
The messages at this site are the result of communications between Mark Kimmel and beings who are not indigenous to this planet. The communications have been verified as coming only from beings who are of the highest Christ Consciousness. Messages on this site build on each other; for their full impact, read them in sequence beginning with September 2008 (archived below). They detail the situation on this planet, our place in the universe, and a positive picture for our future – if we are willing to act. I hope, by presenting them to you, that they spark your curiosity, and a decision to join with others to create a new civilization on Earth. As always I encourage you to seek your own unique truth, and live it.

This is my 70th posting to Mark’s Corner for 2009. Today I welcome back Bren-Ton with an Andromedan perspective on Earth-human nature.

Greeting to all from the starship Athabantian: Many of your fellow humans enjoy discussing concepts about the larger reality. (I am referring here to those that are awake enough to be willing to engage in such discussions.) For them it is a mental exercise, but not does impact the way in which then live. The saying on the t-shirt Mark is wearing says, “be the change you wish to see in the world.” This is the essence of living based on what one knows to be true for them. It is only when truth is ingested to the point that one acts, or changes one’s actions, that it can really be said that one embraces a belief in something.

From our observation post here aboard our great starship, we see that many humans struggle with the change. It is difficult to change when one is a lone knower of truth, much easier in a group where there is support. However it is easy for someone to pay lip service to ideas of change, and then merely go about his or her life as if nothing has impacted them.

The role of emotions is not well understood by those of us who have not incarnated in human form on Earth. We do have some information from those who are walking among you, but much gets lost in translation. As we understand it, emotions play a huge role in your beliefs, which in turn play a key role in decision-making. We conclude that your emotions are a unique aspect of who you are as an Earth-human.

As we understand it, the whole process of internalizing a new idea, making it a part of your belief system is conditioned on an emotional buy-in, a feeling that a new idea “feels good,” or that an idea brings up fear. It does not mater whether the idea presented is true or not, a fantasy or a lie, it only matters that it produces an emotional reaction, nor does not matter that it is not in one’s best interest.

What all of this is leading to is our frustration in that the people of Earth seem so resistant to change, and particularly resistant to accepting that we are here to assist them in transforming to a lighter density. The vast majority of you say you believe you are not alone in the universe. A majority believes that Earth has been visited by beings from other planets. Yet none of this is internalized.

The corruption of public officials, and others in positions of power and trust, has been adequately demonstrated over the past few years. Yet, there is no outcry for change, no rebellion against their authority and accumulation of wealth at your expense. We did not understand this, until we looked at your process of internalization. Apparently the majority of you are “feeling” comfortable in your current situation, be it a life of comfort or one of mere survival. The vast majority of you are unwilling to “rock the boat.”

What does it take for you to internalize that you are slaves to a small group of wealthy and powerful beings, many of who are not even of your human species? What does it take to awaken your hearts to know that those of us on other worlds are truly free to love, and that there is justice and equality? What does it take for you to internalize that you are being taken advantage of? What do you need to awaken and change?

Look at all that you have ingested from television, movies, and books, from your religions, and from your schools. Examine how others have circumscribed your lives, others who do not have your best interests at heart, and are operating from their self-interests. You have internalized their propaganda to make you “feel” comfortable. We are offering you truth and asking that you internalize it so that you will act in a different way, so that you will awaken to the larger picture, and so that you will welcome us as your brothers and sisters from the stars who come in peace.

The truth of our presence is forthcoming. Those who would control you will attempt to paint this with fear of “an alien presence.” You who are the lightworkers of this world are to overcome this campaign of fear with what you know to be true.

Internalize our reality. Internalize our sisterhood and brotherhood. Feel that we are all One. Internalize who you are, and who you may become. Internalize that you are being called to be cosmic citizens, to join with your brothers and sisters. Feel and then act in your own best interests, not the way you might be directed to do by those who cling to their power and wealth and would smash you without concern.

Yours is a glorious future. It will come about for those of you who awaken to the larger reality, to those who internalize the larger picture and allow it to formulate a new set of beliefs. The future is magnificent. Join with us to become all that you really are. Internalize the grandeur of life on the new Earth.

I am Bren-Ton of Andromeda.

Thank you Bren-Ton. Your words always inspire me. I hope that they will do the same for others, and that they will awaken many to our wondrous selves.

