Leadership I

At our recent workshop, Transformation 2012, Taugth spoke about Abiquor and its role in training Caretakers of the New Earth. I have been asked to re-publish earlier messages relating to Caretakers. The following message from Bren-Ton was published on June 15, 2009.


I am most pleased to be with you again. This will be a series of lessons about leadership in Oneness. This type of leadership is different than any other leadership, although it bears some of the same characteristics. Once you accept the Oneness of all people, plants and animals, and the Oneness with Earth and the universe, everything changes. So it is with leadership also; everything changes.

First a leader in Oneness will see that everyone and everything is conscious, and will treat everyone and everything in that way. Others are neither less nor more than the leader. The leader is not above others, is not better than others. The leader merely has the ability of leadership. It is talent, nothing more or less. It does not confer special privilege, rewards, or status. The leader is the leader simply because he or she possesses the talent to lead.

Leading is seeing what needs to be done and crafting a plan to do it. This vision comes from the ability to foresee. It is intuitive within the leader to be able to foresee a way in which events will play out, to take into consideration all factors that will come into play, and to see a path through the morass. Thus we see that one aspect of the talent of leadership is vision. Not everyone has this ability. Other people have different abilities for which they are to be honored, but a true leader will have vision.

In addition to foresight, a leader will put him- or herself in front of others in a public way. This is done by writing, speaking, counseling, and/or with energies. In doing this, a leader will be willing to risk criticism and revolt against what he or she is speaking about.

A true leader will have the ability to not only speak out, but to phrase things in such a way that other will relate to what he or she is saying. What is presented will be neither too complex nor too simple to appeal to the listener. In addition, he or she will have the ability to motivate others to act. In many cases this means changing the way in which others think and behave. So a leader will be able to inspire others to change.

Finally, a leader will be able to garner participants about him- or herself; for one cannot lead if others will not follow. The more revolutionary the path that the leader is treading will be the more difficult it will be to get others to follow him or her. So it behooves a leader to propose a path that is possible for those whom he would have follow him. It does no good to propose a seemingly impossible path for others, even if the leader sees it in this way, and may be prepared to follow that path himself.

Contrast this with the autocratic style of the so called, “leaders,” of your corporations and other institutions. They enrich themselves at the expense of their customers and employees, both of whom they consider to be their inferiors.

So the above are the characteristics of a leader in Oneness. It may seem rather basic, but on further reflection it will become more meaningful to consider someone who is leading participants who are all in Oneness with him and with each other.

More Responses

Greetings to our brothers and sister of Earth from those if us aboard the starship Athabantian. It is in our love for and our Oneness with you that we take this opportunity to share more of our observations with you. We are most pleased when you make time to read our communications. Today we return with more responses to your questions. Some of these may seem repetitive with our earlier messages, but these questions continue to be asked, so we are responding, also events are coming to a tipping point so we may be communicating more frequently.

In your prior posting you spoke of the pole shift. How severe will the earthquakes, tsunamis, and volcanic action be as a result of these shifts?

We do not anticipate that these events will be nearly as severe as being forecast by some. Earth is continuing with her regular episodes of earthquakes, etc.; these are alleviating the built-up stresses. Nonetheless, the pole shifts as initiated by Earth will be noticed by all.

You have spoken about the presence of various races on the starship Athabantian. Do the off-planet races cooperate, or are some competitive?

We have several races represented aboard Athabantian, plus a number of celestials, like Adrial. The majority of personnel, numbering several thousand are from Andromeda. We also have individuals from the Pleiades, Sirius, Antares, and Lyra.

Within any star system, galaxy, or universe there may be those who have chosen to follow the dark energy, and thus they see themselves as competitive with others. Those of us who exist in the 5th Dimension of this universe, or higher, do not compete; we are cooperative. We do not have any aboard Athabantian who are competitive.

What will Earth be like after the transformation? Will any of the physical structures be left?

After the shift to the predominately love-based civilization of the new Earth, many of the physical structures of the old paradigm will remain. Such things as the homes of people will remain. In time, all will transition into physical structures more suited to the new Earth.

How high will the frequency of Earth ultimately reach?

