
Greetings, I am Adrial a celestial of this universe. I have been aboard Athabantian since it came to assist Earth’s transition.

You are a child of God. You are also God. These words may seem contradictory, but at my level of functioning, what you might term the 9th Dimension, we see both realities.

Let me explain further. You, a human of Earth were created as a physical being to engage in a physical experience. This was done through the joint efforts of your oversoul, the creator God of this universe, and Earth. In combination they gave you the physicality of a human residing on Earth’s surface. Giving form to a human being is easy yet involved, for you are a complex entity.

Individual souls for a particular lifetime are products of oversouls who individuate each soul for duty in a particular physical body. The physical shell of your body, derived from the genetics of your human parents so as to maintain the lineage of your family, was created in conjunction with Earth. All of this is done under the aegis of the creator God of this universe.

Your great oversoul has been in existence since the original creation. When a universe is being created by a creator God, it is done in cooperation with oversouls who supply souls for individual human bodies.

So there is a hierarchy beginning with Creator, then to the oversouls, and the creator Gods. From your perspective, looking upward if you will, you see Earth, the Creator God of this universe, and your own oversoul. You are a product of all three. So it is quite obvious that you are a child of God.

In the lighter realms everything is fluid. There are no clear delineations as there are in the lower densities of form. In the lighter realms communications are not spoken, pictures and concepts are transmitted and truth is known not merely believed. Thus Oneness and truth are easy to achieve, whereas in the arena of form everything is rigid and truth is relative.

Whether you appreciate it or not, you and I are in Oneness. You are One with every other human of Earth. You are One with Earth, with her animals, plants, insects, and rocks. You are One with the rest of this universe, and you are One with other universes. You are also One with Creator. So in Oneness you can see that you are God.

We of the higher Dimensions are calling to you to join us in the most wondrous adventure. We are calling you to return to where your oversoul resides, from whence you agreed to come into this body. Your brothers and sisters from Andromeda and all other star systems of this universe are beckoning you to raise your vibration to meet with them in the higher dimensions. You have played in the drama of the 3rd density for long enough. It is now time to shed the fear-based costumes of the 3rd density.

You have played the roles assigned to you well; you are to be congratulated. Do not drag your feet for the time is soon approaching when those who cling to the 3rd density will no longer be on Earth. Earth’s vibration is increasing to where it will be untenable for all but those of the 4th Dimension and higher frequencies.

Creator is calling you to Oneness with Him, with all there is. In this Oneness you are united with all. In this Oneness you will see that you are unlimited, powerful, and eternal. In this Oneness you will see that you are a creator god.

Now is the moment of your decision. Will you heed the call of your soul and return to the 5th Dimension and beyond, reuniting in Oneness for eternity? Or will you ignore the changes that are occurring around you and cling to the comforts, status, wealth, and security of the 3rd Dimension.  This choice is yours.

If you earnestly desire to move ahead, turn your back on the enticements and security of the 3rd Dimension. Embrace Earth’s ascension. In the 4th Dimension everyone will experience a love-based existence unlike any the current population of Earth has seen before. There will still be the opportunity for duality, but your drama will be played against a love-based backdrop.

Those who choose to remain in the fear-based 3rd dimension will not ascend with Earth. They will be resettled in a like situation where you may continue to reincarnate until they decide to ascend to the light-filled higher dimensions.

By choosing to move up to a light filled density, you are freeing your soul from the multiple reincarnations you have experienced. It is your decision. Listen to the yearning of your soul to explore the light-filled higher densities. Listen to the message of your soul to embrace who you truly are, a magnificent being held captive in the 3rd Dimension. Listen to the your soul as it beckons to you from the 5th dimension, urging you to decide to move from your comfort zone.

If you would ascend, do not depend on messages from outside; go within. Many messages you receive are in conflict, urging you to look here or to look there for truth. You need not look beyond your heart to find truth. The many events swirling about you are the final distractions on your path to the lighter densities. Ignore them and focus within.

As you have recently experienced, Mark, any allure of the 3rd Dimension is completely overshadowed by existence in the 5th Dimension. Cling to that realization. Many are looking forward to welcoming you permanently into the lighter densities. By pre-birth contract, you agreed to stuff your individuated soul into this physical form. Furthermore you agreed to forget everything you knew prior to the moment of birth, and begin the long process of rediscovering who you really are. This applies equally to all who are reading these messages and to those many who have no idea these messages even exist. All humans make such agreements.

There are many who have not awakened; they cling to the beliefs of the 3rd Dimension. Because they choose to do so, they will repeat the lessons of the 3rd dimension again and again for many, many years. Now that you have emerged from the darkness of the 3rd Dimension, and are beginning to appreciate who you really are, you need to congratulate yourselves.

Those of you who already reside in the 4th dimension have raised your vibrations to the point that you are no longer fear-based. You are to be congratulated. More importantly you are to honor yourselves. Each of you should be most grateful for you have emerged from the slavery of the 3rd Dimension. Appreciate what you have accomplished. Rejoice, for you will now journey with the new Earth. Your oversoul awaits the moment it can fully reunite with you in the higher vibrations.