YOU MAY COPY AND DISTRIBUTE THIS MESSAGE, AS WELL AS OTHER POSTINGS TO MARK’S CORNER ( Please do so in total, preserving all notations, attributions, and announcements.

In Truth, Love and Joy,

Rev. Mark Kimmel


• MANY THANKS TO EVERYONE WHO HAS SO GENEROUSLY CONTRIBUTED TO MY EFFORTS. EACH DONATION IS MAKING MY WORK POSSIBLE. If you wish to make a donation by credit card or PayPal, use the “Donate” link on the right of this page, or send a check to PO Box 270156 Fort Collins, CO 80527

• A wonderful new book by Suzy Ward: “My Conversations with Animals” is available at

• I recommend that you save each of these postings to your computer. I have compiled books containing the 2008 postings, and posting for Q1 and Q2 of 2009. For each book, send a check or money order for $17.50 to Paradigm Books, PO Box 270156, Fort Collins, CO 80527. CD’s containing these messages are $7.50 each. These prices include postage within the U.S. For delivery outside the U.S. add $5.00 for shipping.

• Good News! The best book I have read: “And Then God Said… And Then I said… And Then He said…” is now available at

• The Cosmic Paradigm Network is connecting people around the world who wish to assist the transformation of our civilization. To join, go to the index page of this site, and scroll to the bottom.

• Those who are communicating with me have said that they will entertain questions as long as they are not specific to personal circumstances. Please send your queries to me at

• If you wish to comment on these messages and have your comments posted at please forward them to me at I am creating a new page on the web site where your unedited comments will be published.

• To purchase “One. Toward a Civilization of Light,” or other personally autographed books by Mark Kimmel, go to or order them from your f
avorite book seller. For those of you who have read “One,” chapter 56 is now available. Email me and I will send it to you.

• Audio recordings of my postings to this site are now available at YouTube. Enter YouTube and search for “Athabantian.” A most wonderful woman has prepared these for me; I am most grateful.

• A Spanish translation of “Trillion,” by Mark Kimmel, the First Book of the Paradigm Trilogy is available in PDF format at: Please inform your Spanish speaking friends and relatives.

• You may contact me regarding these postings at (My email has not changed with the move.) Please be patient; I have received a large numbers of emails and have been unable to respond for several weeks.

A Caretaker’s Life

The messages on this site build on each other; for their full impact, read them in sequence beginning with September 2008 (archived below). They detail the situation on this planet, our place in the universe, and a positive picture for our future – if we are willing to act. I hope, by presenting them to you, that they spark your curiosity, and a decision to join with others to create a new civilization on Earth. As always I encourage you to seek your own unique truth, and live it.

This is my 69th posting to Mark’s Corner for 2009. The following is best understood in concert with Justine and Moraine’s recent messages.

It is our pleasure to return for more discussion about life after Earth’s ascension to higher frequencies. What would it be like to have another 50 to 100 years added to your life? Not much for someone who is young, but for someone who is older it would mean quite a lot. If you knew right now that you would have an additional 50 to 100 years, how would you live your life differently? Would it be as a caretaker of the new Earth?

As caretakers of Supsten, our first task was to care for the physical welfare of those around us. This came after the removal of the last of the dark energy’s agents and the great separation between those who wished to stay and those who did not. You have described this trifurcation before, Mark.

First there was the need to ensure that the caretakers, those who chose to remain on Supsten, would have their physical needs met. This included water, food, and shelter, for although we were on a much-advanced planet, we still had these basic needs.

After the basics were supplied, there then came the matter of what we were to do. The forces of the transformation had dismembered our old institutions. There was no economy; there were no towns, cities, nations, government, or most other organizations, period. We had to organize ourselves, first into small neighborhood groups, then into ever-larger groups. And how was that done? Those who had done this process on other planets assisted our reorganization. Our brothers and sisters from other planets, and celestials who had seen it all before, came and taught us what had worked for them.

As caretakers, we had to learn new ways to organize, how to live without the structures that had been imposed upon us by the agents of the dark energy. This was a whole new experience for we had no context in which to operate, everything is different when you start from scratch. It was beautiful in that there are no precedents; it was a bit scary because there are no precedents.

