguses. There were no seasons as the tilt of the planet was vertical. There was no moon.
• Four races, numbering about ten thousand in total, were brought from nearby star systems: black, yellow, white, and red. The idea behind this experiment was to blend these four races. The colonists who came to this planet from the four star systems were all volunteers. They were about as technologically advanced, as was your civilization two hundred years ago. They were not driven to evolve, because Earth was such a paradise, everything was here for them. They were a very spiritual people, and knew about God and celestials. These were not a primitive people: They had been transported by starcraft from their home planets. They knew of the larger picture, knew of advanced technologies.
• The dark energy descended on Earth, about a half million years ago; there were many changes resulting from the fear that overwhelmed everything and everyone. So fierce was the fear that males and females were transformed into barely human savages. Overnight they were changed from caring family members to selfish individuals, from accepting to suspicious and judgmental. After a short while, physical entities under the control of the dark energy came to Earth to create beliefs and structures. They were seen as gods.
• Earth’s axis was tilted so that she now produced seasons and her poles were shrouded in ice and snow. Overall she cooled from a moderate temperature to seasonal with latitude fluctuations. As a final insult, she was harnessed with an artificial satellite that tugged relentlessly at her waters and land.
• However the light of the Creator had not been totally extinguished. In each generation, and in each region of the planet, there were a few who could not be manipulated by the priests of religions or the strongmen of governments. These were hunted down, persecuted, and killed, but the Creator’s light did not disappear. It reemerged in others who continued to lift primitive man out of the darkness.
• Lemuria was colonized on islands in the Pacific Ocean to assist the red and yellow races. Atlantis was created in the Atlantic to assist the white and black races. After a time, the dark energy infiltrated these two colonies and they too began to set up structures and adhere to beliefs not beneficial to their inhabitants. They lost their connection to the star systems that had originated them, and diminished their connection to God. They engaged in a war that resulted in the detonation of nuclear weapons creating some of Earth’s deserts.
• The evolution of human civilization on Earth has been driven somewhat by the influence of the survivors of Atlantis and Lemuria as they mingled with humans. Many of our inventions have been the result of ideas planted in the minds of individuals by those from other star systems. Indigenous peoples habitually communicate with star people. The cover-up of in
teractions with beings from other planets within your governments and corporations is a power play, intended to induce fear and maintain power structures.

YOU MAY COPY THIS MESSAGE, AS WELL AS OTHER POSTINGS TO MARK’S CORNER, AND DISTRIBUTE THEM. Please do so in total, preserving all notations and attributions. We are in a time when this information is valuable as a source of truth amidst confusion.

Those who are communicating with me have said that they will entertain questions as long as they are not specific to your particular circumstances. Please send your queries to me at

Once again, I thank you who made a financial contribution. It has made a difference in my ability to continue with this work, my gratitude to each of you.

In Truth, Love and Joy,


In light of pending changes and the likely unavailability of the Internet, I recommend that you save each of these postings to your computer. I have compiled an 80-page book containing all 2008 postings. Send a check or money order for $15.00 to Paradigm Books, PO Box 270156, Fort Collins, CO 80527. A CD containing the 2008 messages is $6.00. These prices include postage within the U.S. For delivery outside the U.S. add $5.00 for shipping. The 2009 messages for January through March are now available at similar prices.


• To purchase “One. Toward a Civilization of Light,” or other books by Mark Kimmel, go to or order it from your favorite book seller.

• To become part of the Cosmic Paradigm Network, go to the index page of this site, scroll to the bottom, and join.

• You may comment on these postings at Please be patient; I receive large numbers of emails.

History IV

The messages on this site build on each other, for their full impact, read them in sequence beginning with September 2008. They are based on knowing the situation on this planet and our place in the universe as communicated to me. I hope, by presenting them to you, that they have sparked your curiosity. I encourage everyone to seek out his or her own unique truth.

This is my 27th posting to Mark’s Corner for 2009. The following message is from Bren-Ton of Andromeda.