Earth’s frequency will ultimately vibration will ultimately settle in at about 19 Hertz — 5th Dimension. That is up from the current frequency of about 11 hertz.

Will the plants and animals remain?

Plants and animals will be changed to reside in an environment of light and love. All will be in harmony; all will be in Oneness. There will no longer be a “survival of the fittest” in operation.

How quickly will this happen?

It will take many passes of Earth about the sun for this to come into full realization. In the years immediately after the crossover moment — in the next few months — things will not appear to be that much different, except that all will be love -based rather than fear-based. It will take time for people to adjust to this new way of seeing and behaving. This is where the “institutes” that are being created come in: Helping people to adjust to a world that is love-based, a world where off-planet beings are a regular feature, and a world without many of the things that you now take for granted.

When will the oil-based civilization cease?

That will happen more quickly than the full realization of a new civilization, although it ill be a giant step toward it. As Earth has stated, no new oil drilling or mining will be allowed after the shift. So it will be just a matter of time until oil supplies run out. In the process they will become very expensive, so that alternatives ways will be eagerly sought.

Will electricity still be distributed to homes?

During the interim time there will continue to be electricity available to homes — but not all homes in all areas will be supplied. Production of electricity from fossil fuels will be replaced by crystals, and other non-fossil fuel methods. Rest assured, we do not wish that your civilization will return to primitive, and we will make every effort to insure otherwise.

Will we utilize current modes of transportation?

Your current vehicles will be phased out as the available supplies of petroleum run out. Remember there will be no new exploration, drilling, or production of fossil fuels to replenish supplies.

What is the time frame for all of this to happen?

It will take many years for the civilization of the new Earth to fully establish itself. On the other hand because of the collapse of time and functioning in the 4th Dimension, it will seem to happen quite quickly.

Will the transition be difficult?

Everyone will experience enough difficulties to enable him or her to see the current paradigm for what it is, and to choose whether or not to separate from it. For some this will be extreme hardship, for others it will be quite minimal.

Do we need to store food, water and fuel?

Yes in quantities to take you through the interim time.

How long will the interim time last?

It has already begun. In a few days or weeks it will accelerate quite rapidly. Then it will continue past the end of 2012 and well into 2013. At some point you will notice Earth’s vibration move from predominately fear-based to predominately love-based.

If I am able to raise my vibration to 5th Dimension, will that keep me from experiencing any of the adverse effects of the physical, emotional, or metal turmoil connected with the transition?

If you are successful at raising and maintaining your vibration at a 5th Dimensional level you will still experience the transition, but you will be unaffected by it physically, emotionally, or mentally. In addition you may serve as a beacon of light to those who are in the midst of experiencing the full impact of the transition. The same is true, but to a lesser extent, if you are a 4th Dimensional being.

We would warn you, from our observations, that achieving and then maintaining your vibration in the 5th Dimension is neither easy nor automatic. Approach it as a task worth undertaking, for you will be rewarded during the transition and beyond.

During the transformation it is within your personal ways of seeing and knowing that the greatest changes will occur. You have the opportunity to be heart-centered and see all the changes about you as drama. Or you can engage with the changes and be swept along in the fear of those who resist the transformation to the new Earth.

Will the earth changes, demise of the current paradigm, and our transformation be tied to events coming from beyond Earth?

Yes, the final phase of the Earth changes we have spoken of will be triggered by events from outside Earth. These in turn will coincide with the demise of the current monetary systems, governments, religions, and to our connecting with you in the 4th Dimension. The Illuminati is too well entrenched to be removed by Earth human actions alone. It was created by off-planet beings; it will require off-planet beings to overcome its dark energies.

Are the reports of massive eruptions of the sun accurate? How will they affect humans?

Your star, the sun as you call it, will undergo monumental changes in the near future due to external influences. This will, in turn, send powerful energies to Earth. However, keep in mind the true nature of your star: It is a transducer of energies coming from the center of your galaxy, not a thermonuclear energy source. As such, the unusual energies coming from your star in the near future will have much more effect on you personally than on Earth’s physical environment.

Those among you who see violent eruptions of your sun are looking at events from a 3rd Dimension perspective. We encourage you to look at coming events from a 4th or 5th Dimension perspective. It is particularly important that you do not go to fear during these times.