The universe in Oneness awaits your ascension. Be grateful that you have taken the path less travelled and agreed to ascend. Many of you who read these messages have spent time and effort giving thanks to God, and to others who assisted you in your awakening. Now is the time to recognize your own greatness and to give thanks to yourselves for what you have accomplished. Appreciate and be grateful.

I look forward to interacting with you as you arrive at your destination. I am Adrial, a celestial of this universe.



The messages at this site are being translated into several languages and they are also being posted on other web sites. If those of you who are doing so will send an email to, I will post the locations of these translations and postings at the end of our next message.

Read archived messages from Adrial, Bren-Ton, Justine, Moraine, and others at this site or by referring to:

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More Responses

Greetings to our brothers and sister of Earth from those if us aboard the starship Athabantian. It is in our love for and our Oneness with you that we take this opportunity to share more of our observations with you. We are most pleased when you make time to read our communications. Today we return with more responses to your questions. Some of these may seem repetitive with our earlier messages, but these questions continue to be asked, so we are responding, also events are coming to a tipping point so we may be communicating more frequently.

In your prior posting you spoke of the pole shift. How severe will the earthquakes, tsunamis, and volcanic action be as a result of these shifts?

We do not anticipate that these events will be nearly as severe as being forecast by some. Earth is continuing with her regular episodes of earthquakes, etc.; these are alleviating the built-up stresses. Nonetheless, the pole shifts as initiated by Earth will be noticed by all.

You have spoken about the presence of various races on the starship Athabantian. Do the off-planet races cooperate, or are some competitive?

We have several races represented aboard Athabantian, plus a number of celestials, like Adrial. The majority of personnel, numbering several thousand are from Andromeda. We also have individuals from the Pleiades, Sirius, Antares, and Lyra.

Within any star system, galaxy, or universe there may be those who have chosen to follow the dark energy, and thus they see themselves as competitive with others. Those of us who exist in the 5th Dimension of this universe, or higher, do not compete; we are cooperative. We do not have any aboard Athabantian who are competitive.

What will Earth be like after the transformation? Will any of the physical structures be left?

After the shift to the predominately love-based civilization of the new Earth, many of the physical structures of the old paradigm will remain. Such things as the homes of people will remain. In time, all will transition into physical structures more suited to the new Earth.

How high will the frequency of Earth ultimately reach?

Earth’s frequency will ultimately vibration will ultimately settle in at about 19 Hertz — 5th Dimension. That is up from the current frequency of about 11 hertz.

Will the plants and animals remain?

Plants and animals will be changed to reside in an environment of light and love. All will be in harmony; all will be in Oneness. There will no longer be a “survival of the fittest” in operation.

How quickly will this happen?

It will take many passes of Earth about the sun for this to come into full realization. In the years immediately after the crossover moment — in the next few months — things will not appear to be that much different, except that all will be love -based rather than fear-based. It will take time for people to adjust to this new way of seeing and behaving. This is where the “institutes” that are being created come in: Helping people to adjust to a world that is love-based, a world where off-planet beings are a regular feature, and a world without many of the things that you now take for granted.

When will the oil-based civilization cease?

That will happen more quickly than the full realization of a new civilization, although it ill be a giant step toward it. As Earth has stated, no new oil drilling or mining will be allowed after the shift. So it will be just a matter of time until oil supplies run out. In the process they will become very expensive, so that alternatives ways will be eagerly sought.

Will electricity still be distributed to homes?

During the interim time there will continue to be electricity available to homes — but not all homes in all areas will be supplied. Production of electricity from fossil fuels will be replaced by crystals, and other non-fossil fuel methods. Rest assured, we do not wish that your civilization will return to primitive, and we will make every effort to insure otherwise.

Will we utilize current modes of transportation?

Your current vehicles will be phased out as the available supplies of petroleum run out. Remember there will be no new exploration, drilling, or production of fossil fuels to replenish supplies.

What is the time frame for all of this to happen?

It will take many years for the civilization of the new Earth to fully establish itself. On the other hand because of the collapse of time and functioning in the 4th Dimension, it will seem to happen quite quickly.

Will the transition be difficult?

Everyone will experience enough difficulties to enable him or her to see the current paradigm for what it is, and to choose whether or not to separate from it. For some this will be extreme hardship, for others it will be quite minimal.

Do we need to store food, water and fuel?

Yes in quantities to take you through the interim time.

How long will the interim time last?

It has already begun. In a few days or weeks it will accelerate quite rapidly. Then it will continue past the end of 2012 and well into 2013. At some point you will notice Earth’s vibration move from predominately fear-based to predominately love-based.

If I am able to raise my vibration to 5th Dimension, will that keep me from experiencing any of the adverse effects of the physical, emotional, or metal turmoil connected with the transition?

If you are successful at raising and maintaining your vibration at a 5th Dimensional level you will still experience the transition, but you will be unaffected by it physically, emotionally, or mentally. In addition you may serve as a beacon of light to those who are in the midst of experiencing the full impact of the transition. The same is true, but to a lesser extent, if you are a 4th Dimensional being.