We knew that we wished to organize for the benefit of all; no one was to be omitted, but how to do that? The idea of a collaborative was suggested. A collaborative is a structure in which everyone is honored, everyone has a voice, everyone is cared for according to his or her needs, and everyone can contribute according to their skills. No one is compensated for any particular talent; everyone contributes his or her particular talent to the good of the whole.

This process was made much easier due to the reconnection of our telepathic abilities. We were able to know what each person could contribute, and what each person needed.

So the first role of the caretakers is to care for each other, the second is to get things organized, at the most simple level. The third role is to expand organizing to embrace other organizations. All of this requires a tremendous amount of teaching and mentoring, and great patience. For most us on Supsten it was our first time dealing with either survival or organizing. Looking back on it was a magic time when everyone cooperated for the good of the whole, and of each other.

We are now here to lend a hand by recounting our experiences for you. You are free to adopt what we suggest or not. We are here to mentor you. After the institute has done its job by collecting would-be caretakers, and lifting their frequency, we will sit down and converse with you over a cup of tea or coffee, as you often do on your planet. I have no idea if we will like tea or coffee, but we will still sit down and talk in that congenial manner. We are very much looking forward to such a dialogue.

The de-aging process is gradual. You will go back not to your old body, as you knew it, but to a new younger body. It will resemble the old you, but will be much improved. Keep in mind that in the new earth you will exist in an environment where there is no disease, therefore the aging process will be quite gradual for your new body.

The psychological adjustments to a new body may be more extreme than the physical. You will acquire new strength and endurance. These must be used wisely or you may injure yourself. A healthy amount of self-discipline is advised. Also your new body will function as that of a younger person with all the natural inclinations with regards to sex and consumption of foods and beverages. Using your new body to pleasure yourself, whether it be climbing mountains or engaging in sex should be tempered with the knowledge that you are now a caretaker of the new Earth, and that this is your primary responsibility. Nonetheless, make sure you enjoy your new environment; it will be a wondrous place compared to that in which you now dwell.

Seek relationships among the other caretakers so that you may organize to the benefit of all. Seek both close friends as well as a wide range of acquaintances, for you are all on the new Earth for a reason. Each of you will have survived the rigors of the transformation to the new Earth. Honor each other as survivors, and fellow travelers.

So what is it like today to know that you have volunteered to live an additional 50 to 100 years? How does it affect your mental outlook? How do you conduct yourself relative to others, some of whom have also volunteered, some who have not.

Just the idea that you will have an extended lifetime, should induce you to take care of the body in which you currently reside — as good practice for that which you will be acquiring. Open your mind to the limitless possibilities that additional years give you. Will you change your lifestyle? Will you acquire additional knowledge? Will you engage in new activities? Will you begin new things rather than thinking of retiring?

Take a hard look at yourself in the mirror. Is this the way you wish to appear for the next 100 years? Since your body is a reflection of your soul, and to a great extent you can mold it, how will you change your appearance? Will you be more open or more reflective? Will you aspire to greatness, or be a vital cog in the organization of the new world? You have additional years, what will you undertake on behalf of your fellow humans of Earth?

Does all of this sound exciting enough that you will volunteer to be a caretaker of the new earth? We hope so, for our experience on Supsten was a wondrous enlightening one. Begin planning today as to how you will spend the rest of your extended life.

Thank you, Justine and Moraine, for sharing. You are an inspiration.

YOU MAY COPY AND DISTRIBUTE THIS MESSAGE, AS WELL AS OTHER POSTINGS TO MARK’S CORNER ( Please do so in total, preserving all notations, attributions, and announcements.

In Truth, Love and Joy,

Rev. Mark Kimmel


• MANY THANKS TO EVERYONE WHO HAS SO GENEROUSLY CONTRIBUTED TO MY EFFORTS. EACH DONATION IS MAKING MY WORK POSSIBLE. If you wish to make a donation by credit card or PayPal, use the “Donate” link on the right of this page, or send a check to PO Box 270156 Fort Collins, CO 80527

• I recommend that you save each of these postings to your computer. I have compiled books containing the 2008 postings, and posting for Q1 and Q2 of 2009. For each book, send a check or money order for $17.50 to Par
adigm Books, PO Box 270156, Fort Collins, CO 80527. CD’s containing these messages are $7.50 each. These prices include postage within the U.S. For delivery outside the U.S. add $5.00 for shipping.