We are pleased to communicate with you and look forward to more opportunities to do so. We hold you in unconditional love and wish you well during this time of your transformation. Until next time, I am Adrial, a celestial of this universe, I am Bren-Ton, I am Justine, and I am Moraine, all from Andromeda, and I am Zepher of the Pleiades.



The messages at this site are being translated into several languages and they are also being posted on other web sites. If those of you who are doing so will send an email to cp@zqyx.org, I will post the locations of these translations and postings at the end of our next message.

Read archived messages from Adrial, Bren-Ton, Justine, Moraine, and others at this site or by referring to:http://www.cosmicparadigm.com/Marks_Corner/

For new postings by Mark Kimmel, go tohttp://www.cosmicparadigm.com/Marks_Corner/

You may submit other questions by emailing: cp@zqyx.org

You may make copies of this message and distribute in any media as long as you change nothing, credit the author, and include this web address:http://www.cosmicparadigm.com/Athabantian/


Greetings to our brothers and sister of Earth from those if us aboard the starship Athabantian. It is in our love for and our Oneness with you that we take this opportunity to share our observations with you. We are most pleased when you make time to read our communications. Today we return with responses to your many questions. You may submit other questions if you wish; we are here to be of assistance to you during this final phase of your transformation.

During this time of transition, what is the most important thing an individual can do?

There are two important undertakings for you at this point in your transformation. The first is to discover what it is in your heart that you know to be true, and then to pursue that truth unwaveringly. This is in stark contrast to accepting the latest disclosures about events, about the larger picture, or about one’s destiny based upon messages from other supposed experts and most importantly from someone who states that he or she knows it all — a guru, if you will. No one, and we emphasize, NO ONE ELSE, know what your particular soul wishes for this lifetime except you. Look into your heart and you will discover your highest purpose, the very thing your soul is asking for, and the greatest benefit for all. Quoting wisdom gained from listening to others thwarts your purpose. Following the wisdom of a guru thwarts your purpose. You, and only you, know in your heart what is right for you. You can discover your truth in those quiet moments when your soul speaks to you.

The second important undertaking is to raise your individual vibration so that when Earth’s transformation is completed you are resonating with her new frequency. The easiest way to accomplish this is to think from your heart, see all in Oneness, and set your intention to move out of 3rd dimension. We have spoken about this in the past and will speak more in the future.

Will Earth humans ascend to the 5th dimension?

To answer this question, we must first address the “free will” that governs the actions of all souls on Earth and elsewhere in the cosmos. Each of you must decide at which vibration you wish to exist, and whether you wish to ascend to a higher vibration or not. The choice is yours both as to if and when.

The so-called 5th dimension is a vibration at which you and your soul are quite comfortable. There is no duality, however there will continue to be differences of opinion. It is also the vibration at which your benevolent space brothers and sisters vibrate.

The broad answer to your question is yes, all humans will ascend to the 5th dimension — eventually. Actually they will pass through it on the way to higher dimensions. Some will choose to ascend to the 5th dimension as Earth changes her vibration; some will not. It is a choice plus it requires effort to achieve the frequency of the 5th dimension. One does not merely say, “I wish to vibrate at the 5th dimension.”

Those who are unaware of this option will not ascend — at this time. They will be transported to another place where they may resume their physical lives. Those who consciously choose to stay in the 3rd dimension will be given options other than remaining on Earth.

What is the way in which individuals and society will transform to higher vibrations? Will there be a “hundredth monkey” effect?

In the early days of your Internet, a few pioneers saw the potential of linking their computers together to exchange scientific information. This set the stage for others to follow. Gradually others became aware and began to link their computers to the fledgling Internet and more information became available for all to share. It was only after a significant number of people adopted this way of computing that Internet highways were built. Then more applications emerged and as more and more computers were interconnected. The Internet grew to serve more and more people, until today it is widely accepted as a part of the life of most people.

At each stage of the Internet’s development people’s awareness grew along with their knowledge. Each person who joined the Internet made a conscious decision to do so, plus they paid for the necessary computer hardware and software. In the space of a few years, it became both necessary and enjoyable to live with a connection to the Internet, and difficult to live without it. In energetic terms those who partake of the Internet are raising their consciousness.