We would warn you, from our observations, that achieving and then maintaining your vibration in the 5th Dimension is neither easy nor automatic. Approach it as a task worth undertaking, for you will be rewarded during the transition and beyond.

During the transformation it is within your personal ways of seeing and knowing that the greatest changes will occur. You have the opportunity to be heart-centered and see all the changes about you as drama. Or you can engage with the changes and be swept along in the fear of those who resist the transformation to the new Earth.

Will the earth changes, demise of the current paradigm, and our transformation be tied to events coming from beyond Earth?

Yes, the final phase of the Earth changes we have spoken of will be triggered by events from outside Earth. These in turn will coincide with the demise of the current monetary systems, governments, religions, and to our connecting with you in the 4th Dimension. The Illuminati is too well entrenched to be removed by Earth human actions alone. It was created by off-planet beings; it will require off-planet beings to overcome its dark energies.

Are the reports of massive eruptions of the sun accurate? How will they affect humans?

Your star, the sun as you call it, will undergo monumental changes in the near future due to external influences. This will, in turn, send powerful energies to Earth. However, keep in mind the true nature of your star: It is a transducer of energies coming from the center of your galaxy, not a thermonuclear energy source. As such, the unusual energies coming from your star in the near future will have much more effect on you personally than on Earth’s physical environment.

Those among you who see violent eruptions of your sun are looking at events from a 3rd Dimension perspective. We encourage you to look at coming events from a 4th or 5th Dimension perspective. It is particularly important that you do not go to fear during these times.

We are pleased to communicate with you and look forward to more opportunities to do so. We hold you in unconditional love and wish you well during this time of your transformation. Until next time, I am Adrial, a celestial of this universe, I am Bren-Ton, I am Justine, and I am Moraine, all from Andromeda, and I am Zepher of the Pleiades.



The messages at this site are being translated into several languages and they are also being posted on other web sites. If those of you who are doing so will send an email to, I will post the locations of these translations and postings at the end of our next message.

Read archived messages from Adrial, Bren-Ton, Justine, Moraine, and others at this site or by referring to:

For new postings by Mark Kimmel, go to

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Now Is The Moment

How many times do you have to be told that things will not continue as they are? How many times do we have to say that all will change? How often do we have to say that you will not just float through the transformation without being affected by it? Things will not continue as they are. All will change. You will not float though the shift without being affected. You will change. Others will change. All about you will change.

There will be a transition time — “Interim Time” — as Earth and all who choose will shift to higher frequencies. After Interim Time all will be vastly different on Earth. The only way to the new Earth is to change yourself. Learn to vibrate at a higher frequency, see all in Oneness, and think from your heart.

Now is the moment of your transformation.

The changes you see depicted in movies and videos are 3rd dimension, fear-based representations of the change that is coming to your planet and to you its human inhabitants. The greater changes will be those experienced by individuals as they cope with the energies of a higher vibration, of a lighter way of being. For love will come with a whoosh, overpowering all; only those who are prepared will accept it. Those who are not prepared will be overwhelmed and will turn to fear — just exactly what they should not do.

Seeing darkness as another manifestation of the Oneness of all is the correct way to see things. Do not run from the darkness. Do not turn you back on it out of freight. Do not dismiss it by saying, “I want nothing to do with this.” For these actions only serve to embolden the darkness. While it is true that the darkness is feeling overwhelmed and on its last leg, it still has the power to ensnare those who fear it, for it feeds on weakness.

In the coming days and weeks, events may draw your attention away from your heart centeredness. Among these are the collapse of monetary systems and governments. At the same time, certain outside energies will come to Earth causing physical events to transpire. These events will not be as catastrophic as depicted in your movies.

Let me elaborate further: The magnetic pole will shift as it has done before, as Earth traverses the plane of the galaxy. Already there is a diminishing of the Earth’s magnetic field. When it is minimal, the magnetic poles will reverse. Do not underestimate the effect, for it will be very upsetting to everyone’s emotions.

As for the physical pole shift, the skin of the Earth will shift, so that the physical pole of the Earth will appear to be in a different place, although Earth’s core continues its rotation, as fixed as a giant gyroscope. We can foresee a shift that will take the North Pole southward into Siberia. The skin of the Earth will then have rotated so that the equator crosses North America. Accompanying this will be a reorientation of landmasses.

As for Earth’s axis of rotation, your brothers and sisters from around the galaxy are in the process of straightening Earth’s axis of rotation so that Earth’s axis will be vertical. This means that Earth will present herself to the sun in a vertical rotation rather than the tilt as current experienced. There will no more seasons. The moon will be removed by your space sisters and brothers, as it is an artificial satellite placed there by the dark energy, and of no use to a 4th Dimension planet.

These changes to Earth will result in massive changes to the plant kingdom, as trees, bushes and grasses that are used to winter will be unable to adapt to living at the equator and visa versa. This in turn will impact animals, fish, birds, and insects. So immediately after the shift, all will be in chaos. Then things will begin to sort themselves out as all become accustomed to the new Earth and their new abilities in the 4th Dimension.

You may believe that this huge project requires significant time. The reality is that it will happen quickly. With her strengthened energy, Earth is more than capable of recreating herself within one revolution about the sun. However it will take many years to create a love-based human civilization.