• Good News! The best book I have read: “And Then God Said… And Then I said… And Then He said…” is now available at

• Those who are communicating with me have said that they will entertain questions as long as they are not specific to personal circumstances. Please send your queries to me at

• If you wish to comment on these messages and have your comments posted at please forward them to me at I am creating a new page on the web site where your unedited comments will be published.

• To purchase “One. Toward a Civilization of Light,” or other personally autographed books by Mark Kimmel, go to or order them from your favorite book seller. For those of you who have read “One,” chapter 56 is now available. Email me and I will send it to you.

• Audio recordings of my postings to this site are now available at YouTube. Enter YouTube and search for “Athabantian.” A most wonderful woman has prepared these for me; I am most grateful.

• A Spanish translation of “Trillion,” by Mark Kimmel, the First Book of the Paradigm Trilogy is available in PDF format at: Please inform your Spanish speaking friends and relatives.

• The Cosmic Paradigm Network is connecting people around the world who wish to assist the transformation of our civilization. To join, go to the index page of this site, and scroll to the bottom.

• You may contact me regarding these postings at (My email has not changed with the move.) Please be patient; I have received a large numbers of emails during this time and have been unable to respond for several weeks.

New Earth II

The messages on this site build on each other; for their full impact, read them in sequence beginning with September 2008 (archived below). They detail the situation on this planet, our place in the universe, and a positive picture for our future – if we are willing to act. I hope, by presenting them to you, that they spark your curiosity, and a decision to join with others to create a new civilization on Earth. As always I encourage you to seek your own unique truth, and live it.

This is my 67th posting to Mark’s Corner for 2009. In concert with Justine and Moraine’s message of the day before yesterday, and yesterdays’ message, I am re-publishing a second message that Moraine gave to us in January of this year.

Thank you, Mark, I am pleased to be able to communicate with you and others on Earth about these matters. Justine and I, and others from Supsten, have been members of the armada for less than a year of your time. We were asked to come here to assist in the final stage of the transformation of Earth: the creation of a new civilization. I wish to explain now, how you, the people of Earth, may find yourselves after the transition, and what you can do with it.

As a result of the transition, you will find those that remain on your planet operating from a place of love: Fear will no longer dominate your lives. You will see others through the eyes of love, seeing them as your brothers and sisters. You will recognize them as fellow survivors of the great transformation.

If you then organize yourselves based on that fundamental premise, you will understand how we constructed our associations on Supsten. I see it as a wonderful basis upon which to formulate things as it takes into account the needs of all.

Assume for a moment that everyone sees the light in each person, including him or herself. Then how would they treat that person? I believe they would want the best for them. They would love themselves as a survivor, and they would love others as survivors, as fellow participants in building a new society.

I would then propose that the next step to organizing would be a cooperative effort. Each person would wish to cooperate with others to maximize the good for all. Let us dub this type of organization a “collaborative.” It is different from the agricultural and insurance cooperatives on your planet in that it does not seek to make money. An example may help: Let us say that a group of people, a small community if you will, wishes to have a bakery. One of its members is good at making bread. All agree that a bakery would be beneficial. All agree to contribute whatever they have to make it a success. No one thinks about making money on this adventure, there is just the desire to have the fruits of a bakery. One person provide flour, another oil, another sugar, another the fuel for the oven. In the end you have a bakery in operation. All receive bread. No one is left out. It is like the efforts of a large family – indeed you have become an extended family.

Now let us look at organizing a larger community. Keep in mind that your abilities to receive the thoughts of another person, and transmit your own, will have been returned to you as a part of the transformation process. So you will be able to communicate truth, ideas, and opinions. Utilizing this, you will easily be able to tell when you are organizing for the benefit of all, and when you are not. So we now have a larger community with the intention to band together. They wish to use the model of an extended family. They wish to operate from love and from the recognition that each person is important, and, most importantly, there is no hierarchy of power of one over another. Everyone is willing to operate in the best interests of all. This will be a new way of seeing things, so it may take a while to get it going. There may be a few mishaps as people slip back into old ways of seeing and doing. However in the end, if you adhere to the principles of cooperation based on love, you will find yourselves with an organization of almost any size that seeks the best for everyone involved.

On Supsten, we found that we were able to organize things quite well using this model. I do not know if it will work on Earth, but I would encourage you to try it. Is there a need for leadership? Oh yes, there will be leaders, but they too will operate from the basis of love, equality, and non-judgment. They will be people who happen to have the particular skill of leadership. They will not be rulers. They will not be attempting to control others.