The way in which the transformation of Earth’s humans is progressing is a gradual multi-step process — similar to the adoption of the Internet. First there is the realization of a larger picture. A few of the initial embracers saw this and began to publicize it. Second are those who after receiving hints of the larger picture begin to investigate for themselves. By this time the earliest embracers had moved forward to make a free will choice to change the way in which they lived — to live according to their hearts. They have since become wayshowers — acting either publicly or privately — within the context of an emerging paradigm.

As more people adopt these new ways of seeing and living the larger picture, the overall energy of the planet increases and people who are just becoming aware find it easier to embrace the larger picture than did the initial embracers. Yes, there are some who will resist and never embrace the larger picture, just as there are some who do not access the Internet. However as more and more people become aware the energy builds further and the larger picture seems even less strange to those just becoming aware. As this process builds, there is a shift for most from relying on one’s mind to thinking with one’s heart.

However please note, at each step in this process, be it embracing the vibration of living at a higher consciousness or connecting to the Internet, you make a conscious decision whether to embrace or not, whether to do it now or to wait. The role of free will cannot be overemphasized.

In addition to free will, and similar to the development of the Internet, people have to do something. People can buy the necessary equipment to connect to the Internet or not. It is their choice. If they do not buy the equipment, they are not connected. Similarly, if people do not make a conscious effort to raise their vibration they will not be swept along with those who have done so. There is no free ride.

There is a gradual awakening underway that makes it easier to adopt new ways of being as shown by lightworkers and wayshowers. A wayshower can explain what is happening and ask someone to embrace a new way of being. But even the most dedicated wayshower cannot make a free will decision for someone else or put forth the effort to raise that other person’s energies. It is easier if a wayshower helps, but it still requires a free will decision, AND an effort to achieve the necessary vibration to live on the new Earth.

Are there starships coming to take humans off this planet? Will there then be a worldwide cleansing of all that humans have wrought?

No mass evacuation of people from this planet is planned or foreseen. Such a plucking of people from the surface would curtail free will, stop cause and effect, and eliminate consequences of actions. This would also be directly counter to the law of non-interference.

In contrast to this precipitous action, your planet is raising her frequency so that the duality that has persisted for so long will no longer be present. This shift has been underway for several years and will reach the tipping point within the next few months. When this occurs, it will become increasingly difficult for those who adhere to darkness to remain on this planet. Many who are now wavering on the fence between the light and the dark will choose the light. Based on fear, comfort, wealth, and/or status others will still cling to the darkness.

The institutions of man that are based on fear, such as the military, current governments, and current monetary systems, will disappear. Physical edifices that were built on fear will disappear. The institutions, structures, individuals, and communities that are based in the light will persist. The next few months will be the time of sorting of what is of the light and what is of the dark.

A new civilization will emerge from the chaos arising from the collapse of the old paradigm. Love will be the basis of this new civilization, and Oneness with earth and all who occupy her. This will not be an instantaneous process, but it will occur quite quickly as linear time will be no more.

The physical cleansing of this planet will take place with assistance from many beings from around this universe who support her return to a pristine state. This will take place in conjunction with the new humans of Earth.

There will be no general cleansing without humans present. All change is in accordance with energy equations. Those places where Earth energy has been most severely damaged will require the most energetic repair. Those places where there has been less damage will be less affected. Earth’s own energetic repair ranges from earthquakes to tsunamis to severe weather to wildfires to a shift in climate and a raising of sea levels.

Will Earth’s poles shift? Are we going to experience major earth shifts?

The magnetic field of the earth is now diminishing. This will continue in order for a magnetic pole shift to occur, as it has done before, as Earth passes through the galactic plane. As this magnetic pole shift occurs, it will free the tectonic plates of the earth to move about. They will shift in such as way as to facilitate overall climate moderation and energy balancing. In addition, Earth’s physical pole is being righted to a vertical position. This will eliminate the seasonal effect. The culmination of this will be a planet with a moderate climate everywhere but at the extreme of north and south.