It is the convergence of time — time speeding up as everything moves into a higher frequency — that befuddles examination of this transformation from a 3rd Dimension perspective. Let me see if I can explain it another way. As time continues to collapse on its way to that moment when everything shifts to the new paradigm, more of the stark reality of the dark and the light manifest themselves. It is this starkness coupled with the collapse of time that ultimately makes all facets of the shift come together.

There will be a collapse of the institutions of man, coupled with numerous Earth rearrangements, coupled with a cleansing of the planet, coupled with the arrival of your star brothers and sisters, against your personal transformation to higher densities of your choosing.

How an individual relates to this transformation is almost entirely dependent on their personal vibration. This is not much different than the situation today wherein an individual who is fearful will resonate with the fear of the 3rd dimension. At the same time those who are love-based do not resonate with the 3rd dimension, although they will be well aware of it. We do not include the Earth and all natural things in the 3rd Dimension, because they serve as the stage whereon the grand play, in which you are all engaged, is played out.

So it will be when Earth and all that is of this new backdrop is resonating at the higher vibration of the new paradigm. Those who resonate with Earth’s higher frequency will enjoy being her guests. Those of a lower vibration will be unable to tolerate earth’s higher vibration and will choose to leave. We are making provisions for all of those who are departing due to frequency imbalances.

Needless to say, those of a much higher frequency are able to live on earth today, even though she is vibrating at a frequency lower than theirs. The same will be true of those vibrating at the higher frequency of the new Earth. They will be free to come and go as they wish.

Let us look at some specifics. Today you have created a society that functions within the fear-filled confines of governments, monetary system, corporations, healthcare systems, religions, and education systems of the 3rd dimension. You adapt your lives to this is various ways, some successfully some not, some achieve wealth, some remain poor. This is largely a combination of soul choice, karma, and dedication to an earthly path. There is no right or wrong, only experiences to accumulate. Some achieve enough heart centeredness to live within the larger society, working within its structures, and yet are not a part of it. We would call these the lightworkers or wayshowers.

On the new earth, there will again be structures, but they will be love-based in that they will serve the needs of all. These new structures will come about due to the choices of the residents of the new Earth. They will create a government that is truly of the people. Some of these governments and structures will come more easily than others due to the individual backgrounds of the people involved. Following this will come the monetary structure, and structures for delivering the goods required to live, work, and play. Yours will not be primitive societies because the people involved will carry with them the knowledge of structures from their former lives in Earth’s lower densities, and now being heart centered they will simply arrange things differently. They will be aided by their brothers and sisters from other planets to create energy sources, transportation, and communication devices and systems.

Within all this will be a number of individuals who vibrate at the frequencies of the 5th, 6th, and higher dimensions. They will assist their earthly brothers and sisters to create new ways of seeing and behaving, and to further raise their vibrations. These are the Caretakers of the new Earth, along with those from other planets who similarly vibrate at higher frequencies. All will be oriented toward ascending to new vistas, new ways of being, to Oneness with all, and to eventually reuniting all with Source. The institutes we are creating will assist these creations.

I am Adrial, a celestial of this universe. It is my wish that all will choose to ascend to the lighter vibrations of the new Earth. We aboard Athabantian eagerly wait the day when we may manifest ourselves to you, and work to create a new civilization.



Read archived messages from Adrial, Bren-Ton, Justine, Moraine, and others at this site or by referring to:

For observations by Mark Kimmel, go to:

You may make copies of this message and distribute in any media as long as you change nothing, credit the author, and include this web address:


Greetings from the star ship Athabantian. In this message we present information from beings with different points of view. We believe that this will enlighten and comfort you as you experience the coming days of great change.

Bren-Ton: I am Bren-Ton of Andromeda. First we provide our perspective of the transformation as witnessed from our position in orbit about your planet. Our starship has been here for about 60 years of your time, beaming the energy of love and light to your planet and to the humans who inhabit its surface. We have transmuted energies coming from your star and directed them in ways that a general burst of energy could not do. All aboard this great starship function in the 5th and higher densities. We also have many from Andromeda and others who walk among you, so our observations include their impressions and insights. We are here both as observers and to provide light and love, as well as benevolent “on the ground” assistance when the time comes.

First we would reflect to you that you humans of Earth have advanced from a more primitive stage of evolution to where you are today despite the efforts of the dark energies to manipulate and thwart your progress. You are to be congratulated!! This progress has occurred over the thousands of years, since we were first involved in seeding your planet. We have returned to your planet from time to time, to observe your progress, but have been blocked until recently with all attempts to provide support.

Today we see you as a civilization on the brink of a great transformation. A similar perspective would be offered from any of the other thousand starships gathered near your planet. In addition, many celestials are present; Creator has charged them with the uplifting and transformation of Earth’s humans. As demonstrated merely by this level of attention, the transformation of Earth and her humans is a unique experience in the history of the universe.