The history of your planet since the days of Atlantis and Lemuria has been distorted to hide the involvement of non-humans in your civilization. Some of the problems associated with the marginalization of the black and red races are due to the dispersion of a few people from Atlantis into the white race in Europe and a few from Lemuria into the yellow race in Asia.

The evolution of your civilization, since the time of those two outposts of beings from other star systems, has been driven by the influence of this dispersion. In addition, many of your inventions have been the result of ideas planted in the minds of individuals by those of us who wished this evolution to take place. Mark, you know of this from you own involvement with entrepreneurs. In addition, the influences of non-humans have been hidden from the mass of people because the agents of the dark energy did not want their involvement to become known.

What those of you from industrialized societies describe as indigenous peoples have secretly communicated with us throughout their history. We have been the invisible hand behind the building of the pyramids in Egypt and elsewhere. The knowledge of the pyramid builders was carved into the stones as we coached them about the movement of the sun, moon, and stars. Once you open yourselves to that possibility, the evidence is there for anyone with an inquiring mind to uncover.

The cover-up of interactions with beings from other planets in secret projects within your governments and corporations is quite simply a power play. Knowledge of the presence of non-humans in human form is an equally important reason for the cover-up. All will become known when we arrive to assist the transition of Earth and her peoples. All of your distorted history will be uncovered. Those who have knowingly perpetrated this distortion will be seen for what they are. And let us not overlook the role of religion in all this. It is in the best interests of religious rulers to carry on distortions of the involvement of your brothers and sisters from other star systems.


Thank you Bren-Ton. We will communicate again after I return from my travels.

YOU MAY COPY THIS MESSAGE, AS WELL AS OTHER POSTINGS TO MARK’S CORNER, AND DISTRIBUTE THEM. Please do so in total, preserving all notations and attributions. We are in a time when this information is valuable as a source of truth amidst confusion.

Those who are communicating with me have said that they will entertain questions as long as they are not specific to your particular circumstances. Please send your queries to me at

Once again, I thank you who made a financial contribution. It has made a difference in my ability to continue with this work, my gratitude to each of you.

In Truth, Love and Joy,


P.S. I will be facilitating two “Gatherings” (workshops) beginning March 13th. I anticipate that I will post few messages after that date until early April.


In light of pending changes and the likely unavailability of the Internet, I recommend that you save each of these postings to your computer. I have compiled an 80-page book containing all 2008 postings. Send a check or money order for $15.00 to Paradigm Books, PO Box 270156, Fort Collins, CO 80527. A CD containing the 2008 messages is $6.00. These prices include postage within the U.S. For delivery outside the U.S. add $5.00 for shipping. I will make the 2009 messages available in this same way.


• To purchase “One. Toward a Civilization of Light,” or other books by Mark Kimmel, go to or order it from your favorite book seller.

• To become part of the Cosmic Paradigm Network, go to the index page of this site, scroll to the bottom, and join.

• You may comment on these postings at Please be patient; I receive large numbers of emails.

History III

This message is a further response to questions posed by you, the readers of this site. As I have said before, these messages build on each other, for their full impact, read them in sequence beginning with September 2008. Please bear in mind that I do not claim that these messages are the only way to perceive the truth about our situation on this planet or the larger truths about our universe.

This is my 26th posting to Mark’s Corner for 2009. The following message is from Bren-Ton of Andromeda.


The fear imposed on your planet thrust all human, animal, and plant life into what you would call a very dense 3rd dimension existence. It could almost be called a 2nd dimension where there was only fear and everyone and everything reacts based on fear. This condition set the stage for the next part of the dark energy’s plan: the introduction of physical entities under its control. They came in star ships from the Orion Star System where the dark energy had already successfully instilled fear.

Others have told of the coming of this race, so I will not repeat, except to say that what was done happened to all four races, not just the black race. They came and instilled the beliefs that they were more powerful and more glorious than the inhabitants of the planet. They instilled the beliefs that they were gods and, with their advanced technology, could have their way with all. This resulted in the beliefs and structures about which I communicated in my earlier messages. These beliefs and structures took different shapes in each of the four races of earth. For the next several hundred thousand years the beliefs and structures nurtured by the agents of the dark energy were to dominate the affairs of Earth.