Earth will continue to adjust her physical manifestation in order to ascend to a lighter vibration and transform herself to a pristine planet. Accompanying Earth’s rebalancing will be shifts of her tectonic plates. These shifts are the result of Earth’s desire to balance energetically those areas where she has experienced the energies of fear, anger, greed, and other dark energies. Earth shifts will occur not only where they have been experienced before, but in new areas. Your space brothers and sisters, as well as your own energies, are moderating the difficult aspects of these. Much will happen unnoticed, yet much will be chaotic for those directly involved. As you witness these events, always keep in mind that you and everyone else incarnated at a specific time and in a specific place to experience what you are experiencing.

When will the current monetary systems go away? Will they be replace with another type of monetary system?

The current debt-based monetary systems are in the process of crumbling. This process of meltdown will continue until the hoards of the super wealthy have disappeared, until there are no more paper currencies, and until a level playing field has been created that operates in the best interests of all. There will be stages of this meltdown during which a precious metal-based currency will emerge, but, ultimately, money will be provided in order for each person to accomplish that which they desire to do. In a true 5th dimensional sense, currency will be created by individuals as needed.

What is the timing of the arrival of the starships of our space brothers and sisters?

Many starships, such as Athabantian, are already stationed near your planet, and have been here for some time. The unveiling of our starships will happen: 1) When it is safe for all concerned. 2) When our appearance can be accepted as peaceful and beneficial. 3) When our arrival can be of maximum benefit to all concerned. Accompanying this mass contact will be the acknowledgement of the many non-indigenous beings who walk this planet.

How many non-indigenous beings are present on Earth today? What do they look like? Why are they here?

There are large numbers of non-indigenous beings present on Earth at this time. They walk among you both as lightworkers and as people working behind the scenes for the advancement of mankind. They currently number over one million. In all cases they appear to be humans so as to fit in within your society, albeit with slight variation in physical appearance. There are many millions who are not present in human form; they operate at frequencies that make them invisible to Earth-human eyes. They too are here for the benefit of mankind and for the greater good of the entire universe.

Having said this, we must acknowledge the presence of beings whose light is so diminished, and they are so self-serving, that they may be termed dark. They are few in number; however as the saying goes, “One rotten apple can spoil an entire barrel.” The dark energy and its allies created and maintain the duality of this 3rd dimension. They are the guiding force behind the Illuminati. However love your dark brothers and sisters for they provide the interesting backdrop against which you play out your individual dramas.

Who are the Caretakers of the new Earth?

Caretakers for the new Earth will assist the transformation of the planet from her current condition to a pristine planet of great beauty. While Earth can largely transform herself in time, the Caretakers, human and off-planet, can assist this change so that within a very short time Earth can reclaim her natural beauty while still providing a home for human inhabitants. Caretakers will have many roles and perform many different tasks.

Caretakers are a desirable part of Earth’s transformation because they manage her rehabilitation at a local human level. This will include the elimination of all structures, roadways, and utilities that were constructed under the paradigm of fear and the conviction that it was man’s right to dominate Earth. Manmade structures and embellishments to the planet that were undertaken out of love and caring for her will remain. These will be used by the Caretakers in their restoration work.

Electricity will be provided from crystals that once energized will continue to provide electricity, both for individual households as well as restoring portions of the electrical grid. Thus the Caretakers of the new Earth will be provided with energy with which to carry out their tasks of restoration and creating a new civilization.

New technologies will be forthcoming — contributed by your space brothers and sisters. These technologies will be compatible with a pristine planet. It will include vehicles for transport, devices to assist living conditions, and communication devices to supplement the role of telepathy.

We of Athabantian are establishing an institute. It will have three functions: 1) To assist people to raise their vibration to a frequency where they will comfortably resonate with the new Earth, and at which frequency they can interact with their brothers and sisters from other star systems. 2) Learning to function in this somewhat unfamiliar higher frequency and perform important tasks. This will include interacting with your space brothers and sisters to implement techniques perfected on other planets of light. 3) Teaching others to raise their vibrations and to become Caretakers. All of this will be undertaken at the institute that will come into existence as the shift to a predominately love-based planet emerges within the next few months. Until that time hold the vision of the new Earth. The moment is not that far in the future when all that we have spoken of will come to pass.