In response to Earth’s cry for help, and in recognition of the way in which Earth’s humans had pulled themselves up from the throws of darkness, Creator determined that Earth was to receive special attention to transform you to the lighter densities. This transformative process has been, and is being, offered to all humans. It comes in a number of ways from ancient knowledge to current understandings. From our perspective there is no single path to individual transformation. There is however the need to actively engage in the process and to make an intention that this is what an individual wishes for him or herself. We look forward to the day when we can interact with you, our brothers and sisters, in the densities of the new Earth.

Justine: I am an Andromedan who is usually aboard Athabantian, however I have also spent time walking among you. (A lighter body 5th dimensional being has the ability to move about freely in your denser 3rd dimension.) Among you I not only saw the reports in your media and from your Internet, but also observed first-hand conversations among beings of the dark, plus received information from non-indigenous beings of the light who live among you.

I wish to emphasize that the current gyrations of the economies of your major countries are not just normal business cycles. It is my belief that the monetary systems and economies of your world will soon crash into piles of rubble. At one level this represents a struggle between the collapse of a debt-based house of cards and those who desperately seek to support it. The collapse of monetary systems will then cause major corporations and governments to follow. You can see the beginnings of this today as stock markets around the world gyrate. You can also see it in the prices of food, commodities, and gold. Current attempts at fiscal and monetary austerity will only serve to hasten the eventual demise of these fear-based institutions.

At a completely different level, the collapse of your economies was being orchestrated by beings of the dark and their agents. It was their plan to buy up real estate and corporations from the rubble and reconstruct societies totally under their domination. That plan has now been thwarted by the light energies coming to your planet. However once put into motion, the domino effect resulting from the successive collapse of economies, corporations, governments, militaries, and religions will be played out — without the opportunity for the dark forces to regain their dominance. I leave it to you to imagine the impact of all this on your daily lives.

I look forward to the day when I can openly interact with you in the 4th dimension of the new Earth, when you have raised your vibrations to the point that we can meet as brothers and sisters of the universe. I will be part of those helping you build a civilization based on Oneness.

Earth: I am the soul of Earth; some of you call me Gaia. As I have explained in earlier messages I am involved in everything that happens on my physical manifestation including every blade of grass, every grain of sand, every great tree, every ocean wave, and every mountain stream. I know every fish, every bird, and every insect. The mammals, wild and tame know me. I am one with my creation — more accurately, a joint creation with Creator and the God of this universe.

You are my guests, brought here originally by those from other planets. I have watched as travelers from other star systems have interacted with you over thousands of years. Some of these interactions have been beneficial, other have not. I have also watched as you lovingly farmed my land, herded my animals, and picked the fruit from my orchards and berries from my bushes. I am with you at your birth. I am also with you at your passing. Nothing that transpires during your time on my physical self escapes my notice.

I have also endured as you drilled to capture my petroleum. I have stood by as you gouged my skin seeking gold, minerals, and coal. In the very near future there will be no more drilling. In the very near future there will be no more mining.

I am ascending to a higher, lighter frequency. As a part of that ascension, I will continue to make adjustments such as extreme weather, erupting volcanoes, earthquakes, and tsunamis, but they will be minor, and are intended to cause little damage. You are also seeing the results of my temperature rising: Plants, insects, and animals are reacting both to the unusual dryness and wetness.

As a part of my ascension, both my magnetic and physical poles will shift. They have done this before they will now do it again. The net result of these shifts, and of the other changes to my physical self, will be a moderate climate over most of my surface.

Adama: I am the high leader of Telos. We who fled to this underground sanctuary wish to contribute our perspective to this message. We have been situated under Mount Shasta for many years because we did not wish to participate in the overwhelming darkness that was sweeping the surface of the planet, pulling all surface dwellers into the 3rd dimension thickness of a life based on fear.

Telos has many levels of underground living space. We have light and power from crystals that is sufficient to grow all the food that we require for our very healthy lifestyle. Some of our underground levels are dedicated to growing, others are living areas, other still are community levels where we gather to enjoy everything from education to music to conversation.

We are prepared, as part of the transformation of Earth and her human surface dwellers, to appear among you, to teach you what we have learned from our long history, and to join with you as brothers and sisters of the God of this universe. We have technology to help you clean the planet from the ravages of your environmental destruction — but only after all further exploitation has stopped. We are a totally peaceful race and come to assist your upward progress, for you see we already live in what you would call 4th dimension.

Adrial: In August of your year 2010, I, Adrial, a celestial of this universe, presented the following observations as part of a series of messages that were posted at Mark’s Corner. It is as relevant today as it was then, although today most humans are much more aware that their world is changing, and consequently more humans are awake to the larger picture. Compared to my earlier message, we who observe you, both from afar and by being among you, are optimistic that many humans of Earth will choose to reach beyond the chaos to become active participants with the new Earth. The message from 2010 follows.

Most humans who see the information I have presented in these messages, if indeed they see the messages at all, or if they receive this information from another source, will not relate to their content in the slightest way. It is beyond their realm of consciousness. They do not see the larger picture, nor do they wish to explore the possibility of such. Unfortunately this is a majority of mankind at this moment.