This then brings us to a medium of exchange, money if you will, or currency. If we have an organization, however large or small, it will eventually need to have a medium of exchange. Put into this model that money will be available for all. There is no scarcity. Currency is simply a medium of exchange, something that every person recognizes is of value, intrinsic or not. On Supsten, we agreed that money could not be lent or hoarded. No one may keep our currency as a means of building wealth; it expires after a period time. And no one may charge interest on the money given to another.

Back to our example of the bakery, if the members of the collaborative wish to contribute money for the purchase of a baking machine, money is contributed to the baker. It is not lent. There is no expectation of making a profit. Money can be used to buy the bread, or other things can also be used to trade for the bread. Anyone in the community who has a need for bread will have it.

What about those who can manage money well versus those who do not? Since money cannot be hoarded, it limits the ability of one person to seek an advantage over another. If a person needs help in determining how to spend their money, one of their brothers or sisters will step in to assist.

Does this sound idealistic? Probably so, however, if everyone is operating from the basis of love, and that is where all will be after the transition, then this type of organization, this type of money, will be quite feasible. We made it happen on Supsten. I believe you can make it happen here on Earth. If you do, you will produce a wonderful new civilization.

Not everyone will be able to contribute equally, depending on his or her skills. For example, children will not be full contributors. Once again, if you are coming from a basis of love, communities will organize themselves quite well. The weak will be cared for. Keep in mind, as I said in an earlier communication, there will be no disease, yet some will naturally be stronger, some will have more ambition, some will have leadership skills. Not everyone will be equal in desire. Nonetheless all will all be accommodated under the umbrella of love, telepathy, collaboration, and the desire to do the right thing. It is the desire to operate in this way, plus believing that it can be done, that will ultimately cause it to happen.

What I am advocating here is a new civilization for the people of Earth, much like we have been able achieve on Supsten. It will be drastically different from any known on this planet since the early days of humanity. It will be a return to those glorious days. It will be sustainable. It will be in concert with Earth and her bounty. Fear will be replaced with the light of love. This is the level playing field about which Justine and Bren-Ton have spoken. Look upon it as a wondrous opportunity, and you will make the most of it. Yes it will be challenging to construct such a society, but the benefits are enormous.

Thank you again Moraine for this uplifting message. I look forward to more communications from you and the others aboard the starcraft.

YOU MAY COPY AND DISTRIBUTE THIS MESSAGE, AS WELL AS OTHER POSTINGS TO MARK’S CORNER ( Please do so in total, preserving all notations, attributions, and announcements.

In Truth, Love and Joy,

Rev. Mark Kimmel


• MANY THANKS TO EVERYONE WHO HAS SO GENEROUSLY CONTRIBUTED TO MY EFFORTS. EACH DONATION IS MAKING MY WORK POSSIBLE. If you wish to make a donation by credit card or PayPal, use the “Donate” link on the right of this page, or send a check to PO Box 270156 Fort Collins, CO 80527

• I recommend that you save each of these postings to your computer. I have compiled books containing the 2008 postings, and posting for Q1 and Q2 of 2009. For each book, send a check or money order for $17.50 to Paradigm Books, PO Box 270156, Fort Collins, CO 80527. CD’s containing these messages are $7.50 each. These prices include postage within the U.S. For delivery outside the U.S. add $5.00 for shipping.

• Good News! The best book I have read: “And Then God Said… And Then I said… And Then He said…” is now available at

• Those who are communicating with me have said that they will entertain questions as long as they are not specific to personal circumstances. Please send your queries to me at

• If you wish to comment on these messages and have your comments posted at please forward them to me at I am creating a new page on the web site where your unedited comments will be published.

• To purchase “One. Toward a Civilization of Light,” or other personally autographed books by Mark Kimmel, go to or order them from your favorite book seller. For those of you who have read “One,” chapter 56 is now available. Email me and I will send it to you.

• Audio recordings of my postings to this site are now available at YouTube. Enter YouTube and search for “Athabantian.” A most wonderful woman has prepared these for me; I am most grateful.

• A Spanish translation of “Trillion,” by Mark Kimmel, the First Book of the Paradigm Trilogy is available in PDF format at: Please inform your Spanish speaking friends and relatives.