We are pleased to communicate with you and look forward to more opportunities to do so. We hold you in unconditional love and wish you well during this time of your transformation. Until next time, I am Adrial, a celestial of this universe, I am Bren-Ton, I am Justine, and I am Moraine, all from Andromeda, and I am Zepher of the Pleiades.




Read archived messages from Adrial, Bren-Ton, Justine, Moraine, and others at this site or by referring to:http://www.cosmicparadigm.com/Marks_Corner/


For observations by Mark Kimmel, go to: http://www.cosmicparadigm.com/Marks_Corner/

You may make copies of this message and distribute in any media as long as you change nothing, credit the author, and include this web address:http://www.cosmicparadigm.com/Athabantian/

We are here

Greetings, we return this day to provide further insights into the current situation on your planet. As we have said before, and as others have disclosed, there are large numbers of your brothers and sisters from other star systems living among you. (Please note the use of the words, “we” and “us,” in the following message — a further demonstration of the way in which your star sisters and brothers experience the Oneness of all.)

Our presence among you occurs in several ways: First, a soul replacement can take place where one of us exchanges our soul for the existing soul of an Earth human. You call this a “walk in.” There are many of us from different star civilizations who are functioning on your planet in this way. Most often the Earth human recognizes that this has taken place, and a period of adjustment ensues as the newly implanted soul adjusts to its new body, new terrestrial family, and new surroundings. When this occurs we often work as lightworkers; others of us quietly occupy positions of influence.

Second, at the time of the birth of an Earth human one of us from the stars — who is not embodied — may enter into the body of the human child. There are many of us who have had long careers on other star systems who have volunteered to come to your planet in this way. When born we are without memories of our past incarnations in other star systems, however over time we recall our non-earthly origins.

A third way in which this occurs is that certain members of our star races resemble Earth humans so closely that we can live among you without undue notice. Upon closer inspection, you may notice differences in our eyes and other features. The characters in your books, Mark, are some of us.

Some who are descendents of the Atlantian and Lemurian societies are on Earth. They live underground in protected enclaves in several locations about your planet. Though they closely resemble current Earth humans, they are of a higher frequency and generally have little interaction with the current residents on the surface of the planet.

Then there are those of us who little resemble Earth humans. We are sentient beings, but our physical appearance is quite different. We are from several star systems, and, although represented in large numbers aboard the starships about your planet, we generally do not live among you.

In addition, many of us walk beside you each and every day as you go about your ordinary lives. We are of a higher frequency so that you do not detect us with your five senses. If you are sensitive and/or highly conscious, you may “feel” us as we accompany you. Earth humans of similar high vibrations “see” us.

Summing up these many ways of our being among you, there are millions of us, your star sisters and brothers on your planet. There are millions who, in concert with “service to others,” are assisting you in your Transformation. There are also others of us of lower energy who, in alignment with the dark energy and in “service to self,” are allied with the Illuminati and acting against the transition of Earth humans. Allegiance to the light, or functioning with the dark, is not attributable to a particular race or civilization, as individuals of all universe civilizations possess free will and choose their particular way of being. Thus you will find individuals of races or group of us that are generally considered to be of service to others or service to self acting in ways opposite to the majority.

During the so-called “evolution” of this planet bacteria, plants, animals, fish, birds, and insects were all imported from other star systems. This accounts for the rich diversity of life on Earth. Most recently four races of men and women were brought here.

Many of your brothers and sisters from the stars have been on this planet for many thousands of years, in one or more of the forms previously discussed. We have at various times interfered with, influenced, and nurtured Earth human life. The construction of the pyramids in Egypt and elsewhere was undertaken under our directions and with our assistance. Everything from the design of the pyramids to the cutting and moving of the stones was with the assistance of your off-planet sisters and brothers. Your sisters and brothers of the stars imported much of your technology. This occurred either by direct physical interface with Earth humans, by suggestions in dreams, from “insights,” or from the reverse engineering technologies from recovered saucers.

On the other hand, the beginnings of your major religions were at the insistence of some of your sisters and brothers from distant star systems; they demanded worship as beings of a higher order. Since those days those of your brothers and sisters who have not been infused with the light have been involved in many schemes to seize control and enslave earth humans.