However the light of the Creator had not been totally extinguished. There remained in the hearts of some men and women the will to resist the dictates of the dark energy and its agents. These began the long evolutionary path to where you are today, creating things and conditions beneficial to all. Despite the best efforts of the dark energy and its agents, the power of the Creator’s light slowly lifted a struggling mankind to new consciousness. In each generation, and in each region of the planet, there were a few who could not be manipulated by the priests of religions or the strongmen of governments. These few were hunted down, persecuted, and killed, but the Creator’s light did not disappear. It reemerged in others who continued to lift primitive man out of the darkness.

After several hundred years of observing affairs on Earth, my ancestors found a way to penetrate the energy shield established by the dark energy. They established the colony of Lemuria on islands in the Pacific Ocean in order to interact with the red and yellow races of Asia. They found these races of humans were primitive, and laboring under the weight of structures and beliefs established by the agents of the dark energy. They were far removed from their highly conscious ancestors that had originally been brought to this planet. Despite impediments, the members of the colony set out to uplift the humans. After many frustrations, they were successful in transplanting a contingent of the red race to the Americas in an attempt to remove them from the influence of the agents of the dark energy. These were the predecessors of the red race that much later migrated across the Bering Strait.

At about that same time the Pleiadians established a colony on an island in the Atlantic Ocean; it became known as Atlantis. Their goal was to interact with the white and black races in Europe and Africa. They too found Earth’s humans in a primitive state, laboring under beliefs and structures imposed upon them. However, given the huge gap in technology and spiritual development, the newcomers did not wish to interfere too greatly with the evolution of the human race of this planet. Also, there was a continual struggle as the agents of the dark energy were always vigilant to thwart their efforts.

After a time, the dark energy infiltrated these two colonies and they too began to set up structures and adhere to beliefs not beneficial to their inhabitants. By shifting into the guise of the inhabitants of Lemuria and Atlantis, the agents of the dark energy were successful in penetrating to the very heart of these civilizations. Greed and lust crept into the lives of the inhabitants; they lost their connection to the star systems that had originated them, and diminished their connection to Creator.

The technology of both Lemuria and Atlantis was such that they possessed the ability to construct nuclear weapons, along with the ability to deliver them. They engaged in a war that resulted in the detonation of these weapons creating some of Earth’s deserts. The civilizations of the two colonies were decimated. This was a very dark chapter in the history of my people and one of which we are not at all proud. Some of the descendants of Lemuria and Atlantis remain on Earth to this day.


Thank you Bren-Ton. You have clarified stories I have encountered elsewhere.

YOU MAY COPY THIS MESSAGE, AS WELL AS OTHER POSTINGS TO MARK’S CORNER, AND DISTRIBUTE THEM. Please do so in total, preserving all notations and attributions. We are in a time when this information is valuable as a source of truth amidst confusion.

Those who are communicating with me have said that they will entertain questions as long as they are not specific to your particular circumstances. Please send your queries to me at

Once again, I thank you who made a financial contribution. It has made a difference in my ability to continue with this work, my gratitude to each of you.

In Truth, Love and Joy,


P.S. I will be facilitating two “Gatherings” (workshops) beginning March 13th. I anticipate that I will post few messages after that date until early April.


In light of pending changes and the likely unavailability of the Internet, I recommend that you save each of these postings to your computer. I have compiled an 80-page book containing all 2008 postings. Send a check or money order for $15.00 to Paradigm Books, PO Box 270156, Fort Collins, CO 80527. A CD containing the 2008 messages is $6.00. These prices include postage within the U.S. For delivery outside the U.S. add $5.00 for shipping. I will make the 2009 messages available in this same way.


• To purchase “One. Toward a Civilization of Light,” or other books by Mark Kimmel, go to or order it from your favorite book seller.

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