• The Cosmic Paradigm Network is connecting people around the world who wish to assist the transformation of our civilization. To join, go to the index page of this site, and scroll to the bottom.

• You may contact me regarding these postings at (My email has not changed with the move.) Please be patient; I have received a large numbers of emails during this time and have been unable to respond for several weeks.

New Earth I

The messages on this site build on each other; for their full impact, read them in sequence beginning with September 2008 (archived below). They detail the situation on this planet, our place in the universe, and a positive picture for our future – if we are willing to act. I hope, by presenting them to you, that they spark your curiosity, and a decision to join with others to create a new civilization on Earth. As always I encourage you to seek your own unique truth, and live it.

This is my 66th posting to Mark’s Corner for 2009. In concert with Justine and Moraine’s message of yesterday, I am re-publishing a message that Moraine first gave to us in January of this year. As you will read, she describes, based on her experience on Supsten, what the new Earth may look like to those of us who stick around as caretakers.

Thank you, Mark, it is my pleasure to communicate once again with my brothers and sisters of Earth. For those of you who choose to stick around for the transition to a new civilization, the first thing you may notice is the absence of disease. You may already recognize that all diseases are frequencies that reveal themselves in 3rd density as viruses and other agents of disease. The dark energy and its agents generate these frequencies. We will stop this process by eliminating those who are causing these frequencies. When the dark energy and its agents, human and non, are no longer able to create and transmit new energies of disease, all on the planet, human, animal and plant, will function in uplifted ways. Earth will be happier as her residents will be healthy, no longer battling to overcome unnatural diseases.

The next thing you will notice is that your food will taste more delicious, and it will be more nutritious. You will require less of it to sustain yourselves and you will expel less of it after deriving value from it. This is because your food will be free of unwelcome ingredients, and your body will be free of bacteria that clog and debilitate your digestion. With a clean source of water, you will feel more refreshed with the simple act of consuming it. You will have less desire to add substances to water or to seek alternative drinks.

You will also feel a more comfortable environment as the temperature of the planet will have been restored to a moderate climate. This will mean fewer clothes. You will enjoy being outside just for the pure enjoyment of being outdoors. You will require less shelter, less housing, and fewer distractions from being with Earth in her natural state. This may appear to be a more simple life, and that is true, but you enjoy it as a release from the many artificial means you had previously employed to conquer your environment. Think of people who live in tropical latitudes; they are able to enjoy a much simpler lifestyle, wearing less clothing, and occupy simple houses.

Today diseases and insects accost people in the tropics. What if they were no longer present? What if their water was pure? What if they were satisfied with less food because it was more nourishing? Many of you would say that this might become boring after a while. You might ask, “What am I to do?” What if the answer was that you are to merely enjoy being? What if there was nothing that you felt that you had to do?

This is another big change: There will be no urgency to do! Please understand that this need to be occupied with doing was implanted within you by the dark energy. How did the dark energy encourage its slaves to work for it? It did so by implanting in them the need to survive. Just “being” is a normal state of humanness, not constantly doing, not scraping to survive, not clawing to the top of the heap, not operating from fear.

I lived through the transition on Supsten; it was a marvelous transformation. I am looking forward to seeing such a transformation on Earth, to assisting such to occur. My physical body is much older than yours, Mark. Part of the transformation process is that you will be given additional years of life. Plan on it. Without the debilitating effects of disease, and impure food and water, you will easily live for a very long time by your standards. Your ancestors, as referenced in your ancient writings, lived a much longer time than is common today. Aging is an artificial frequency that will no longer be at work after the transition. Your body, regardless of age, will be transformed into a vessel with minimal aging processes. So you, and others who so desire, will be able to assist the transition for a long time.

As others have told you, the humans of Earth are already in interim time. We estimate that the most difficult of times will last a few months, depending on personal circumstances. So having sources of food, water, and shelter for a few months is sufficient. We will rectify and reconstruct things quite quickly once the process is begun. We do not yet know when all will align for us to commence.

My blessing to you, Mark. As you know, we have a special relationship from lives ago. That wonderful smell you are sensing is to confirm my reality and to encourage you to continue. We know it is sometimes very lonely pursuing this path.

Thank you, Moraine. As I said yesterday, I feel much better now about volunteering to become a caretaker.