As things stand today, your religions generally do not recognize the off-planet influences that gave birth to them, rather they choose a route of disinformation to their followers. Your monetary system is under the control of agents of extraterrestrial origins. Off-planet beings control your governments either directly or indirectly through their influence. Your science, education, medical system, and legal system are all heavily influenced those who would control others for their own ends.

However there is more to the story than the assembling of a vast armada of starships who are lighting the planet in response to Earth’s cry for help. All of the star nations also contributed beings of light who now walk among you, who are totally in service to others, and who love you very much. We are beings who seek to enlighten the darkness on your planet. We are here among you both in physical form and in non-physical higher vibrations.

Those of us in human form walk the halls of your governments, are members of your military, work in critical positions in your banks and corporations, and are teachers to your children. All are helping to transform your civilization from predominately fear-based to predominately love-based.

Those of us in the non-physical communicate with people like you, Mark. There are many aboard the starships who communicate with Earth humans. There are those of us who live in the households of lightworkers as supporters and advisors. We provide a continuous link to the collective that surrounds your planet. Human lightworkers, along with those of us from other star systems, are anchoring the light from the cosmos, and retransmitting it like the coherent light from lasers to those with whom they come in contact.

Your planet is indeed lighting up, based on a joint effort between those of us living among you and your own individual efforts, coupled with the great light from the celestials and from the universe. It is a wondrous symphony of light, it is irresistible to any who are open to it; it is overwhelming to those who cling to the darkness. In a very short time all who are of the light will find themselves in a world of love. Many who have no knowledge of lightworkers are awakening. Many will awaken at the last moment.

Now you have a pictures of all the myriad ways in which light is coming to Earth through your sisters and brothers of the stars. Earth is lighting up like a giant Christmas tree with millions of points of light among her humans. Each of these points of light is infusing other humans like a candle lights the darkness. These points of light are encouraging, consciously or unconsciously, many who are now questioning traditional ways of behaving, questioning the structures in their lives and the reasons behind those structures, and standing up for the truth and love of a better way to live.

The sum total of all these efforts from your brothers and sisters of the stars is a massive infusion of light that is overcoming the final vestiges of the dark energy. There is no doubt in our minds that the new Earth, with a preponderance of light, will emerge within the next few months. We love you very much and wait for the day when you will join us as citizens of the cosmos.

Once again we are pleased to communicate with you and look forward to more opportunities. We hold you in unconditional love. Until next time, I am Adrial, a celestial of this universe, I am Bren-Ton, I am Justine, and I am Moraine, all from Andromeda, and I am Zepher of the Pleiades.



Read archived messages from Adrial, Bren-Ton, Justine, Moraine, and others at this site or by referring to:http://www.cosmicparadigm.com/Marks_Corner/

For observations by Mark Kimmel, go to: http://www.cosmicparadigm.com/Marks_Corner/

You may make copies of this message and distribute in any media as long as you change nothing, credit the author, and include the web address.

Oneness Out Of Diversity

Greetings from the starship Athabantian, we come to you today with additional observations of Earth and her human residents. We trust that the following words will assist you as you transition to your new lives.

Any initial observer of your planet might wonder what all the commotion is about, why everyone was so eager to be on this sphere of dark energy at this time. Upon closer examination one would see that the souls who have incarnated here consider themselves very fortunate to be a part of the Earth experience, particularly during these the final moments of the 3rd dimension drama. Upon closer examination we saw the wondrous struggle many are undertaking to emerge from the darkness of mind control into the light of heart-centered existence.

And so it was only after we had observed for a time that we came to understand why you have volunteered to part of this scene, Mark. It was only after we observed how much you enjoyed the challenges of life in Earth’s 3rd dimension that we understood. It was only after we saw the soul growth that resulted from transitioning out of the dark conditions of your early life to where you are this day that we understood why you would undertake such an incarnation.

What we then saw was a richness of experience unmatched elsewhere in the universe. What we saw was the opportunity to experience diversity of plant, animal, and human life as on no other planet: Diversity of landscapes from mountains to desert, to oceans, from green to brown, from arid to lush, and from fertile to barren. Then we observed your cities and their contrast to the less populated countryside — and understood why each has it attractions.

