New Earth I

The messages on this site build on each other; for their full impact, read them in sequence beginning with September 2008 (archived below). They detail the situation on this planet, our place in the universe, and a positive picture for our future – if we are willing to act. I hope, by presenting them to you, that they spark your curiosity, and a decision to join with others to create a new civilization on Earth. As always I encourage you to seek your own unique truth, and live it.

This is my 66th posting to Mark’s Corner for 2009. In concert with Justine and Moraine’s message of yesterday, I am re-publishing a message that Moraine first gave to us in January of this year. As you will read, she describes, based on her experience on Supsten, what the new Earth may look like to those of us who stick around as caretakers.

Thank you, Mark, it is my pleasure to communicate once again with my brothers and sisters of Earth. For those of you who choose to stick around for the transition to a new civilization, the first thing you may notice is the absence of disease. You may already recognize that all diseases are frequencies that reveal themselves in 3rd density as viruses and other agents of disease. The dark energy and its agents generate these frequencies. We will stop this process by eliminating those who are causing these frequencies. When the dark energy and its agents, human and non, are no longer able to create and transmit new energies of disease, all on the planet, human, animal and plant, will function in uplifted ways. Earth will be happier as her residents will be healthy, no longer battling to overcome unnatural diseases.

The next thing you will notice is that your food will taste more delicious, and it will be more nutritious. You will require less of it to sustain yourselves and you will expel less of it after deriving value from it. This is because your food will be free of unwelcome ingredients, and your body will be free of bacteria that clog and debilitate your digestion. With a clean source of water, you will feel more refreshed with the simple act of consuming it. You will have less desire to add substances to water or to seek alternative drinks.

You will also feel a more comfortable environment as the temperature of the planet will have been restored to a moderate climate. This will mean fewer clothes. You will enjoy being outside just for the pure enjoyment of being outdoors. You will require less shelter, less housing, and fewer distractions from being with Earth in her natural state. This may appear to be a more simple life, and that is true, but you enjoy it as a release from the many artificial means you had previously employed to conquer your environment. Think of people who live in tropical latitudes; they are able to enjoy a much simpler lifestyle, wearing less clothing, and occupy simple houses.

Today diseases and insects accost people in the tropics. What if they were no longer present? What if their water was pure? What if they were satisfied with less food because it was more nourishing? Many of you would say that this might become boring after a while. You might ask, “What am I to do?” What if the answer was that you are to merely enjoy being? What if there was nothing that you felt that you had to do?

This is another big change: There will be no urgency to do! Please understand that this need to be occupied with doing was implanted within you by the dark energy. How did the dark energy encourage its slaves to work for it? It did so by implanting in them the need to survive. Just “being” is a normal state of humanness, not constantly doing, not scraping to survive, not clawing to the top of the heap, not operating from fear.

I lived through the transition on Supsten; it was a marvelous transformation. I am looking forward to seeing such a transformation on Earth, to assisting such to occur. My physical body is much older than yours, Mark. Part of the transformation process is that you will be given additional years of life. Plan on it. Without the debilitating effects of disease, and impure food and water, you will easily live for a very long time by your standards. Your ancestors, as referenced in your ancient writings, lived a much longer time than is common today. Aging is an artificial frequency that will no longer be at work after the transition. Your body, regardless of age, will be transformed into a vessel with minimal aging processes. So you, and others who so desire, will be able to assist the transition for a long time.

As others have told you, the humans of Earth are already in interim time. We estimate that the most difficult of times will last a few months, depending on personal circumstances. So having sources of food, water, and shelter for a few months is sufficient. We will rectify and reconstruct things quite quickly once the process is begun. We do not yet know when all will align for us to commence.

My blessing to you, Mark. As you know, we have a special relationship from lives ago. That wonderful smell you are sensing is to confirm my reality and to encourage you to continue. We know it is sometimes very lonely pursuing this path.

Thank you, Moraine. As I said yesterday, I feel much better now about volunteering to become a caretaker.

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In Truth, Love and Joy,

Rev. Mark Kimmel


• MANY THANKS TO EVERYONE WHO HAS SO GENEROUSLY CONTRIBUTED TO MY EFFORTS. EACH DONATION IS MAKING MY WORK POSSIBLE. If you wish to make a donation by credit card or PayPal, use the “Donate” link on the right of this page, or send a check to PO Box 270156 Fort Collins, CO 80527

• I recommend that you save each of these postings to your computer. I have compiled books containing the 2008 postings, and posting for Q1 and Q2 of 2009. For each book, send a check or money order for $17.50 to Paradigm Books, PO Box 270156, Fort Collins, CO 80527. CD’s containing these messages are $7.50 each. These prices include postage within the U.S. For delivery outside the U.S. add $5.00 for shipping.

• Good News! The best book I have read: “And Then God Said… And Then I said… And Then He said…” is now available at

• Those who are communicating with me have said that they will entertain questions as long as they are not specific to personal circumstances. Please send your queries to me at

• If you wish to comment on these messages and have your comments posted at please forward them to me at I am creating a new page on the web site where your unedited comments will be published.

• To purchase “One. Toward a Civilization of Light,” or other personally autographed books by Mark Kimmel, go to or order them from your favorite book seller. For those of you who have read “One,” chapter 56 is now available. Email me and I will send it to you.

• Audio recordings of my postings to this site are now available at YouTube. Enter YouTube and search for “Athabantian.” A most wonderful woman has prepared these for me; I am most grateful.

• A Spanish translation of “Trillion,” by Mark Kimmel, the First Book of the Paradigm Trilogy is available in PDF format at: Please inform your Spanish speaking friends and relatives.

• The Cosmic Paradigm Network is connecting people around the world who wish to assist the transformation of our civilization. To join, go to the index page of this site, and scroll to the bottom.

• You may contact me regarding these posting
s at (My email has not changed with the move.) Please be patient; I have received a large numbers of emails during this time and have been unable to respond for several weeks.