YOU MAY COPY AND DISTRIBUTE THIS MESSAGE, AS WELL AS OTHER POSTINGS TO MARK’S CORNER ( Please do so in total, preserving all notations, attributions, and announcements.

In Truth, Love and Joy,

Rev. Mark Kimmel


• MANY THANKS TO EVERYONE WHO HAS SO GENEROUSLY CONTRIBUTED TO MY EFFORTS. EACH DONATION IS MAKING MY WORK POSSIBLE. If you wish to make a donation by credit card or PayPal, use the “Donate” link on the right of this page, or send a check to PO Box 270156 Fort Collins, CO 80527

• I recommend that you save each of these postings to your computer. I have compiled books containing the 2008 postings, and posting for Q1 and Q2 of 2009. For each book, send a check or money order for $17.50 to Paradigm Books, PO Box 270156, Fort Collins, CO 80527. CD’s containing these messages are $7.50 each. These prices include postage within the U.S. For delivery outside the U.S. add $5.00 for shipping.

• Good News! The best book I have read: “And Then God Said… And Then I said… And Then He said…” is now available at

• Those who are communicating with me have said that they will entertain questions as long as they are not specific to personal circumstances. Please send your queries to me at

• If you wish to comment on these messages and have your comments posted at please forward them to me at I am creating a new page on the web site where your unedited comments will be published.

• To purchase “One. Toward a Civilization of Light,” or other personally autographed books by Mark Kimmel, go to or order them from your favorite book seller. For those of you who have read “One,” chapter 56 is now available. Email me and I will send it to you.

• Audio recordings of my postings to this site are now available at YouTube. Enter YouTube and search for “Athabantian.” A most wonderful woman has prepared these for me; I am most grateful.

• A Spanish translation of “Trillion,” by Mark Kimmel, the First Book of the Paradigm Trilogy is available in PDF format at: Please inform your Spanish speaking friends and relatives.

• The Cosmic Paradigm Network is connecting people around the world who wish to assist the transformation of our civilization. To join, go to the index page of this site, and scroll to the bottom.

• You may contact me regarding these posting
s at (My email has not changed with the move.) Please be patient; I have received a large numbers of emails during this time and have been unable to respond for several weeks.


The messages on this site build on each other; for their full impact, read them in sequence beginning with September 2008 (archived below). They detail the situation on this planet, our place in the universe, and a positive picture for our future – if we are willing to act. I hope, by presenting them to you, that they spark your curiosity, and a decision to join with others to create a new civilization on Earth. As always I encourage you to seek your own unique truth, and live it.

This is my 65th posting to Mark’s Corner for 2009. It is my pleasure to welcome back Moraine and Justine who are telling us about caretakers for the new Earth.

Greetings. We are here to talk about what it means to be a caretaker of a planet that has transitioned to the light. We recently had that experience and believe you would benefit from hearing our story.

Our planet Supsten was transitioned from the hold of the dark energy to the light several years ago, as you count time. It was a process of light coming from our brothers and sisters to help the plant raise her frequency, and to raise the frequency of those who inhabited her. The process was quite beautiful as we who were there recall. There were disruptions, but they did not last long and were not as severe as some had feared. We felt that we were conveyed in a gentle embrace to the higher frequencies.

We must add that the situation on our planet was somewhat different than on Earth. Here the dark energy and its agents are much more entrenched than they were on Supsten. For that reason the transition will be more difficult, will take longer, and more of your space brothers and sisters will be involved. Also the majority of your population remains asleep to events swirling about them. We are sad to see this situation but that is the reality of it.

Back to Supsten and our transition. We were asked who wished to be a caretaker of the ascended planet. Each person, in some way, was given this information: Do you wish to remain on Supsten for an extended lifetime? Do you wish to assist others of this planet, the animals, and the planet to ascend? Will you commit to being a caretaker? (Nothing was spelled out in precise terms – because we would not have understood it anyway.)

We will not go into the exact process of transformation, particularly as it may not be the same here on Earth. However we will describe the end product: Our physical bodies became younger. Aging halted and we assumed the physical envelope of young people. This was done without reverting to death or reincarnation, without “walking in” to younger bodies. Our bodies were simply transformed into younger versions of our existing forms.