While observing the diversity of experiences, we noted details of the lives of humans such as the opportunity to consume a wide variety of foods. This alone occupied our attention for some time. Each region has its own food specialty, each has it own native plants, and each has it own ways of enjoying the plenty of the land. On our home planet, we have nothing approaching this diversity of culinary delights.

Then we understood: All had been brought to Earth from elsewhere. This is the grand experiment for the universe. Plants were brought from afar, animals were contributed from other planets, and humans came from distinct star systems. It is the richness of life on Earth that almost overwhelms one who is accustomed to less.

Then there is the duality of your existence. There are those who rape the planet, along with their fellow humans, for their own gain. In contrast there are those who genuinely love Earth, honor her for the bounty that she provides, and love their fellow man. Only when comprehends the diversity on Earth can one see duality expressed in so many different ways.

It is not just the tyrant and his slaves; it is also the husband and the subservient wife. It is not just the super wealthy and the poor, it is the master of the house who employees the illegals aliens because they can pay so little to have the house or garden tended. It is those who feel superior because they have wealth or power versus those who feel powerless because they have been raised to respect authority rather then be true to themselves. Again it is the diversity of the way in which domination expresses itself that is so interesting to behold. Yet we do not judge the roles of anyone who is part of Earth’s drama for all are required to give richness to the background and action of this drama.

We are most intrigued with the transformation of individual humans, against Earth’s diverse background. For human transformation is as diverse as is the planet upon which it is taking place. No human understands the things that are occurring around him or her in the same way. No one understands what is happening to him or her, as an individual, in the same way.

Your relationship to Earth is changing as you see her through the eyes of those in a lighter density. It is you who are changing much more than is Earth. Earth is repairing the abuses to her land, water, and air — removing the effects of ignorant humans. Humans on the other hand are ascending to a lighter density wherein they will see Earth and each other from their hearts rather than their minds.

Those of us at the lighter densities generally function as members of a collective. Due to our totally open telepathy, we share the same mind, share the same visions, and share the same opinions. It is quite a spectacle for us to behold an entire race in which very few, if any, hold the same mindset, believe in the same way, or behold the same vision. It is truly remarkable; we are honored to be here.

We also observe that the various energies impacting your planet while fostering change directed to greater Oneness are not resulting in changes with respect to diversity. The original plan was to integrate the life forms that were brought to your planet — to achieve a fundamentally new race of humans. This is now being replaced by diversity within the movement towards Oneness, rather than a new race of integrated humans. It will be most interesting to observe what happens with respect to diversity and Oneness when telepathy occurs among the ascended humans of the lighter density, the inhabitants of a transitioned Earth.

And all of this is occurring on a single planet, not among planets of a star system, nor within a far-flung galaxy such as Andromeda. Earth is a focal point of this diversity, and as such she holds the expression of it for an entire universe. This is another reason that so many of us are here to watch the wonder of your transformation, for you are indeed the culmination of the many aspects of the universe.

Then there are the lightworkers, such as you Mark, who are awake to the larger picture. Even among these who see the larger picture there is almost no consistency in your vision of it, your understanding of it, or your beliefs about it, yet there is a unifying thread of acceptance and love that runs through this diversity.

Each of you, awakening humans and lightworkers, is reflecting back to Creator your experiences, insights, and love from many perspectives. Our understanding is that this achievement of diversity within Oneness is a signal that all will now change all within creation. As was said in a previous transmission, what is happening on Earth signals a grand turning for the all universes. Now in place of an infinite expansion, there will commence a contraction until all are One with Creator.

You are now reaching the pinnacle of this drama; it grows more exciting daily. Earth changes are nearing their climax as Earth shakes off the fears, anger, and greed so long expressed by her human guests. What a wonderful experience to be a part of this. Mark, we now understand why you were so insistent on being here for this moment. We are here to assist you through this transition. Be well our brother and enjoy every moment of the experience.

I am Moraine, and I am Justine. We are from Andromeda. We love each of you, the humans experiencing the great shift, unconditionally, and wish only the very best for all.



Read archived messages from Adrial, Bren-Ton, Justine, Moraine, and others at this site or by referring to:http://www.cosmicparadigm.com/Marks_Corner/

For observations by Mark Kimmel, go to: http://www.cosmicparadigm.com/Marks_Corner/

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