The second group of humans will see the messages as fearful forecasts of what is to be. They do not wish to change from their comfortable lifestyles, so they will reject the messages as too radical, not based on science, not conforming to the current paradigm, or any number of other excuses. Fear will rule their response and they will reject the messages and the possibility of truth. This is a significant percentage of the current human population of this planet.

The third group of individuals will see the messages, will understand them to some degree, and will interpret them in their own way. This is most acceptable as each person sees a fraction of the larger picture and interpret it in his or her own way. Within this smallest of the three groupings of Earth humans there are several possibilities.

  • The first reaction among this group of conscious people is that they are above the chaos associated with the dismantling of the current paradigm: “I do not relate to what you are saying, because I will not allow it to touch my life. I fully expect to be at the right place, at the right time, and to be transported to a higher dimension at the moment of transformation. I expect the transformation of Earth to occur as time collapses. All will be of the light; nothing will impact my attitude of love for all.”
  • A second or alternate reaction is that, “I must prepare for the coming difficult times by creating a survival cocoon about me. I will store food and water, and will create a sanctuary off the grid. I intend to survive whatever will come. Why, because I do not wish to die.”
  • The third reaction is one of preparing physically, emotionally, mentally, and spiritually for what is to come: “I am storing store food and water. I will find a suitable shelter. I view the chaos about me as a loving observer without becoming enmeshed with it. Most importantly I am reaching out to others of a like mind to create a community of like-minded people. When this transformation is over, we will come together to create a new civilization on this planet. I understand that Earth is not going away, although she will be much changed, as will I. She will be functioning at a higher frequency. I will join her there. I will become a Caretaker of the new Earth.”

God: This message would not be complete with out a word or two from the principal player in the drama that all in My universe are calling unique. Keep in mind throughout this transformation that you requested to be at the time and place where you find yourselves today. From my perspective, there are three pieces to this transformation.

First there is the ascension of Earth to a lighter density. Actually it is a return to her former pristine self as I originally created and evolved her. Oh, she was a real beauty, and will shortly return to her regal pristine self.

Second there are the humans who are choosing to ascend with Earth, and to dimensions beyond. When the evidence becomes clear as to the nature of this transformation, I foresee that most of you, my children, will ultimately choose to ascend to the 4th dimension, although I can already see that some of you are going to be real laggards. Nothing like making last minute decisions, particularly when the choice has been right before you all along. Nevertheless all who wish to go will be welcomed to the 4th dimension.

Third, there are those of you who will stubbornly choose to cling to the fear of the 3rd dimension. Some of you will cling to it because it has served you well. You have managed to accumulate wealthy, comfort, and status, and to dominate other humans for your own gain. Others of you are so ingrained in fear that you will not see the larger picture no matter how many ways I paint it for you, no matter how many messengers I send to you, and no matter how many hints are sent in dreams. All in this group will be relocated according to their individual frequencies. Some may even start the long road of ascension at the very beginning.

I am very much looking forward to receiving you after your eyes open to the grand picture, after you reunite with your souls in dimensions beyond the 4th.

We aboard Athabantian trust that this message will reveal the complexity of your transformation and demonstrate the perspectives of some of the many beings involved therein. All of us aboard this starship, and the many others, look forward to the time we can fully interact with you.

I am Bren-Ton of Andromeda. I speak for all aboard Athabantian when I say that we love each of you unconditionally and wish you an exciting and rewarding journey until we meet.



Read archived messages from Adrial, Bren-Ton, Justine, Moraine, and others at this site or by referring to:

For observations by Mark Kimmel, go to:

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Greetings to our brothers and sister of Earth from those if us aboard the starship Athabantian. It is in our love for and our Oneness with you that we take this opportunity to share our observations with you. We are most pleased when you make time to read our communications. Today we return with responses to your many questions. You may submit other questions if you wish; we are here to be of assistance to you during this final phase of your transformation.

During this time of transition, what is the most important thing an individual can do?

There are two important undertakings for you at this point in your transformation. The first is to discover what it is in your heart that you know to be true, and then to pursue that truth unwaveringly. This is in stark contrast to accepting the latest disclosures about events, about the larger picture, or about one’s destiny based upon messages from other supposed experts and most importantly from someone who states that he or she knows it all — a guru, if you will. No one, and we emphasize, NO ONE ELSE, know what your particular soul wishes for this lifetime except you. Look into your heart and you will discover your highest purpose, the very thing your soul is asking for, and the greatest benefit for all. Quoting wisdom gained from listening to others thwarts your purpose. Following the wisdom of a guru thwarts your purpose. You, and only you, know in your heart what is right for you. You can discover your truth in those quiet moments when your soul speaks to you.

The second important undertaking is to raise your individual vibration so that when Earth’s transformation is completed you are resonating with her new frequency. The easiest way to accomplish this is to think from your heart, see all in Oneness, and set your intention to move out of 3rd dimension. We have spoken about this in the past and will speak more in the future.

Will Earth humans ascend to the 5th dimension?

To answer this question, we must first address the “free will” that governs the actions of all souls on Earth and elsewhere in the cosmos. Each of you must decide at which vibration you wish to exist, and whether you wish to ascend to a higher vibration or not. The choice is yours both as to if and when.