We retained our memories of all that had transpired in our lifetime. Everything we considered good, or not so good, all decisions, all experiences, and all lessons were remembered, in most cases more vividly. We arrived at a place where we had our memories and mental facilities intact, our personalities were retained, but we were in younger, more physically attractive bodies. The younger bodies resembled ours at a younger age, but were more beautiful and healthy. When you meet us, you will understand what we mean. The glimpses we show to you now are of our new bodies.

So the question for the readers of this message is the following, “If you knew that you would be provided with a young, healthy body, and could retain your memories and mental facilities, would you agree to be a caretaker of the new Earth? Are you willing to stick around for another 50 to 100 years?”

Every human living on Earth is enslaved, whether they admit it or not. The very density of Earth enslaves humans. By refusing to admit your enslavement, you are giving power to what enslaves you, for if it can enslave you without you knowing it, it has accomplished his highest objective.

The process of raising a human from enslavement can be compared to plucking a slave, who has known only miserable slavery, from a primitive internment camp in an isolated territory of your planet and placing him or her into your modern society. Yes, he or she will recognize other humans as similar. Yes there is still food and water, but like everything else it will be new and strange. So it is with moving a human of Earth to a higher density.

Ordinarily this process is accomplished through the death and rebirth process. Every human of Earth has experienced many reincarnations, on this planet and others of a higher density. In the reincarnation process, lighter density is experienced after death and ascending to Nirvana. The lower density envelops one when he or she is born on Earth. Those who are walk-ins experience this same level of disorientation due to the lower density of their new physical bodies.

The process of increasing one from the lower density of Earth to the lighter density, in which we who are your brothers and sisters exist, requires special processes. It is not easy for a human of Earth to raise their frequency to match that of ours. It is a process that employs several techniques. There is no magic button that can be pushed and, magically, you are now functioning at a higher frequency. The institute we are creating will offer such to those who would be caretakers of the new Earth, as well as other training.

When your frequency is stepped up sufficiently, we will be able to interact with you as you now interact with friends and family there on Earth. That is the process that was used on Supsten when we were removed from the influence of the dark energy. The frequency of those of us who had volunteered to stick around was raised. It was quite a lovely and joyous process, not an arduous task. It involves light, sound, intention, and creation. We are Justine and Moraine. We are here to assist you in raising your frequencies.

Thank you, Moraine and Justine. I feel much better now about volunteering to become a caretaker.

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In Truth, Love and Joy,

Rev. Mark Kimmel


• MANY THANKS TO EVERYONE WHO HAS SO GENEROUSLY CONTRIBUTED TO MY EFFORTS. EACH DONATION IS MAKING MY WORK POSSIBLE. If you wish to make a donation by credit card or PayPal, use the “Donate” link on the right of this page, or send a check to PO Box 270156 Fort Collins, CO 80527

• I recommend that you save each of these postings to your computer. I have compiled books containing the 2008 postings, and posting for Q1 and Q2 of 2009. For each book, send a check or money order for $17.50 to Paradigm Books, PO Box 270156, Fort Collins, CO 80527. CD’s containing these messages are $7.50 each. These prices include postage within the U.S. For delivery outside the U.S. add $5.00 for shipping.

• Good News! The best book I have read: “And Then God Said… And Then I said… And Then He said…” is now available at

• Those who are communicating with me have said that they will entertain questions as long as they are not specific to personal circumstances. Please send your queries to me at

• If you wish to comment on these messages and have your comments posted at please forward them to me at I am creating a new page on the web site where your unedited comments will be published.

• To purchase “One. Toward a Civilization of Light,” or other personally autographed books by Mark Kimmel, go to or order them from your favorite book seller. For those of you who have read “One,” chapter 56 is now available. Email me and I will send it to you.

• Audio recordings of my postings to th
is site are now available at YouTube. Enter YouTube and search for “Athabantian.” A most wonderful woman has prepared these for me; I am most grateful.

• A Spanish translation of “Trillion,” by Mark Kimmel, the First Book of the Paradigm Trilogy is available in PDF format at: Please inform your Spanish speaking friends and relatives.

• The Cosmic Paradigm Network is connecting people around the world who wish to assist the transformation of our civilization. To join, go to the index page of this site, and scroll to the bottom.

• You may contact me regarding these postings at (My email has not changed with the move.) Please be patient; I have received a large numbers of emails during this time and have been unable to respond for several weeks.