The so-called 5th dimension is a vibration at which you and your soul are quite comfortable. There is no duality, however there will continue to be differences of opinion. It is also the vibration at which your benevolent space brothers and sisters vibrate.

The broad answer to your question is yes, all humans will ascend to the 5th dimension — eventually. Actually they will pass through it on the way to higher dimensions. Some will choose to ascend to the 5th dimension as Earth changes her vibration; some will not. It is a choice plus it requires effort to achieve the frequency of the 5th dimension. One does not merely say, “I wish to vibrate at the 5th dimension.”

Those who are unaware of this option will not ascend — at this time. They will be transported to another place where they may resume their physical lives. Those who consciously choose to stay in the 3rd dimension will be given options other than remaining on Earth.

What is the way in which individuals and society will transform to higher vibrations? Will there be a “hundredth monkey” effect?

In the early days of your Internet, a few pioneers saw the potential of linking their computers together to exchange scientific information. This set the stage for others to follow. Gradually others became aware and began to link their computers to the fledgling Internet and more information became available for all to share. It was only after a significant number of people adopted this way of computing that Internet highways were built. Then more applications emerged and as more and more computers were interconnected. The Internet grew to serve more and more people, until today it is widely accepted as a part of the life of most people.

At each stage of the Internet’s development people’s awareness grew along with their knowledge. Each person who joined the Internet made a conscious decision to do so, plus they paid for the necessary computer hardware and software. In the space of a few years, it became both necessary and enjoyable to live with a connection to the Internet, and difficult to live without it. In energetic terms those who partake of the Internet are raising their consciousness.

The way in which the transformation of Earth’s humans is progressing is a gradual multi-step process — similar to the adoption of the Internet. First there is the realization of a larger picture. A few of the initial embracers saw this and began to publicize it. Second are those who after receiving hints of the larger picture begin to investigate for themselves. By this time the earliest embracers had moved forward to make a free will choice to change the way in which they lived — to live according to their hearts. They have since become wayshowers — acting either publicly or privately — within the context of an emerging paradigm.

As more people adopt these new ways of seeing and living the larger picture, the overall energy of the planet increases and people who are just becoming aware find it easier to embrace the larger picture than did the initial embracers. Yes, there are some who will resist and never embrace the larger picture, just as there are some who do not access the Internet. However as more and more people become aware the energy builds further and the larger picture seems even less strange to those just becoming aware. As this process builds, there is a shift for most from relying on one’s mind to thinking with one’s heart.

However please note, at each step in this process, be it embracing the vibration of living at a higher consciousness or connecting to the Internet, you make a conscious decision whether to embrace or not, whether to do it now or to wait. The role of free will cannot be overemphasized.

In addition to free will, and similar to the development of the Internet, people have to do something. People can buy the necessary equipment to connect to the Internet or not. It is their choice. If they do not buy the equipment, they are not connected. Similarly, if people do not make a conscious effort to raise their vibration they will not be swept along with those who have done so. There is no free ride.

There is a gradual awakening underway that makes it easier to adopt new ways of being as shown by lightworkers and wayshowers. A wayshower can explain what is happening and ask someone to embrace a new way of being. But even the most dedicated wayshower cannot make a free will decision for someone else or put forth the effort to raise that other person’s energies. It is easier if a wayshower helps, but it still requires a free will decision, AND an effort to achieve the necessary vibration to live on the new Earth.

Are there starships coming to take humans off this planet? Will there then be a worldwide cleansing of all that humans have wrought?

No mass evacuation of people from this planet is planned or foreseen. Such a plucking of people from the surface would curtail free will, stop cause and effect, and eliminate consequences of actions. This would also be directly counter to the law of non-interference.

In contrast to this precipitous action, your planet is raising her frequency so that the duality that has persisted for so long will no longer be present. This shift has been underway for several years and will reach the tipping point within the next few months. When this occurs, it will become increasingly difficult for those who adhere to darkness to remain on this planet. Many who are now wavering on the fence between the light and the dark will choose the light. Based on fear, comfort, wealth, and/or status others will still cling to the darkness.

The institutions of man that are based on fear, such as the military, current governments, and current monetary systems, will disappear. Physical edifices that were built on fear will disappear. The institutions, structures, individuals, and communities that are based in the light will persist. The next few months will be the time of sorting of what is of the light and what is of the dark.

A new civilization will emerge from the chaos arising from the collapse of the old paradigm. Love will be the basis of this new civilization, and Oneness with earth and all who occupy her. This will not be an instantaneous process, but it will occur quite quickly as linear time will be no more.

The physical cleansing of this planet will take place with assistance from many beings from around this universe who support her return to a pristine state. This will take place in conjunction with the new humans of Earth.

There will be no general cleansing without humans present. All change is in accordance with energy equations. Those places where Earth energy has been most severely damaged will require the most energetic repair. Those places where there has been less damage will be less affected. Earth’s own energetic repair ranges from earthquakes to tsunamis to severe weather to wildfires to a shift in climate and a raising of sea levels.

Will Earth’s poles shift? Are we going to experience major earth shifts?

The magnetic field of the earth is now diminishing. This will continue in order for a magnetic pole shift to occur, as it has done before, as Earth passes through the galactic plane. As this magnetic pole shift occurs, it will free the tectonic plates of the earth to move about. They will shift in such as way as to facilitate overall climate moderation and energy balancing. In addition, Earth’s physical pole is being righted to a vertical position. This will eliminate the seasonal effect. The culmination of this will be a planet with a moderate climate everywhere but at the extreme of north and south.

Earth will continue to adjust her physical manifestation in order to ascend to a lighter vibration and transform herself to a pristine planet. Accompanying Earth’s rebalancing will be shifts of her tectonic plates. These shifts are the result of Earth’s desire to balance energetically those areas where she has experienced the energies of fear, anger, greed, and other dark energies. Earth shifts will occur not only where they have been experienced before, but in new areas. Your space brothers and sisters, as well as your own energies, are moderating the difficult aspects of these. Much will happen unnoticed, yet much will be chaotic for those directly involved. As you witness these events, always keep in mind that you and everyone else incarnated at a specific time and in a specific place to experience what you are experiencing.

When will the current monetary systems go away? Will they be replace with another type of monetary system?

The current debt-based monetary systems are in the process of crumbling. This process of meltdown will continue until the hoards of the super wealthy have disappeared, until there are no more paper currencies, and until a level playing field has been created that operates in the best interests of all. There will be stages of this meltdown during which a precious metal-based currency will emerge, but, ultimately, money will be provided in order for each person to accomplish that which they desire to do. In a true 5th dimensional sense, currency will be created by individuals as needed.

What is the timing of the arrival of the starships of our space brothers and sisters?

Many starships, such as Athabantian, are already stationed near your planet, and have been here for some time. The unveiling of our starships will happen: 1) When it is safe for all concerned. 2) When our appearance can be accepted as peaceful and beneficial. 3) When our arrival can be of maximum benefit to all concerned. Accompanying this mass contact will be the acknowledgement of the many non-indigenous beings who walk this planet.

How many non-indigenous beings are present on Earth today? What do they look like? Why are they here?

There are large numbers of non-indigenous beings present on Earth at this time. They walk among you both as lightworkers and as people working behind the scenes for the advancement of mankind. They currently number over one million. In all cases they appear to be humans so as to fit in within your society, albeit with slight variation in physical appearance. There are many millions who are not present in human form; they operate at frequencies that make them invisible to Earth-human eyes. They too are here for the benefit of mankind and for the greater good of the entire universe.

Having said this, we must acknowledge the presence of beings whose light is so diminished, and they are so self-serving, that they may be termed dark. They are few in number; however as the saying goes, “One rotten apple can spoil an entire barrel.” The dark energy and its allies created and maintain the duality of this 3rd dimension. They are the guiding force behind the Illuminati. However love your dark brothers and sisters for they provide the interesting backdrop against which you play out your individual dramas.

Who are the Caretakers of the new Earth?

Caretakers for the new Earth will assist the transformation of the planet from her current condition to a pristine planet of great beauty. While Earth can largely transform herself in time, the Caretakers, human and off-planet, can assist this change so that within a very short time Earth can reclaim her natural beauty while still providing a home for human inhabitants. Caretakers will have many roles and perform many different tasks.

Caretakers are a desirable part of Earth’s transformation because they manage her rehabilitation at a local human level. This will include the elimination of all structures, roadways, and utilities that were constructed under the paradigm of fear and the conviction that it was man’s right to dominate Earth. Manmade structures and embellishments to the planet that were undertaken out of love and caring for her will remain. These will be used by the Caretakers in their restoration work.

Electricity will be provided from crystals that once energized will continue to provide electricity, both for individual households as well as restoring portions of the electrical grid. Thus the Caretakers of the new Earth will be provided with energy with which to carry out their tasks of restoration and creating a new civilization.

New technologies will be forthcoming — contributed by your space brothers and sisters. These technologies will be compatible with a pristine planet. It will include vehicles for transport, devices to assist living conditions, and communication devices to supplement the role of telepathy.

We of Athabantian are establishing an institute. It will have three functions: 1) To assist people to raise their vibration to a frequency where they will comfortably resonate with the new Earth, and at which frequency they can interact with their brothers and sisters from other star systems. 2) Learning to function in this somewhat unfamiliar higher frequency and perform important tasks. This will include interacting with your space brothers and sisters to implement techniques perfected on other planets of light. 3) Teaching others to raise their vibrations and to become Caretakers. All of this will be undertaken at the institute that will come into existence as the shift to a predominately love-based planet emerges within the next few months. Until that time hold the vision of the new Earth. The moment is not that far in the future when all that we have spoken of will come to pass.

We are pleased to communicate with you and look forward to more opportunities to do so. We hold you in unconditional love and wish you well during this time of your transformation. Until next time, I am Adrial, a celestial of this universe, I am Bren-Ton, I am Justine, and I am Moraine, all from Andromeda, and I am Zepher of the Pleiades.




Read archived messages from Adrial, Bren-Ton, Justine, Moraine, and others at this site or by referring to:


For observations by Mark Kimmel, go to:

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